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This chapter describes the various options of the Settings dialog.

PL Settings

Link Updates

Allow update loops

Since PlantLink is used for improving dataflow / data propagation it is sometimes necessary to update the links multiple times. We call that loops. If you have cases where loops are required you have to enable that feature. You can also set the number of loops between one and 100.

Save drawings before update links

This checkbox should be checked if you use properties for linked fields and these properties are themselves acquired from other properties. Typically when having a setup which you use loops you must save the drawing between the loops in order to have data being propagated from symbol to symbol (loop).

Do not show dialog when reaching maximum number of loops

This suppresses the dialog informing the user, that the maximum number of loops has been reached.

SQL Scripting

Run SQL Scripts when loading project

This option allows you to let PlantDataManager or PlantReporter run SQL Scripts when the project is loaded. Please check Execute SQL Scripts on Project Load for details.

Drawing Properties Update

Automatically close all new loaded drawings when updating

When using a link configuration which updates drawing properties, enabling this checkbox makes sure, that the drawings which were opened during the drawing update will be closed again. Otherwise the drawings will stay open.

Zoom all new loaded drawings to extents

If you enable this option, the drawings will be zoomed to extents after a link configuration which updates the drawing properties.