Common vs. All Properties

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Common vs. All Properties

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This chapter describes how the Properties Palette presents the Properties and data when selecting multiple objects.

If you select multiple objects of the same class, Properties with different values show "*VARIES*". If you overwrite this (assuming it's not Read-Only), then all object get this value.

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But now we look at the Properties of two objects from different classes. First a filter where we see under Tech. Data the 4 Properties with their Display Names TechData 01 - techData 04.

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When we select a Pump we see different Display Names.

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Now the Group Tech. Data and the 4 Properties are gone, because the Display Names differ between the two classes.

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From the Selection List at the top you see the classes used by the selection. If you select for example the Pump...

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... you see the technical data again. Of course, now you would edit only the Pump's data.

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Let's switch back to All objects.

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And the technical data are gone again.

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In the top right hand corner you will find a toggle button to switch over to Show all Properties.

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Now you see the different Display Names. With "Show all Properties" you will simply see all Properties even if they have either different Display Names or if a Property exists only in one of the selected classes.

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You can toggle back to Show only common Properties.

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Next Chapter: Copy & Paste