Locate Drawing

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Locate Drawing

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"Locate Drawing" is used when the drawing was move to another folder or the name was changed without using PlantProjectManager.

If you see a drawing icon with a red line through it, PlantProjectManager tells you the file cannot be found anymore. In this case you can select "Locate Drawing..." to locate the new drawing name or the new location.

PPM 201

Rename drawing

In this example the drawing was renamed from 1234-0030-10.dwg to 1234-0031-10.dwg.

When using "Locate Drawing" the file selector opens and you select the changed file name.

PPM 202

Now the drawing icon is restored and the tooltip shows the full path and file name.

PPM 316

Moving file to a registered folder

A registered folder is a folder which exists in PlantProjectManager.

In this example we move or move + rename the file to such a registered folder.

PPM 203

We user "Locate Drawing..." and go into the Area 20 folder and select the file.

PPM 204

Not only will the drawing icon show healed again, but also will the file move to the registered folder we selected.

PPM 205

Moving file to an unregistered folder

An unregistered folder is a folder which is not showing up in PlantProjectManager.

In this example the folder is Area 10.

PPM 206

Again we use "Locate Drawing..." and then go into the unregistered folder and select the file.

PPM 207

The drawing icon is healed again, but the file stays where it was in the tree. In the tooltip you see the correct path.

PPM 315

Next Chapter: Open Containing Folder