Include Not-Placed Objects

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Include Not-Placed Objects

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The chapter describes who Not-Placed Objects can be integrated into a report.

Not-Placed Objects are created by either PlantDataManager or PlantSpecDriven. To learn more about Not-Placed Objects see Not-Placed Objects.

First we need some Graphical Not-Placed Objects (GNPOs). We see here three pieces of equipment in green.

Include NPOs 001

Also two General Instrument Symbols as Non-Graphical Not-Placed Objects (NGNPOs).

Include NPOs 002

Remark: With PlantDataManager 7.3.0.xxxx the workflow of creating Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) changed. NPOs must first be imported into the drawings in order for PlantReporter to include them in a report. The two images above show the NPOs already imported. See Not-Placed Objects.

When we use the standard "PID Equipmentlist"

Include NPOs 003

We see that both checkboxes are enabled. That means that Not-Placed Objects will be included in the report.

Include NPOs 004

If we test the query we see these objects in green too.

Include NPOs 005

In the column "ACP_ObjectType" you have GNPO or NGNPO for the two types of Not-Placed Objects. This can be useful when creating formatting rules to show Not-Placed Objects for example with a different text or background color.

Include NPOs 008

We see the three Not-Placed Objects at the bottom of the report. Not-Placed Objects will be integrated with the Placed Objects in the report if it comes to ordering, grouping and so on.

Include NPOs 006

Here is the example with the Non-Graphical Not-Placed Objects in the Instrument list.

Include NPOs 007

Next Chapter: Create Version/Revision History