Create a new Vault Project

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Create a new Vault Project

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Let's start fresh with a brand new project and select "Create this project in vault".

The local Vault folder can be seen below under "Local working folder location".

You can also use "Copy settings from existing project" which is the typical workflow when creating new projects. However, if PlantTools are already set up in the existing project, those configuration files won't be copied into the new project.

WorkFlow with Vault and PlantTools 001

On page 5 of the "Project Setup Wizard" you select the SQL Server Name of your Vault Server.

The "Database name prefix" typically uses your PC name and then adds the project name. However, it is recommended to remove the PC name so it only shows the project name.

WorkFlow with Vault and PlantTools 002

After the project has been created it is automatically the active project.

Depending on the PlantTools you have installed, there may already be some configuration files.

WorkFlow with Vault and PlantTools 003

Next Chapter: Setup PlantTools