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Systems Requirements
•Windows XP - Windows 11
•AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2019-2024
Version was the last version of PlantCenter.
Version (26.04.2024)
- New: Disregard unsupported AutoCAD Versions PT-3467
When retrieving information from the registry about the installed version we disregard ACAD versions which the installed PT don’t support. E.g. a customer has 2025 installed, but the installed PTs support only 2019-2024. |
Version (04.08.2023)
- Bug fix: Update needed because of old digital certificate was used Details
We forgot to update the new digital certificate in the Setup.exe and Update.exe. This is necessary to let Windows and AutoCAD know, that our files are trustworthy. |
Version (03.08.2023)
- Change: Because of compatibility reasons, PlantCenter must be updated as well Details
PlantTools use common code which sometimes make it necessary to update all PlantTools at once even if there are no changes to a specific PlantTool. |
Version (07.06.2023)
- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024 PT-2112
PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024. PlantTools support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019 - 2024 now. |
- New: Automatically reload project if PlantCenter wants to restart after choosing a different AutoCAD version PT-2284
If PlantCenter restarts because of a change of the AutoCAD version setting, a previously loaded project will be reloaded. |
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 22.2.5 for all PlantTools PT-2121
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 22.2.5 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: Log file isn't written in the correct path PT-2141
The Log files are written into the %programdata%\ACPlant Consult\PlantTools\Log folder. Existing log files will be moved from the old folder to the new folder. For convenience there is a folder junction in the old location %appdata%\ACPlant Consult\PlantTools\Log
- Bug fix: Opening projects < version 2018 ends in endless loop of restarts PT-1755
When opening a project with Plant 3D version 2018 or older, PlantCenter set the appropriate version (e.g. 2017 and restarts). After it then automatically opens the project again you get the same message again. This is an endless cycle. Now the user gets the info to first migrate the project.
- Bug fix: Error when trying to open PlantReporter through PlantCenter PT-2266
An error appeared when trying to start PlantReporter through PlantCenter and PlantReporter didn't start.
Version (07.04.2023)
- New: Common PlantTools settings (Language, DevExpress Skin, Update Check, Proxy Setings) are moved to PlantProjectSetup PT-289
As part of the strategy to move all PlantTools settings into PlantProjectSetup, we started moving the common settings Language, DevExpress Skin, Update Check, and Proxy Settings into PlantProjectSetup and make it accessible through all Desktop PlantTools (PC, PDM, PR) and Plugins (PCD, PDM Plugin, PET, PL, PS, PSD). Details can be found under: PlantProjectSetup |
- New: New Update Installer PT-867
As part of the move of the common PlantTools settings (Language, DevExpress Skin, Proxy Settings) we also updated the Update Installer. Details can be found under: Update Installer |
- Bug fix: PlantTools don't work with French Plant 3D because the AutoCAD language code wasn't supported PT-2156
The AutoCAD language code for French Plant 3D wasn't supported in PlantTools. This effected all PlantTools. |
- Bug fix: Fixed path to DevX dlls in PlantToolsCommon project PT-1917
Some files had a wrong path to the Development Express DLLs in the PlantToolsCommon project, which potentially could could error for some controls. However, that apparently never became an issue. |
Version (26.08.2022)
- New: New Update Installer PT-1714
To avoid issues with different build versions of PlantTools, we now force users to update all installed PlantTools to avoid any issues with shared files between PlantTools. After installing one PlantTool and not updating others you will see the following dialog which allows you to individually download PlantTools or to download all available updates at once (green arrow). The updates will be downloaded and stored in the download folder. After closing the desktop PlantTools (PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter) or closing Plant 3D the downloaded updates will be installed automatically. |
- Bug fix: Duplicate project folder names in MRU (most recently used) list causes an error PT-1753
In cases were a project name appeared multiple times, there could be an issue when opening a project, because the correct path to the selected project couldn't be identified.
Version (19.04.2022)
- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 PT-1571
PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023. PlantTools support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2018 - 2023 now. |
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 21.2.6 for all PlantTools PT-1580
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 21.2.6 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: Remove ACPAssetOwnership table PT-1554
The ACPAssetOwnership table in the ProcessPower.dcf (P&ID Database) isn't needed anymore and therefore will be removed. The relationships stored in that table between Placed Objects and Not-Placed Objects used in PlantSpecDriven as already stored |
Version (15.02.2022)
- New: Show info dialog if installed PlantTools doesn't have required minimum version PT-1441
With version 5.0 all PlantTools will be updated to that version. Because of shared resources and code is mandatory that all PlantTools on a machine are updated. If this is not the case the following dialog will appear and lists all the installed PlantTools on a machine and which ones require an update. The PlantTools with the red arrow require an update. The dialog will appear until all PlantTools are updated to the required version.
- New: Global Language Setting for all PlantTools PT-1417
The language of PlantTools can be set globally now. In the Plugins (PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager Plugin, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven, PlantSync) you can select AutoCAD, English, or German. AutoCAD tells the PlantTools to use the AutoCAD language. If you change the setting, the PlantTools Plugins will change the language of the user interfaces and ribbons instantly. If you select English or German in the Plugins, the Desktop Apps (PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter, MigrationTools and PlantProjectCreate will use this language. If you select a language in one of the Desktop App Settings, all Desktop Apps will use this language and not the AutoCAD language.
Version (24.04.2021)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2022 PT-1022
We now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022. The new "Project Compare" is included in PlantProjectManager also. |
- New: auxaliaLicenseManager automatically runs "Check for Updates..." PT-160
PlantTools trigger the "Update License" check of the network license in auxaliaLicenseServer service on your server. auxaliaLicenseServer is checking the license every 15 min to ensure, that your license information (e.g. number of license, expiration dates) are updated automatically without your need for involvement. There is no need to keep the auxaliaLicenseManager open. If a PlantTools is started and it finds an older CADSTUDIOLicenseManager or auxaliaLicenseManager installed on the server, the following dialog shows up. You can decide when you want to be reminded again. The maximum is 2 weeks. After that, you will have a maximum of another week, then another 4 days and so on. That gives you a grace period of 4 weeks till auxaliaLicenseManager must be updated. If you don't do this, you will be reminded every time the PlantTools is asking for a license. |
- New: Introducing DevExpress styles to change main UI for example to dark mode PT-493
After PlantDataManager and PlantReporter we added the DevExpress styles for PlantCenter's main UI in the settings.
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 20.2.6 PT-1038
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 20.2.6 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: No support for AutoCAD P&ID 2016/2017 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016/2017 PT-1030
We discontinue the support for AutoCAD P&ID 2016/2017 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016/2017. Typically we only removed only one version when adding the newest AutoCAD Plant 3D version, but since hardly any customer is using AutoCAD P&ID 2017 or AutoCAD Plant 3D 2017 anymore we decided to cut off the two oldest versions. Another argument was, that there is no migration needed between 2018 and 2022 which makes it more convenient for customers t use those newer versions. |
- Change:Changed Trial Period from 30 to 14 days PT-975
PlantTools will run run 14 days in trial period before they stop working.
- Change: More informative licensing dialogs Details
Several dialogs informing about anything related to licensing (expiration dates, rental dates, issues with activation and more) have been improved to make it clearer what the dialog is all about. |
- Change: Replacing standard Windows Message boxes with our own dialogs PT-741
We started to put more information in our Message Boxes to give you more background details to reduce support questions or the need to look into the online documentation. Also, all dialog boxes have a number which helps with support.
- Change: Implemented F1 to open our own browser Details
When using F1 in PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter, MigrationTool, PlantCenter or any button in the PlantTools or PlantExpressTools ribbon we open our own browser window.
- Bug fix: Registry access error (Dialog #00084) after installing PC, PDM, PR and unsuccessful activation in PCD, PL, PS, PSD PT-1295
When installing PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter on a PC a a dialog informed the user about denied access when starting the PlantTools from the Desktop. PlantClashDetection, PlantLink, PlantSync, PlantSpecDriven had to be activated everytime Plant 3D was started, because the registration information couldn't be written either. This happened only when installing the PlantTool for the first time or after uninstalling previous installations. desktop shortcut.
Version (06.08.2020)
- Change: The BIM icons is shown when opening a project from the local BIM work folder PT-709
When selecting local BIM project (currently BIM projects cannot be opened directly from BIM 360), we show the BIM icon infront of the project name to indicate that it is a BIM project.
Version 3.0 (23.04.2020)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2021
Version 2.1.2 (07.04.2020)
- Change: Internal Cleanup - Reduction of dlls
Version 2.1.1 (28.10.2019)
- Change: New program icons and ribbon images
Version 2.1 (18.07.2019)
- Bug fix: Added dependency: "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" when installing the PlantTool
Version 2.0 (17.05.2019)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020
- New: Auto-Restart PC when project version doesn't match the version setting in PC
Version 1.25 (02.05.2018)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2019
Version 1.24 (01.06.2017)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2018
Version 1.23 (11.06.2016)
- New: Borrowing of network licenses
- Bug fix: Automatically install "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" package during setup/update in case is not installed. The package is needed in case no AutoCAD P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 is installed.
Version 1.22 (11.04.2016)
- Change: Autodesk changed API between Beta and Final release of AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 which caused errors
Version 1.21 (07.04.2016)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 64Bit
- Change: The drawings are shown with their DWG file name
Version 1.20 (08.07.2015)
- Bug fix: Update needed due to a new PnPDataObjects.dll in SP1 for AutoCAD® P&ID 2016 and AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2016
Version 1.19 (11.05.2015)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2016
Version 1.18 (19.01.2015)
- Change: PlantTool is ready for Autodesk Exchange Apps. The PlantTools icons will be found under "Plugins"
Version 1.17 (08.07.2014)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2015
- Change: Moved app to 64 Bit
- Change: No support for Autodesk Design Review anymore, because it's a 32 bit app
Version 1.16 (06.03.2014)
- New: PlantTools are available as rental versions
Version 1.15 (19.05.2013)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2014
- New: Support of SQL Server Authentication
Version 1.14 (30.05.2012)
- Change: Icons and Logo
Version 1.13 (29.04.2012)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2013
- New: Update to NET 4.0
Version 1.12 (26.09.2011)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2012
- Change: Changing side menus to classic pulldown menus
Version 1.11 (06.04.2011)
- Change: The test phase was changed from 100 attemps to 30 days trial period
- New: The expiration date will be shown in the info box and a message box 14 days prior to the expiration date will be shown.
Version 1.10 (23.01.2011)
- New: Update to NET 3.5
- New: Switch to online documentation
Version 1.9 (24.05.2010)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2011
Version 1.8 (21.04.2010)
- Change: Outbound port for activation requests changed from 19800 to 80
Version 1.7 (18.02.2010)
- New: Proxy server support
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D
Version 1.6 (31.01.2010)
- New: Enhancements of download process
- Bug fix: Ribbon wasn't opened when starting AutoCAD® P&ID from PlantCenter
- New: Central documentation for all PlantTools
Version 1.5 (06.09.2009)
- New: Network licensing
Version 1.4 (11.06.2009)
- Bug fix: Workaround cause by an error within Autodesk Design Review 2010. Onyl model space will be converted.
Version 1.3 (09.05.2009)
- New: Added support for AutoCAD® P&ID 2010.
Version 1.2 (28.02.2009)
- Bug fix: changed OPEN command to _.OPEN when open a drawing.
- Bug fix: AutoCAD® P&ID was not detected on 64 bit Windows.
- Bug fix: Project folder structure was not correct in some cases.
- New: The last main window size and position will be saved and used for the next start.
Version 1.1 (23.02.2009)
- Supports the German Preversion.
Version 1.0 (21.02.2009)
- First Version to sell.
- "None" option for selecting a viewer in the setting.