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PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2025. Currently AutoCAD Plant 3D 2020-2025 are supported.

PlantCenter was retired and PlantClashDetection is now part of PlantExpressTools.


PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024. Currently AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019-2024 are supported.


We started the process of moving PlantTools setting into the central PlantProjectSetup. We started with the General Settings like language, Proxy Settings, DevExpress Style for desktop Apps (PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter). PlantLink and PlantSpecDriven are also working with BIM360/ACC now.


PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023. Currently AutoCAD Plant 3D 2018-2023 are supported.


PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022. AutoCAD P&ID/Plant 3D 2016/2017 aren't supported anymore.


PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2021. AutoCAD P&ID/Plant 3D 2015 isn't supported anymore.


PlantDataManager and PlantReporter allow various styles (i.e. Dark Theme).

Centralizing resource files for all PlantTools incl. having just one set of DevExpress files for all PlantTools.

PlantTools have been move from the Add-Ins Ribbon to the PlantTools and PlantExpressTools ribbon in order to get a better overview of PlantTools and their functions.




PlantTools are ready for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2020. No support for AutoCAD P&ID 2014 and AutoCAD Plant 3D anymore.


PlantTools are ready for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019.

If you have AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019 already installed, but you miss the PlantTools icons in 2019, start the AutoCAD Plant 3D version you used till now and update PlantTools from there. After that, you will have PlantTools also for 2019.

The following video shows the changes regarding the database type of PlantTools databases and how you can migrate them to SQL Server


PlantTools are ready for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2018.


PlantTools can borrow network licenses.


PlantTools are available for 2017.


PlantTools are available for 2016.

A new product will come out soon. BIMReporter. Works similar to PlantReporter and lets you create any report and list from Autodesk® Revit®.


All PlantTools are ready for the AppStore now. Unfortunately only PlantDataManager made it through so far. The remaining 7 PlantTools are still pending.


Documentation of PlantExpressTools completed.
All videos are now embedded. Therefore the Video chapter at the end of the documentation has been removed.


Video for PlantLink configuration updated.


Added Video Setup Guide for PlantSpecDriven showing each step of the configuration process.


Added release dates under the What's New sections of each PlantTool.


All PlantTools except PlantCenter are available for AutoCAD® P&ID and AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2015.

German online documentation is not available any longer.


New videos for General Settings has been added as well as video for Licensing.


We started to incorporate more and more videos in the online documentation, because we think videos are much more clearer to show a workflow. Some sub-topics still contain text if it is necessary to describe specific details.

The latest edition to the documentation is the chapter on PlantSpecDriven. Since PlantSpecDriven is currently under development, the documentation is too.