User Interface

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User Interface

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This chapter describes the main user interface of the List function.

Create Lists 98

The user interface shows you the project at the top. Below that you have the following buttons:




This allows you to create a new List configuration (e.g., Create Equipment List).


This allows you to edit an existing List configuration. Make sure you select the List configuration first.

You can also edit a List configuration by double-clicking on it.


This allows you to delete an existing List configuration. Make sure you select the List configuration first.

Multi-selection is not possible.


This allows you to import existing List configuration from some other location or project.

A file dialog will open where you can select one or more configuration files to be imported. The files will be copied into the current project.


This will reload the List configuration files in case you have edited them manually.

The columns in the table have the following meaning:




This shows the name of the List configuration.


This shows either Active, Disabled, or Failed in case of an invalid List configuration.

To get the details of the error you just edit the List configuration to see what the error is about.


This allows you to deactivate or activate Calculation.

Multi-selection is not possible.

Next Chapter: Update Lists