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Systems Requirements
•Windows XP - Windows 10
Version (15.02.2022)
- New: Global Language Setting for all PlantTools PT-1417
The language of PlantTools can be set globally now. In the Plugins (PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager Plugin, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven, PlantSync) you can select AutoCAD, English, or German. AutoCAD tells the PlantTools to use the AutoCAD language. If you change the setting, the PlantTools Plugins will change the language of the user interfaces and ribbons instantly. If you select English or German in the Plugins, the Desktop Apps (PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter, MigrationTools and PlantProjectCreate will use this language. If you select a language in one of the Desktop App Settings, all Desktop Apps will use this language and not the AutoCAD language.
- Bug fix: URLs to Online Documentation are pointing to the wrong location PT-1460
In some PlantTools the URL to the online documentation pointed to the old location. |
Version (10.02.2021)
- Bug fix: Error while migrating PlantTools databases, because some columns were wrongly identified as Unique PT-934
When migrating a project the MigrationTool created unique indexes where none were defined in the SQLite table.
- Bug fix: MigrationTool doesn't show PlantTools databases if the project uses UNC paths PT-782
When migrating a project which uses UNC paths the MigrationTool didn't show any SQLite database to migrate.
- Bug fix: MigrationTool created empty SQLite databases in case they don't exist PT-781
The MigrationTool showed all PlantTools databases even if they didn't exist. The once which didn't exist were created with size 0 as an SQLite database.
Version (09.10.2020)
- Change: Replacing standard Windows Message boxes with our own dialogs PT-770
We started to put more information in our Message Boxes to give you more background details to reduce support questions or the need to look into the online documentation. Also, all dialog boxes have a number which helps with support.
- Change: Implemented F1 to open our own browser PT-753
When using F1 in PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter, MigrationTool, PlantCenter or any button in the PlantTools or PlantExpressTools ribbon we open our own browser window.
- Bug fix: MigrationTool was using an old SQLite dll version PT-755
When selecting a migrated P3D project with the MigrationTool.exe I got the following error: