Short Overview

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Short Overview

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This chapter gives you a quick Overview of the state of adaptation of PlantTools for Collaboration projects (BIM360/ACC).

PlantDataManager (PDM)

Done: Download/Refreshing of Projects, General Editing, Calculations, Link Configurations, PropertiesPalette, Not-Placed Objects (NPOs), Relationships

Missing: Showing Change Log data

PlantExpressTools (PET)

Done: Assemblies, Calculations, Assign Tag Extension, PropertiesPalette, SymbolsPalette, Update Line Annotation, Create List, Selection List Import, Project Setup Import, Nozzle Check, Update Tag, Update Acquisitions, Coordinates, PlantProjectManager (partly), Selection List Update, Update From/To, OPC Manager, Bolt Calculation, DWG Export, Rename/Copy Project, Create Versions/Revisions

Missing: PlantProjectManager (partly), PlantProjectSetup, Change Log, PlantProjectCreate, Rule-Based Block Insert

PlantLink (PL)

Fully adapted

PlantReporter (PR)

Fully adapted

PlantSpecDriven (PSD)

Fully adapted

PlantSync (PS)

Not adapted yet