Making modifications

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Making modifications

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Now we have a look how modifications to the PlantTools configuration files are handled. This description includes also adding new configuration files.

First make sure you have the 4 files from the "Related Files" folder in your local project copy and that you unpacked the zip file with "PT_Unpack.bat".

As an example we will modify the settings for the Bolt Calculation in PlantExpressTools. We start PlantProjectSetup from PlantExpressTools' PlantProjectManager.

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We go to the "Bolt Calculation Setup" node and then check "Activate Bolt Calculation".

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Then enables various settings.

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At the end of "Bolt Catalog" we click on the "Copy" icon which copies the Bolt Catalog into the project.

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We see the location of the bolt catalog under the ACPlantTools folder.

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Also the xml file has been modified.

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As long as the zip file and the PT_Files.txt are checked in, you cannot make modifications. So we check them out.

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The batch files won't change so we checkout only the two files.

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Now they are checked out.

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If a file is checked out the Read-Only checkbox is unchecked.

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Files which are checked in are Read-Only. This is why we need to check them out to make modifications.

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Now we update the PT_Files.txt files from the "Related Files" folder.

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Now we have a longer list.

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We replace the folder name with ".." again.

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Now we run the PT_Pack batch file to update the zip file.

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We see the Command Prompt during this process.

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If we look in the zip file we see the BoltCatalog.db, which is the bolt catalog database.

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If we refresh the Project Manager we see the change symbol for our two files.

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Now we can check them in for our colleagues.

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Just the two.

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Now they are checked in.

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Update for other Users

The other users of course need those changes too. They see the red icon in Project Manager which indicated that there is a newer version available on Vault.

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Since there is no Refresh function in Plant 3D to get the latest version we delete the outdated files from the "Related Files" folder.

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Not only the two batch files exist.

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In Project Manager we see the icon indicating that the files are not locally available and can be checked out.

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We check out.

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Select the two files.

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Now the new versions are on our local project copy.

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We check them in again so others can check them out too.

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The same two files.

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With Vault Professional

We can do this a bit more elegantly with Vault Professional.

Same situation with the outdated files.

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We start Vault Professional.

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We see that there is Revision "A" available for the two files. Ignore the two batch files. The Revision increase is due to writing this documentation.

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Use "Get..." from the "Related Files" folder.

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Click on OK.

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Now you choose "Yes To All" to override all files in your local project copy.

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Now the icon shows, that you have the files up-to-date in your local project copy.

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