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Systems Requirements
•Windows XP - Windows 11
•AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020 - 2025
Version (28.02.2025)
- Bug fix: Texts for Proxy Settings aren't changed right away when switching the language setting PT-4103
When switching the language, the labels for the proxy settings are not updated, but all other labels.
- Bug fix: Values for Linked Fields are displayed twice in the External Database Viewer PT-4444
The linked fields in the External data viewer appears twice in the grid.
- Bug fix: External data viewer not triggered when multiple database matches exist PT-4571
If there were multiple options available for a link configuration, then an error appeared in the command line and the External data viewer didn't open.
- Bug fix: Import values button deactivated when using Advanced Conditions PT-4611
When using advanced conditions for the link configuration the Import values button wasn't enabled. However, it was still possible to double-click on a row to import its data.
Version (15.11.2024)
- New: Support of Multi Lines for Line Segments PT-4310
PlantLink can now also handle Multi Lines for Line Segments. However, MLINEs work differently in AutoCAD and therefore PlantLink has to handle the use of MLINEs differently, then regular Polylines. |
- New: Creating Layer and setting Layer Properties PT-4328
PlantLink can now also create Layers and set their properties like color or line type. |
- New: Updated button toolbar in main dialogs PT-4345
The main user interfaces of PlantLink and the PlantExpressTools Calculation function showed a light background color when AutoCAD was set to Dark Theme.
- Bug fix: When multiple components are in the pipeline, only the first triggers the External Data Viewer PT-4357
If there are multiple objects in a line segment then only the first object triggers the External Data Viewer, but the other object will not be considered.
- Bug fix: Override Acquisition Mode is not saved in .lcf files PT-4358
When enabling Override Acquisition Mode the state is not saved in the lcf file.
- Bug fix: Error Occurs When Closing Project via PlantProjectManager PT-4363
When using Close Project in PlantProjectManager an error occurred. This is actually a PlantLink bug triggered by PlantExpressTools' PlantProjectManager.
Version (28.08.2024)
- New: Update to Plant 3D 2025 and DevExpress 23.2.6 PT-3326
PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2025. PlantTools support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2020 - 2025 now. Updated DevExpress controls and tools to version 23.2.6 in all PlantTools. |
- New: New UI for link configuration dialog in PlantLink and PlantDataManagerPT-4190
PlantLink and PlantDataManager have a more modern user interface for the link configurations.
- Bug fix: Clicking on Refresh Button after adding or importing a new Link Configuration will delete the *.lcf PT-3169
When creating or importing link configurations and then click the Refresh button cause the link configuration files to be deleted. |
- Bug fix: PlantLink doesn't check out DWGs when updating drawing links in a project for a Collaboration project PT-4171
When updating drawing links in the project, then the DWGs weren't checked out and therefore the drawing properties couldn't be updated. |
- Bug fix: No check when renaming a link configuration to an existing link configuration name while typing PT-4173
There was no check when renaming a link configuration and you typed in a link configuration name of an existing link configuration. Which then just overwrote the other file. |
- Bug fix: Renaming a link configuration will only copy the lcf file, but not registering the new file and removing the old one PT-4174
Renaming a link configuration file only copied the old link configuration name, but did not add the link configuration file to the LinkConfiguration.Collection.xml and didn't add the new link configuration name, before removing the old link configuration file. |
- Bug fix: References files used by a Link Configuration (also in PlantDataManager) must appear under Related Files if they are located there PT-4183
When having referenced files used by a link configuration and these referenced files were stored in the Related Files folder, then these referenced files appeared under Related Files\ACPlantTools\Related Files\[FILENAME]. This is not only irritating, but prevents sharing such a project with ACC. Now the referenced files will appear directly under Related Files in Project Manager or PlantProjectManager.
- Bug fix: Selecting an external table column without an alias shows an error when using extended link PT-4188
When creating a link configuration using the Extended option, then leaving the Alias column blank cause an error message. |
- Bug fix: Editing a link configuration directly after importing will remove the link configuration after closing the Wizard PT-4189
When editing the link configuration directly after it was imported removed the link configuration file after closing the Wizard at the end of the editing. |
- Bug fix: PlantLink downloads but doesn't open DWGs when updating links in a project in a Collaboration project PT-4202
When updating all links in a project in a Collaboration project, the DWGs were downloaded, but not opened. |
- Bug fix: PlantLink doesn't open DWGs when updating links in a project in a Collaboration project PT-4203
When updating all links in a project in a Collaboration project, the DWGs were not opened even if they are already available in the work folder. |
- Bug fix: Error when closing PL dialog PT-4232
After enabling/disabling in PlantLink dialog an error appears after closing the dialog. |
- Bug fix: PlantLink used the absolute path to open drawings when updating links in project PT-4249
PlantLink used the absolute path stored in the PnPDrawings table instead of constructing the path from the project folder + the relative path. Remark: The absolute path stored in the PnPDrawings table will be set when creating/adding a file to Project Manager, but this path will never be updated. When you move the project to a different location, the absolute path will become invalid. Plant 3D itself will not use the absolute path. It will only be set when adding a file to Project Manager. |
- Bug fix: Drawings will be opened read-only if they exist already in the project when using Collaboration projects PT-4250
When using Update Links in drawing in a Collaboration project, the drawings were opened read-only when PlantLink tried to zoom onto an object if the Data Viewer was needed.. |
Version (26.04.2024)
- New: Disregard unsupported AutoCAD Versions PT-3467
When retrieving information from the registry about the installed version we disregard ACAD versions which the installed PT don’t support. E.g. a customer has 2025 installed, but the installed PTs support only 2019-2024. |
Version (01.12.2023)
- New: Improved text information in Progress Panels when downloading, checking out/in, or removing PlantTool files PT-2486
if PlantTools download/check out, check in, or remove one of its configuration files we now show a progress panel with the file name and path to see which file is handled.
- New: Warning dialog when using PlantTools with Collaboration projects with AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022 or lower PT-2573
PlantTools for Collaboration projects are available only for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 or higher. This is due to the fact, that the API PlantTools rely on were improved in 2023. Some functions may still work, but it is not supported. Make sure you install Plant 3D 2023 or higher.
- New: Validate external column name while loading/initializing extended link PT-2707
When opening a project with link configurations we check the following: 1.Ignore external columns if it contains spaces and Plant 3D prior 2024 is used. 2.Ignore external columns start with SQL keywords. In those cases the columns will be ignored but not removed from the link configuration. |
- New: Links are not active right away when opening a project PT-2708
When creating new link configurations with the Wizard of PlantLink we check the following: 1.Ignore external columns if it contains spaces and Plant 3D prior 2024 is used. 2.Ignore external columns start with SQL keywords. In those cases the columns will be ignored but not removed from the link configuration. |
- New: Do not Check In/Out/Download PlantTools files when using Vault projects PT-2749
With PlantTools version (first support for Plant 3D 2023) we linked the PlantTools files (located under [PROJECT]\ACPlantTools) into the MISC.dcf database so the PlantTools files appear under the Related Files folder in Project Manager. However, this cause a problem with Vault projects when we started to check in/out/download the PlantTools files for Collaboration projects in later versions. Now the PlantTools files are still linked into the MISC.dcf, but they are not checked in/out/downloaded anymore if current project is using Vault. You can now just copy PlantTools files from another project or template project into your Vault project and open the project in Plant 3D again. Alternatively, you can follow the Workflow with Vault and PlantTools. |
- Bug fix: Links are not active right away when opening a project PT-2683
When opening a project with link configurations, then the links weren't activate right away after opening the project. Only when you opened the PlantLink Main Dialog and close it again were the link configurations active. |
- Bug fix: Function to remove duplicate ACPlantTools folder from MISC database PT-2461
When creating a new project using the Project Manager function, then Plant 3D will create a second ACPlantTools folder. We provide a function which removes the unneeded ACPlantTools folder. Use the following command: AQAPTRemoveDuplicateACPlantToolsFolder |
Version (04.08.2023)
- Bug fix: Update needed because of old digital certificate was used Details
We forgot to update the new digital certificate in the Setup.exe and Update.exe. This is necessary to let Windows and AutoCAD know, that our files are trustworthy. |
Version (03.08.2023)
- New: Implementing a File and Folder Watcher for PlantTools configuration files to check which PlantTools files must still be downloaded for Collaboration projects PT-2411
For Collaboration projects we need to know which PlantTools settings files still need to be downloaded in case they don't yet exist locally. |
- New: Added File and Folder watcher to invalidate cached settings when settings files are changing PT-2423
We watch PlantTools folder and configuration files in order to recognize changes (made by another user) in those folders and files. If files change, we need to invalidate the cached PlantTools settings in the Plant 3D session to ensure, the PlantTools use the latest settings. |
- New: Adding Import button to add lcf files to the LinkConfiguration.Collection.xml PT-2433
To add an existing configuration file you can now use the Import button. This will will then be copied into the appropriate PlantTools folder, will be added to the collection file and if it is a Collaboration project, the configuration will also be checked in.
- Change: Refresh button to remove lcf files not listed in LinkConfiguration.Collection.xml PT-2425
When using the Refresh button we check if all configuration files are also listed in the Collection file and if not, we added the missing configuration files. Now the configuration files which are not in the Collection file will be deleted. In case you want to add a existing configuration file you can now use the Import button.
- Bug fix: LinkConfiguration.Collection.xml is saved unnecessarily when closing PlantLink main dialog PT-2442
The LinkConfiguration.Collection.xml was saved even if no changes were made (added or removed PlantLink Configurations). |
Version (07.06.2023)
- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024 PT-2112
PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024. PlantTools support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019 - 2024 now. |
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 22.2.5 for all PlantTools PT-2121
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 22.2.5 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: Log file isn't written in the correct path PT-2141
The Log files are written into the %programdata%\ACPlant Consult\PlantTools\Log folder. Existing log files will be moved from the old folder to the new folder. For convenience there is a folder junction in the old location %appdata%\ACPlant Consult\PlantTools\Log
- Bug fix: Error when selecting a row from the 'PlantLink - External Data Viewer' PT-2380
When using the External data viewer of PlantLink an error appeared when the dialog gets closed. This happens if the PlantExpressTools PropertiesPalette is open.
Version (07.04.2023)
- New: PlantLink adapted for Collaboration Projects PT-1827
Full integration of PlantLink and its configuration files for Collaboration projects. |
- New: Common PlantTools settings (Language, DevExpress Skin, Update Check, Proxy Setings) are moved to PlantProjectSetup PT-289
As part of the strategy to move all PlantTools settings into PlantProjectSetup, we started moving the common settings Language, DevExpress Skin, Update Check, and Proxy Settings into PlantProjectSetup and make it accessible through all Desktop PlantTools (PC, PDM, PR) and Plugins (PCD, PDM Plugin, PET, PL, PS, PSD). Details can be found under: PlantProjectSetup |
- New: New Update Installer PT-867
As part of the move of the common PlantTools settings (Language, DevExpress Skin, Proxy Settings) we also updated the Update Installer. Details can be found under: Update Installer |
- Bug fix: PlantTools AutoCAD Ribbon descriptions follow current language PT-2226
Making sure, that the PlantTools ribbons in AutoCAD Plant 3D use the current language. |
- Bug fix: PlantTools don't work with French Plant 3D because the AutoCAD language code wasn't supported PT-2156
The AutoCAD language code for French Plant 3D wasn't supported in PlantTools. This effected all PlantTools. |
- Bug fix: SymbolsPaletteCustomClasses.xml is create falsely by every PlantTool and not just PlantexpressTools PT-2205
The SymbolsPaletteCustomClasses.xml which is used for the PlantExpressTools SymbolsPalette was created by every PlantTool Plugin (PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager. PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven, PlantSync) and not just be PlantExpressTools. |
Version (02.01.2023)
- New: Allow editing the Link Configuration name in the Wizard of PlantLink and PlantDataManager PT-1944
Link Configuration names can be edited/changed in the Wizard itself.
Version (21.11.2022)
- New: Added execution of SQL Scripts when loading a project PT-1641
Allow the execution of SQL Scripts when a project is loaded. This helps with the creation of views often used for PlantLink. And avoids the manual execution of SQL Scripts when a project has just been created. It is also important when using Collaboration projects, because the views used by PlantLink do not exit when the project is first downloaded to the local work folder. Details under: Execute SQL Scripts on Project Load |
- Bug fix: Fixed path to DevX dlls in PlantToolsCommon project PT-1917
Some files had a wrong path to the Development Express DLLs in the PlantToolsCommon project, which potentially could could error for some controls. However, that apparently never became an issue. |
- Bug fix: PlantLink let Plant 3D crashes when substituting a Line Segment if the data source has no suitable record anymore PT-1833
When substituting a line segment it may trigger PlantLink to assign new data to the line segment. However, if the line segment isn't fully visible in the drawing area, Plant 3D crashes, because PlantLink tries to high light and zoom on the line segment and this sometimes fails. |
- Bug fix: Extended Links aren't showing as Active in PlantLink's main dialog and PlantDataManager's Link Configuration dialog, and don't work PT-1936
When creating an extended links it didn't show active in the main form.
- Bug fix: Empty rows in drop down list when using mapping of AutoCAD Properties in PlantLink wizard PT-1938
Unneeded rows were left over from the removal of previous available options.
- Bug fix: Layer name isn't evaluated anymore PT-1939
When using expressions like below, then the expression which was to be used to calculate the layer name didn't work anymore.
Version (26.08.2022)
- New: New Update Installer PT-1714
To avoid issues with different build versions of PlantTools, we now force users to update all installed PlantTools to avoid any issues with shared files between PlantTools. After installing one PlantTool and not updating others you will see the following dialog which allows you to individually download PlantTools or to download all available updates at once (green arrow). The updates will be downloaded and stored in the download folder. After closing the desktop PlantTools (PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter) or closing Plant 3D the downloaded updates will be installed automatically. |
- Bug fix: Error (Dialog #00487) when opening a project with no MISC database PT-1675
When opening a project where the MISC database doesn't exist you get an error. This applies typically to old projects where the MISC database didn't exists from project creation on. Only when you added files or folders under 'Related Files' was the MISC database created. The Plugins like PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven and PlantSync will create the file on project load. PlantDataManager and PlantReporter show the following dialog as an info. The project will be loaded anyway. If you extend the dialog you get information on how to create the MISC database.
Version (19.04.2022)
- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 PT-1571
PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023. PlantTools support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2018 - 2023 now. |
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 21.2.6 for all PlantTools PT-1580
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 21.2.6 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: Remove ACPAssetOwnership table PT-1554
The ACPAssetOwnership table in the ProcessPower.dcf (P&ID Database) isn't needed anymore and therefore will be removed. The relationships stored in that table between Placed Objects and Not-Placed Objects used in PlantSpecDriven as already stored |
- Bug fix: Relative URIs in other applications caused an FATAL ERROR PT-1563
For example, Raster-Design uses relative URIs for the ribbons which caused a FATAL ERROR when hovering over a button in the Raster-Design ribbon. |
Version (10.03.2022)
- Bug fix: Migration fails because of duplicate PnPIDs in ACPProcessPower and ProcessPower databases PT-1544
Because of duplicate PnPIDs in ACPProcessPower and ProcessPower databases the migration failed. |
Version (25.02.2022)
- Bug fix: Wrong PnPID converted while migrating ACPProcessPower to ProcessPower PT-1525
While migrating ACPProcessPower into ProcessPower it could happen that both databases contain the same PnPID. If this PnPID is used inside relationships it happened that the wrong PnPId (the one from ProcessPower and not the one from ACPProcessPower) got converted. This resulted in a silent exception and therefore wasn't obvious to the user. |
- Bug fix: Obsolete relationships in ACPProcessPower where the owner doesn't exist anymore PT-1527
The ACPRelationships table can contain owner PnPIDs where the PnPID doesn’t exist (anymore). Those relationships will be ignored, but written into the log file if you see the following dialog:
- Bug fix: Migration of Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) ignores NPOs not related to a DWG PT-1528
Not-Place Objects that are not linked to a drawing were ignored while migration of the NPOs from the ACPProcessPower to the ProcessPower database, if this object does not have a relationship. |
Version (15.02.2022)
- New: Show info dialog if installed PlantTools doesn't have required minimum version PT-1441
With version 5.0 all PlantTools will be updated to that version. Because of shared resources and code is mandatory that all PlantTools on a machine are updated. If this is not the case the following dialog will appear and lists all the installed PlantTools on a machine and which ones require an update. The PlantTools with the red arrow require an update. The dialog will appear until all PlantTools are updated to the required version.
- New: Global Language Setting for all PlantTools PT-1417
The language of PlantTools can be set globally now. In the Plugins (PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager Plugin, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven, PlantSync) you can select AutoCAD, English, or German. AutoCAD tells the PlantTools to use the AutoCAD language. If you change the setting, the PlantTools Plugins will change the language of the user interfaces and ribbons instantly. If you select English or German in the Plugins, the Desktop Apps (PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter, MigrationTools and PlantProjectCreate will use this language. If you select a language in one of the Desktop App Settings, all Desktop Apps will use this language and not the AutoCAD language.
- New: Using ProcessPower.dcf for Not-Placed Objects PT-1079
The ACPProcessPower.dcf database hosted the Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) which were created by PlantSpecDriven or PlantDataManager, and also used by PlantReporter. The NPOs will now be stored in the ProcessPower.dcf (P&ID database) directly. This applies to SQL Server projects as well. The advantage is, that when using Vault or ACC/BIM projects, those NPOs will also be check in/out. The first time you open a project PDM, PDM-Plugin, PET, PL, PR, or PSD will migrated an existing ACPProjectPower.dcf and its content into PID's ProcessPower.dcf. If you are updating any of the following PlantTools (PlantDataManager, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantReporter, PlantSpecDriven) you MUST make sure, that the other PlantTools you have installed are also updated to version 5.0.0.x. |
- New: Suppressible dialog for reaching maximum loops PT-1447
If PlantLink is setup to support loops (after if you have instruments connected to instruments) then a dialog appeared when the maximum number of loops is reached. This dialog can be suppressed now. In the PlantLink Settings Dialog you can again enable the dialog.
- Bug fix: FATAL CRASH when ribbon tooltips should be shown und PlantTools have different language settings PT-1393
When having multiple PlantTools Plugins (PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager Plugin, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven, PlantSync) installed and they are set for different languages then Plant 3D crashed if the tooltips for the PlantTools ribbon buttons are supposed to be shown. |
- Bug fix: Creating a new link configuration shows error when clicking on next to jump to the Mapping page PT-1446
When creating a new link configuration and clicking on Next to jump from the link page to the mapping page and AutoCAD error dialog appears.
Version (16.12.2021)
- Bug fix: Error messages when opening a drawing PT-1375
When opening a drawing one of the two error messages appeared. This was an unexpected return value to out code which creates the GUIDs for the PET_GUID property when opening a drawing. |
Version (08.11.2021)
- New: Adding checkbox in wizard for link configurations to prevent using links in PlantDataManager PT-1333
Link configurations can be deactivated for being use in PlantDataManager. At the last page of the link configuration wizard you can deactivate the use of a link configuration. This can be done in PlantDataManager as well as PlantLink. This setting will be stored in the lcf file for this link configuration.
- New: Create and Fill PET_GUID for PL on module initialization PT-1285
Up until now, only the PlantExpressTools Change Log function created an additional property "PET_GUID". Since more and more PlantTools and functions require this property, the property will now be created on project load if it doesn't exist yet. It will be created for all 'Base Classes' like Pipe Line Group, Signal Line Group, Engineering Items, and Non Engineering Items. It will now also be created for 3D (P3d Line Group, Piping and Equipment, Steel Structure, and Pulled Pipe Bend. The PET_GUID will be filled (if empty) on drawing load. The PET_GUID will also be filled right away as soon as an object is created. In addition of filling the PET_GUID with a new value if PET_GUID is empty, there are two rules which apply: 1.Copying (copy, array, mirror, CTRL+C/CTRL+V, using grips for copying, and more) 2.Move (move, using grips for moving, rotate, CTRL+X/CTRL+V, and more) The two rules apply also when copying and moving between drawings. |
- Bug fix: Enabling/Disabling of links isn't considered instantly with PlantLink PT-1354
When enabling or disabling link configurations in PlantLink the deactivation or activation wasn't used instantly in Plant 3D.
- Bug fix: PlantLink and PlantSpecDriven try to find the bolt catalog and shows an error message PT-1303
When having only PlantLink installed, then the following error appears multiple times when closing Plant 3D.
Version (31.08.2021)
- Bug fix: Registry access error (Dialog #00084) after installing PC, PDM, PR and unsuccessful activation in PCD, PL, PS, PSD PT-1295
When installing PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter on a PC a a dialog informed the user about denied access when starting the PlantTools from the Desktop. PlantClashDetection, PlantLink, PlantSync, PlantSpecDriven had to be activated everytime Plant 3D was started, because the registration information couldn't be written either. This happened only when installing the PlantTool for the first time or after uninstalling previous installations. desktop shortcut.
- Bug fix: Setup.exe of PCD, PL, PS wanted to create a desktop icon during installation PT-1301
When installing PlantClashDetection, PlantLink or PlantSync on a PC the setup asked whether to create a desktop shortcut or not. This happened only when installing the PlantTool for the first time or after uninstalling previous installations. However, non of these PlantTools need a desktop shortcut. |
- Bug fix: UDL files for Oracle databases weren't supported in Link Configurations PT-1230
If the link configuration used an Oracle provider, an error appeared when opening the project. |
Version (13.07.2021)
- Change: Adapting UDL paths for Link Configurations PT-973
This change was already included in Version (24.04.2021) PlantLink adapts the path in the UDL file if possible. If the UDL files and the data source (e.g. an MS Access DB, *.accdb) reside in the same folder, the path to the data source in the UDL file doesn't require a path. The main reason for this adaptation of the UDL files is, that when we will support Vault and BIM360, we do not want: 1.Absolute paths 2.Using [PP] or [PN] in the paths Here are some examples. UDL and ACCDB are in the same folder Before: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;Data Source= D:\Projects\Demo Project\PSD Demo XREFs 2018\ACPlantTools\PlantExpressTools\SelectionLists\mw.accdb;Persist Security Info=False After: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;Data Source=mw.accdb;Persist Security Info=False UDL file in the SelectionLists folder and ACCDB under Related Files Before: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;Data Source=D:\Projects\Demo Project\PSD Demo XREFs 2018\Related Files\mw.accdb;Persist Security Info=False After: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;Data Source=..\..\..\Related Files\mw.accdb;Persist Security Info=False UDL file using Variables (i.e. [PP] or [PN]) Before: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;Data Source=[PP]\Related Files\mw.accdb;Persist Security Info=False After: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;Data Source=..\..\..\Related Files\mw.accdb;Persist Security Info=False |
- Bug fix: Testing connection in Windows Data Link Properties dialog fails for Selection Lists PT-1114
When using the "Test Connection" button in the "Data Link Properties" dialog from within the PL Wizard, the dialog searches in the Documents folder instead the folder the file actually resides. The database will be searched for in the documents folder.
- Bug fix: Plant 3D multiplied PlantTools ribbon icons and got very very slow when switching between work spaces several times PT-1117
When switching between work spaces Plant 3D gets very slow all of a sudden. Also the memory consumption increases. For example when switching between "3D Piping" and "PID ISO" 10 times. In Task Manager you can see "Not responding". Eventually Plant will react and you can close it. It looks like this:
- Bug fix: Slow Plant 3D performance when PlantTools Plugin cannot acquire a network license PT-1113
If PCD, PDM Plugin, PET, PL, PS and PSD cannot acquire a network license when Plant 3D starts, the performance became very slow. This was due to the fact, that these PlantTools Plugins checked for a network license multiple times a second. If no network license was available you get the next two dialogs. Now these PlantTools check just on startup.
- Bug fix: Spaces in linked/mapped fields when using extended links PT-982
When using spaces in columns of external tables, the extended links don't work. |
- Bug fix: Extended Link types didn't work anymore PT-972
At some point the extended link type in PlantLink stopped working. Extended Links can be used only with UDL files (typically for SQL Server or MS Access). The properties of extended links are appearing now again in Data Manager, Properties Palette, PlantExpressTools Properties Palette, PlantDataManager's Data Grid and Properties Palette. The properties of extended links also appear in Project Setup, although they are not really existing properties defined for the class. Remark: The fields in the linked data source must not have spaces in the field names, because this isn't supported by Plant 3D for this type of data link. |
- Bug fix: PlantLink Update won't start automatically PT-1186
The last PlantLink version didn't start updating after closing Plant 3D. |
Version (24.04.2021)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2022 PT-1026
We now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022. The new "Project Compare" is included in PlantProjectManager also. |
- New: auxaliaLicenseManager automatically runs "Check for Updates..." PT-160
PlantTools trigger the "Update License" check of the network license in auxaliaLicenseServer service on your server. auxaliaLicenseServer is checking the license every 15 min to ensure, that your license information (e.g. number of license, expiration dates) are updated automatically without your need for involvement. There is no need to keep the auxaliaLicenseManager open. If a PlantTools is started and it finds an older CADSTUDIOLicenseManager or auxaliaLicenseManager installed on the server, the following dialog shows up. You can decide when you want to be reminded again. The maximum is 2 weeks. After that, you will have a maximum of another week, then another 4 days and so on. That gives you a grace period of 4 weeks till auxaliaLicenseManager must be updated. If you don't do this, you will be reminded every time the PlantTools is asking for a license. |
- New: Show only records of suitable link property values PT-939
When using "Assign Data" the external data viewer showed ALL records of the view/table not just the one which match the property values for the linked fields. Now you will find an additional setting in the link configuration wizard where you control the behavior when using 'Assign Data'. It is enabled by default. In case you want to have the old behavior you disable it. Then you always will see all records from the table/view. When using 'Assign Tag' you can still change the behavior with the Tri-State checkbox. This still allows you to see all records.
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 20.2.6 PT-1042
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 20.2.6 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: No support for AutoCAD P&ID 2016/2017 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016/2017 PT-1034
We discontinue the support for AutoCAD P&ID 2016/2017 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016/2017. Typically we only removed only one version when adding the newest AutoCAD Plant 3D version, but since hardly any customer is using AutoCAD P&ID 2017 or AutoCAD Plant 3D 2017 anymore we decided to cut off the two oldest versions. Another argument was, that there is no migration needed between 2018 and 2022 which makes it more convenient for customers t use those newer versions. |
- Change:Changed Trial Period from 30 to 14 days PT-975
PlantTools will run run 14 days in trial period before they stop working.
- Change: More informative licensing dialogs Details
Several dialogs informing about anything related to licensing (expiration dates, rental dates, issues with activation and more) have been improved to make it clearer what the dialog is all about. |
- Change: Replacing standard Windows Message boxes with our own dialogs PT-745
We started to put more information in our Message Boxes to give you more background details to reduce support questions or the need to look into the online documentation. Also, all dialog boxes have a number which helps with support.
- Change: Implemented F1 to open our own browser Details
When using F1 in PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter, MigrationTool, PlantCenter or any button in the PlantTools or PlantExpressTools ribbon we open our own browser window.
- Bug fix: Tooltips for the 4 PlantLink update buttons in the ribbon showed the wrong texts PT-698
The first line in the tooltips for the 4 update buttons showed the wrong text. This has been fixed and the description text now show more details.
Version 3.0 (23.04.2020)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2021
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.2.7
Version 2.4.1 (07.04.2020)
- Change: Moved Buttons from Add-Ins to PlantTools ribbon
- Change: Internal Cleanup - Reduction of dlls
- Change: Updated Ribbon Icons
- Bug fix: AutoCAD Plant 3D 2020 used a newer SQLite dll which caused an error when using UNC paths
Version 2.4 (30.10.2019)
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.6
- Bug fix: Missing DevExpress references
- Bug fix: Install wasn't initiated after download
Version 2.3.1 (28.10.2019)
- Change: New program icons and ribbon images
Version 2.3 (19.07.2019)
- Bug fix: Write-Back option didn't work
Version 2.2 (19.07.2019)
- New: PlantLink can now link RGB colors for 3D objects too
Version 2.1 (18.06.2019)
- Bug fix: Installing PlantLink didn't deactivate PLANTXDBMANAGER for Plant 3D 2020
Version 2.0 (17.05.2019)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020
- New: PlantLink can now link RGB colors
- New: Added command "AqaPLRefreshLinks" to refresh link configurations
- Change: Speed improvements for Links
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.3
- Bug fix: PlantLink ran loops even if it wasn't necessary
Version 1.52 (15.06.2018)
- Bug fix: PlantLink didn't store the ClassType in the lcf file
- Bug fix: Update Drawing links for project showed message, that there are no drawing link, when loops were deactivated
Version 1.51 (16.05.2018)
- Bug fix: PlantLink didn't always store the ClassType in the lcf file
Version 1.50 (02.05.2018)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2019
- New: 'Clear Value' can be setup rule-based
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.7
Version 1.49 (03.02.2018)
- Change: For simple conditions all records are shown and the currently selected record in bold
- Change: Links also triggered an acquisition rule update causing slow speed
- Bug fix: ~ character used in linked properties didn't trigger PL anymore
Version 1.48 (05.01.2018)
- Bug fix: Workaround to deal with a bug in SQLite API which caused views using UNION to deliver incomplete result
Version 1.47 (16.12.2017)
- Bug fix: Issues when comparing Non-String properties/fields
Version 1.46 (21.11.2017)
- Change: Extended links are supported, therefore the PLANTXDBMANAGER is deactivated
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.3
Version 1.45 (21.08.2017)
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.1.5
Version 1.44 (25.07.2017)
- Bug fix: Starting with version 1.43 when importing values from "Assign data" window, the linked fields were not imported
Version 1.43 (03.07.2017)
- New: Optional setting of Override mode
- Change: Options OnProjectLoad and OnInterval removed
Version 1.42 (23.05.2017)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2018
Version 1.41 (03.05.2017)
- Bug fix: Links using AutoCAD properties sometimes blocked interaction with AutoCAD P&ID/Plant 3D
Version 1.40 (22.03.2017)
- Bug fix: Link configurations for P3dLineGroups weren't updated on drawing save or AQAPLUPDATELINKS or AQAPLUPDATELINKSINCURRENTDRAWING
Version 1.39 (01.03.2017)
- Change: Improved data grid used in the Assign data dialog
- Bug fix: Link configurations did not work with SQL tables/views not in the default schema
Version 1.38 (21.02.2017)
- Bug fix: Wizard shows the name instead the display name for 3D classes
- Bug fix: No message anymore when a drawing is saved which doesn't belong to the project
Version 1.37 (04.10.2016)
- Bug fix: Numeric properties weren't cleared when 'Clear Value' is used
- Bug fix: Class properties used in advanced conditions weren't stored in the configuration when expression was edited in Text tab
Version 1.36 (23.09.2016)
- Bug fix: OnDrawingSave was not handled correctly when only AutoCAD® properties link configurations were active
- Bug fix: When removing hyperlinks for objects sometimes AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D crashed
Version 1.35 (06.09.2016)
- New: Mapping of additional AutoCAD® properties ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ, HyperlinkUrl, HyperlinkText, Transparency, LineTypeScale
- Change: Additional texts for linked fields/properties which prevent filtering
- Change: "Assign Data" dialog shows selected datarow in different text color
- Change: Filter editor shows property's display names
- Bug fix: Red info text didn't show proper line breaks
- Bug fix: Cascading links weren't always processed fully when using "Assign Tag" dialog
Version 1.34 (03.08.2016)
- New: Simple and complex conditions can be used
- Change: Extended links aren't supported anymore
- Change: When 'Save drawing before update links' is activated, the drawing is saved for every loop
Version 1.33 (15.06.2016)
- Bug fix: Spaces in field names of Microsoft SQL Server Databases caused an error message
Version 1.32 (11.06.2016)
- New: Borrowing of network licenses
Version 1.31 (11.04.2016)
- Change: When multiple link configurations change the value of the same property, all links will be updated
- Bug fix: AutoCAD® properties weren't set to default value for symbols/lines
Version 1.30 (07.04.2016)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 64Bit
Version 1.29 (10.02.2016)
- Change: Link configuration wizard shows the available tables and views faster
- Bug fix: The value of loops in the settings UI wasn't stored initially
Version 1.28 (29.12.2015)
- New: Messagebox when no license is available upon starting AutoCAD P&ID/Plant 3D. Context menu won't be available when there is no license
Version 1.27 (12.11.2015)
- New: A new setting is introduced to save the drawing before updating links. This became necessary if acquired properties are used as linked fields.
Version 1.26 (04.09.2015)
- New: If write-back is used the drawing will be automatically saved after an update is manually initiated.
Version 1.25 (28.08.2015)
- Bug fix: PlantLink didn't work for SignalLineGroups
- Bug fix: Mix-up with radio option buttons in the wizard when modifying ACAD properties
Version 1.24 (08.07.2015)
- Bug fix: Update needed due to a new PnPDataObjects.dll in SP1 for AutoCAD® P&ID 2016 and AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2016
Version 1.23 (29.04.2015)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2016
Version 1.22 (01.04.2015)
- Bug fix: Cascading link configurations didn't run a loop when deleting linked properties in a higher link in the cascade
Version 1.21 (20.01.2015)
- Change: Improvement when updating links. The mapped data will be checked as well to make sure the mapped data are still valid
- Change: PlantLink shows a dialog if multiple records can be found in the linked database.
- Change: Speed improvement
Version 1.20 (10.11.2014)
- Bug fix: Table and view names in SQLite and SQL Server can contain spaces again
Version 1.19 (06.11.2014)
- New: Support for Oracle
Version 1.18 (28.10.2014)
- Change: PlantTool is ready for Autodesk Exchange Apps. The PlantTools icons will be found under "Plugins"
Version 1.17 (04.07.2014)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2015
Version 1.16 (02.05.2014)
- New: Link configurations can use variables for the path now
- New: Updates can run loop in case data is propagated between objects
Version 1.15 (06.03.2014)
- New: PlantTools are available as rental versions
- New: Refresh button to reload link configurations
- New: Link configurations can be deactivated
- New: When mapping "On drawing save" can be used
- Change: The directory for link configurations is now: [Project]\ACPlantTools\PlantLink\LinkConfigurations. Existing link configurations will be moved automatically
Version 1.14 (04.06.2013)
- Bug fix: AutoCAD® crashed when undoing(Ctrl+Z) in AutoCAD® and link configurations for AutoCAD® properties were active
Version 1.13 (04.06.2013)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2014
- New: Support of SQL Server Authentication
- New: AutoCAD® properties like Layer, Color and so on can be mapped as well. The layer name can be put together from properties.
- New: Enhanced comunication with ACPlant server to prevent the "417-Expectation failed" error code
Version 1.12 (30.05.2012)
- Change: Icons and Logo
Version 1.11 (29.04.2012)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2013
Version 1.10 (11.04.2012)
- New: Button for updating links in current drawing
- Change: The “On drawing open” option from the link configuration updates the data in the drawing that is opening. Until now it was updating the data in the whole project.
Version 1.9 (03.04.2012)
- New: Button for manually updating all links
Version 1.8 (16.03.2012)
- New: Support for direct access to SQLite databases without the use of OLE DB driver
- Bug fix: The write-back value is disabled for read-only views (e.g. SQLite views)
Version 1.7 (26.09.2011)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2012
- Change: Changing side menus to classic pulldown menus
Version 1.6 (17.08.2011)
- New: Views can be used as well
- New: The UDL file can be created through the wizard
Version 1.5 (29.06.2011)
- Bug fix: Speed improvements
Version 1.4 (05.04.2011)
- New: The expiration date will be shown in the info box and a message box 14 days prior to the expiration date will be shown.
- Change: The test phase was changes from 100 attemps to 30 days trial period
- Bug fix: If the linked columns had different data types, then no data was retrieved from the external database
Version 1.3 (15.11.2010)
- New: Added version to link configuration files
Version 1.2 (29.09.2010)
- Bug fix: Update issues
Version 1.1 (28.09.2010)
- Bug fix: Some texts and P3D class names were not localized correctly
- Bug fix: Error when using SQL database
Version 1.0 (23.08.2010)
- Initial version