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This chapter lists the workflows and how the files of the List function are handled in a Collaboration (BIM360 / Autodesk Construction Cloud) environment.
Configurations Files of the List function
These are the files used by the List function 1.LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml 2.*.lgdcf files 3.Related Files 4.Files in Project Manager |
Opening/Downloading an existing Collaboration project
This is handled if the project doesn't exist in the work folder yet and everything needs to be downloaded from scratch. 1.LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml => DOWNLOADED 2.*.lgdcf files => DOWNLOADED 3.Related files => DOWNLOADED |
Sharing an existing project (which is already setup for Calculation) to ACC
When sharing a project with List Configuration files the following files are handled: 1.LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml => CHECKED IN 2.*.lgdcf files => CHECKED IN 3.Related files => CHECKED IN |
If you open the Main Dialog of List function the following files are handled: 1.LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml => CHECKED OUT |
If you close the Main Dialog of List function the following files are handled: 1.LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml => CHECKED IN |
If you delete a List Configuration the following files are handled: 1.*.lgdcf file => DELETED |
Creating a new List Configuration
If you add a new List Configuration the following files are handled: 1.*.lgdcf file => CHECKED IN 2.Related files => CHECKED IN |
Editing an existing List Configuration
If you edit a List Configuration the following files are handled: 1.*.lgdcf file => CHECKED OUT |
If you edit a List Configuration the following files are handled: 1.*.lgdcf file => CHECKED IN |
If you import a List Configuration the following files are handled: This is how you do this: 1.*.lgdcf => Copied to the project => CHECKED IN |
Edit a List Configuration without using Wizard
Sometimes it is more convenient to adapt the configuration directly in the *.lgdcf file without using the Wizard. This is how you do this: 1. Open your collaboration project in AutoCAD Plant 3D 2. Open the List function Main Dialog 3. Select the configuration you want to modify 4. Click on the Edit button to open the Wizard 5. Click on Cancel to close the Wizard 6. Open the *.lgdcf file under [PROJECTFOLDER]\ACPlantTools\PlantExpressTools\ListConfigurations in a text editor 7. Make your modifications in the file and save and close it 8. Click on Refresh in the Main Dialog 9. Close the Main Dialog |