Disconnecting in Drawing

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Disconnecting in Drawing

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The chapter describes a very unique use case when disconnecting OPCs with the drawing being open and using acquisition.

So far, we couldn't find out why this is so special where every other use case works.

Project Setup

We use the same example with acquisitions from Handling of Acquisition Rules. In addition, we adapted the annotations for the Pipe Line Segment and Hand Valves class to show the 'Area' property.

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When we disconnect while the drawing is open...

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...we see, that all acquired properties show again 20 for the Pipe Line Group, Pipe Line Segment, and Hand Valve, but the annotation for the Hand Valve shows still 10.

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For this particular use case we have a checkbox in the 'General' settings for the OPC Manager. Enable it to make sure, the issue is resolved.

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If we repeat this example again and disconnect we now see the correct value in the annotation.

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Next Chapter: Handling of Calculations