Release Notes

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Windows XP - Windows 11



AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020 - 2025


Version 8.3.0.xxxx (xx.xx.xxxx) - FUTURE DEVELOPMENT - NOT STARTED YET

- New: Show Ortho Views in PlantProjectManager PT-4463

- New: Adapt remaining functions for Collaboration project in PlantProjectManager PT-4457

- New: User Interface improvements for Check Out dialog of PlantProjectManager PT-4458

- New: Improved Collapse/Expand PlantProjectManager tabs and docking PT-24

- New: Adaptation for Collaboration when Bolt Calculation creates classes and properties in Project Setup and maybe Pipe Specs PT-3386

- Bug fix: When using Publish from Ortho Category node of PlantProjectManager not all Ortho Drawings are shown in Publish dialog PT-4461

- Bug fix: Copy Drawing to Project opens the drawing after it has been added to the project PT-4459

- Bug fix: When making changes for versions/revisions, the new values for Numercial/Alphabetical are not saved in the CategorySettings.xml PT-3426

Version 8.2.0.xxxx (xx.xx.xxxx) - UNDER DEVELOPMENT - NOT RELEASED YET

- New: Copy Property values function for PlantExpressTools' PropertiesPalette PT-3617

- New: In-Place editing function for P&ID Symbol Blocks PT-3625

- New: Adapted Version/Revision/Compare function for Collaboration Projects PT-4434

- New: Adapt Create Classes function for Collaboration PT-4389

- New: New User Interface for defining List Configurations PT-4243

- New: New User Interface for defining Selection List Configurations PT-4343

- New: Errors when Calculations rely on property values which are not available while routing PT-4521

- Change: Check project out and in only once when importing Selection Lists PT-4419

- Change: Improving the speed when copying in Bolt Catalog PT-2264

- Bug fix: Columns IsLugSet and NominalDiameter not exported during Bolt Catalog Exportxport PT-4424

- Bug fix: Calculation preview formatting lost in Define Calculation dialog PT-4408

- Bug fix: PropertiesPalette doesn't show common properties PT-4433

- Bug fix: Texts for Proxy Settings aren't changed right away when switching the language setting PT-4103

- Bug fix: Drawing weren't deleted if 'Copy drawings' wasn't selected in the Project Rename/Copy function PT-4206

- Bug fix: Error during Excel Import in PlantProjectSetup for Bolt Catalog PT-4405

- Bug fix: Read-Only and Visible state are shown incorrectly PT-4529

- Bug fix: Settings of CategorySettings.xml aren't considered after initial download PT-4555

Version (20.11.2024)

- Bug fix: Missing Attributes when inserting Symbols in new drawings PT-4399

Version (15.11.2024)

- New: New Renumbering function PT-3614

- New: Function to get the project path to be usable for AutoLISP PT-4334

- New: Calculate GraphicalStyleName with Calculation function PT-4338

- New: New User Interface for defining Calculations PT-4342

- New: Assembly Class' Custom Properties in PlantExpressTools Settings use a checkbox when defining Boolean properties PT-4368

- New: Create Signal Line/Group and Pipe Line/Group properties for the From/To function together PT-4236

- New: New implementation of a Tri-State state (enabled/disabled/inherited) when enabling/disabling Assign Tag properties PT-4230

- New: Updated button toolbar in main dialogs PT-4345

- Bug fix: Error Occurs When Closing Project via PlantProjectManager PT-4363

- Bug fix: %USERPROFILE% variable not evaluated correctly when importing Selection List PT-4364

- Bug fix: Symbols and Lines are only assigned to the one Assembly object when using multiple independent Assembly classes PT-4216

- Bug fix: CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml gets checked in when refreshing after import of calc file PT-4219

- Bug fix: Error when refreshing after importing after previous import of calc files PT-4220

- Bug fix: PlantExpressTools Settings don't open when the DocumentServer.slnk file existed in a ACC backed-up project PT-4221

- Bug fix: CoordinatesSettings.xml will not be added to MISC when closing PlantExpressTools Settings dialog PT-4228

- Bug fix: AssignTagProperties.xml will not be added to MISC when closing PlantExpressTools Settings dialog PT-4229

- Bug fix: PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml will not be added to MISC when closing PlantExpressTools Settings dialog PT-4373

- Bug fix: FromToSettings.xml will not be added to MISC when closing PlantExpressTools Settings dialog PT-4233

- Bug fix: From/To settings from the FromToSettings.xml weren't loaded on project load PT-4235

- Bug fix: Changes for From/To settings are not considered instantly PT-4237

- Bug fix: Project isn't checked out and in when From/To function creates properties for Signal Line Group/Segment classes PT-4238

- Bug fix: Values for Ports are not updated via AttributeFlow when triggered though OPC Manager PT-4315

- Bug fix: Rule-Based Block Insert showed error when opening the dialog PT-4333

- Bug fix: Handling of over-run texts in Task Dialogs will be handled better now PT-4306

- Bug fix: Bolt catalog and Reference catalog are downloaded for non-collaboration projects PT-4312

- Bug fix: List function configuration files and referenced dwgs will not be downloaded on project load PT-4255

- Bug fix: LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml doesn't get checked in correctly after editing a list configuration PT-4257

- Bug fix: Disabling/Enabling configurations in the List Settings UI will not instantly change the status in the lgdcf files PT-4252

- Bug fix: PlantExpressTools List function Wizard uses wrong title PT-3639

- Bug fix: Assembly Properties of type Boolean are created as String if the Default Value is not set as True or False PT-3694

- Bug fix: Source and Option columns in PlantExpressTools' Selection List main dialog are swapped PT-4346

Version (28.08.2024)

- New: Update to Plant 3D 2025 and DevExpress 23.2.6 PT-3326

- New: Moved PlantClashDetection into PlantExpressTools PT-2556

- New: No more Data Cache file for Symbol Images PT-3641

- New: Exported XLSX file will be opened after export is finished PT-4137

- New: New UI for Calculation dialog in PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager PT-4151

- Bug fix: Ribbon images doesn't get updated when switching light/dark scheme PT-3609

- Bug fix: The Reference Plant 3D Catalog of the Bolt Calculation will be added to the MISC even if not in the project PT-3613

- Bug fix: When closing PlantProjectSetup the BoltCalculation.xml will not be checked in PT-3615

- Bug fix: BoltCalculation.xml, BoltCatalog, and Reference Catalog are not downloaded on project load PT-3616

- Bug fix: When the connected drawing get opened based on the AttributeFlow, the drawing wasn't closed again when using the option to close the drawing again 3640

- Bug fix: Project Setup Import fails for Properties if a new/different Selection List was assigned to a Property PT-3647

- Bug fix: When changing a property that should actually trigger the AttributeFlow, the connected drawing is not opened and property has not changed 4192

- Bug fix: ACPlantTools folder created in Documents folder on Plant 3D startup 4197

- Bug fix: References files used by a Selection List Configuration must appear under Related Files if they are located there PT-4240

- Bug fix: References files used by a List Function Configuration must appear under Related Files if they are located there PT-4241

- Bug fix: Disabling/Enabling Selection List configurations doesn't check the slcf file out and in again PT-4246

- Bug fix: Bolts cannot be updated for the whole drawing or multiple drawings PT-4270

- Bug fix: BoltCalculation.xml, BoltCatalog, Reference Catalog get checked out when downloading a project and stay checked out PT-4274

Version (26.04.2024)

- New: Adapted 'Project Rename/Copy' for Collaboration Projects PT-3165

- New: Adapted 'DWG Export' for Collaboration Projects PT-3166

- New: Added Checkbox to enable/disable From/To Task List dialog PT-3375

- New: Suppress dialog after a Project was successfully copied through PlantProjectCreate PT-3421

- New: Disregard unsupported AutoCAD Versions PT-3467

- Bug fix: DWG Export options 'Explode Bound/Imported XRefs' and 'Move objects on Block Layer 0 to block insert layer' are not available anymore PT-3446

- Bug fix: AQAPTRemoveDuplicateACPlantToolsFolder removed folders and files which were added by users outside the ACPlantTools folder PT-3355

- Bug fix: Mapped Assembly properties aren't deleted when deleting the Assembly PT-3345

- Bug fix: OnDrawingSave setting for Assemblies isn't stored PT-3346

Version (01.12.2023)

- New: Improved text information in Progress Panels when downloading, checking out/in, or removing PlantTool files PT-2486

- New: Warning dialog when using PlantTools with Collaboration projects with AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022 or lower PT-2573

- New: Adapted Bolt Calculation Function for Collaboration Projects PT-2465

- New: Handling AttributeFlow tasks from Task List for Collaboration Projects PT-2595

- New: Adapted From/To Function for Collaboration Projects PT-2464

- New: New approach to retrieve pending tasks from From/To function PT-2473

- New: Adapted OPC Manager Function for Collaboration Projects PT-2466

- New: Using last selected Symbol from the SymbolsPalette when using Space/Return PT-2522

- New: Removal of unused Properties from PropertiesPalette configuration PT-2538

- New: Do not Check In/Out/Download PlantTools files when using Vault projects PT-2749

- New: Workspace change restores PlantTools Palettes visibility again PT-3095

- Change: PlantExpressTools settings dialog and PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette settings dialog can be resized now PT-2681

- Change: Moved From/To settings from local PlantExpressTools.xml to the project PT-2474

- Change: Line Segments of unconnected Off-Page Connectors will not be marked as unresolved PT-2534

- Change: New dialogs from From/To update PT-2472

- Bug fix: PlantExpressTools ribbon shows 'Settings & Palette' section twice after switching workspaces twice or more PT-2744

- Bug fix: PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml will not be checked in when closing PlantExpressTools Settings PT-2747

- Bug fix: Using a SQLite project database for the Selection List function creates an error when updating the Selection List PT-2541

- Bug fix: Using 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server' causes error when selecting 'Views' in Selection List wizard PT-2542

- Bug fix: Adapted minimum height and width for PlantProjectSetup user interface PT-2565

- Bug fix: Check boxes will be reset to default values in Assemblies.xml when starting Plant 3D PT-2612

- Bug fix: Relationship of Symbols inserted into an Assembly will not be created on insert PT-2613

- Bug fix: 'Clean Database Synchronization' button in General Bolt Calculation settings is missing the bottom part of the button PT-2569

- Bug fix: Ignore drawings with an empty path in the database when using the Rename/Copy Project function PT-2607

- Bug fix: Wrong heights for ASME Nuts and Washers PT-2563

- Bug fix: Error in SymbolsPalette when loading a BIM project PT-2551

- Bug fix: Error when Bolt Calculation tries to remove columns PT-3093

- Bug fix: Function to remove duplicate ACPlantTools folder from MISC database PT-2461

Version (04.08.2023)

- Bug fix: Update needed because of old digital certificate was used Details

Version (03.08.2023)
- New: Implemented locking mechanism to avoid multiple users editing PlantTools settings PT-2302

- New: Implementing a File and Folder Watcher for PlantTools configuration files to check which PlantTools files must still be downloaded for Collaboration projects PT-2411

- New: Added File and Folder watcher to invalidate cached settings when settings files are changing PT-2423

- New: Adapted Project Setup and Selection List import function for Collaboration Projects PT-2364

- New: Adapted Coordinate Function for Collaboration Projects PT-2454

- New: Adapted Selection List Function for Collaboration Projects PT-2463

- New: Adapted Tag Update Function for Collaboration Projects PT-2455

- New: Adapted Acquisition Update Function for Collaboration Projects PT-2456

- New: Adapted List Function for Collaboration Projects PT-2445

- New: Adapted of SymbolsPalette for Collaboration Projects PT-2347

- New: Adapted Assembly function for Collaboration Projects PT-2344

- New: Adapted Calculation function for Collaboration Projects PT-2389

- New: Adapted Assign Tag function for Collaboration Projects PT-2404

- New: Adapted PropertiesPalette for Collaboration Projects PT-2405

- New: Warning dialog when drawings are Read-Only or not Checked Out PT-2491

- New: New Edit Mode for SymbolsPalette PT-2355

- New: Use user-defined Display Name when in Class Display Name or Symbol Name mode PT-2317

- New: Remove 'Symbol Category Location', Display Name, and GraphicalStyleName option from 'Symbols' tab in PET Settings PT-2349

- New: Toggle button to switch between User-Defined Display Name and Class/Symbol name PT-2318

- New: File Explorer shows a new node 'AutoCAD-Application' to make it easier to select a DWT file PT-2438

- New: Improved numbering for new drawings in PlantProjectManager when using Collaboration projects PT-2431

- New: Adding Import button to add calc files to the CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml PT-2435

- New: Adding Import button to add lgdcf files to the LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml PT-2436

- New: Adding Import button to add slcf files to the SelectionListSettings.Collection.xml PT-2437

- New: Folder Properties dialog isn't implemented PT-2507

- Change: Refresh button to remove calc files not listed in CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml PT-2427

- Change: Refresh button to remove lgdcf files not listed in LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml PT-2428

- Change: Refresh button to remove slcf files not listed in SelectionListSettings.Collection.xml PT-2429

- Change: Moved Coordinate settings from local PlantExpressTools.xml to the project PT-2475

- Change: Extent refresh button function to reload all SymbolsPalette files PT-2360

- Change: Moved ShowClassTypeSymbol and ShowCustomClasses from SymbolsPaletteState.xml into local PlantExpressTools.xml PT-2354

- Bug fix: SelectionListSettings.Collection.xml isn't written when closing the dialog PT-2468

- Bug fix: Cannot create a second Selection List configuration which results in the same file name PT-2469

- Bug fix: Selecting a project DCF file results in an error PT-2470

- Bug fix: The order of Symbols was not considering the sorting order when selecting a class name PT-2447

- Bug fix: The order of properties in the PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette gets ignored PT-2379

- Bug fix: Opening a drawing with PlantProjectManager when using Collaboration Projects doesn't open the drawing PT-2407

- Bug fix: Creating a new drawing in PlantProjectManager doesn't use the set path of defined DWT file PT-2430

- Bug fix: Stretching of Line Segments in Assemblies causes flow arrows and line segments to jump around PT-2167

- Bug fix: Message 'Bolt database xxx is not valid' appears when there are just missing bolt parts PT-2263

- Bug fix: 'Force Undo Check Out' command isn't available in PlantProjectManager PT-2439

- Bug fix: Impossible to import an exported PlantExpressTools license due to an error when opening the Settings dialog PT-2402

- Bug fix: Bug in PlantProjectSetup preventing PlantExpressTools settings to be saved PT-2451

- Bug fix: Using 'Copy ALL values to other connections' in OPC Manager also copies different values for which the 'Check for Inconsistency' box is not checked PT-2419

- Bug fix: Collection file is not saved when List Function Settings dialog is closed PT-2444

- Bug fix: File Name gets reset when editing the drawing description when using the version/revision feature in PlantProjectManager PT-2505

- Bug fix: Using Publish in PlantProjectManager creates an error message if the drawing is already open PT-2504

- Bug fix: In some cases FILEDIA was set to 0 PT-2506

- Bug fix: Error when trying to use 'Add From Tool Palette...' in SymbolsPalette PT-2510

- Bug fix: When clicking Cancel in Dialog #00448 the dialog to update the connected line segments appears anyway PT-2471

Version (07.06.2023)
- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024 PT-2112

- New: PlantProjectManager adapted for Collaboration Projects PT-2275

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 22.2.5 for all PlantTools PT-2121

- Change: For some customers the NominalDiameterMap.csv - used in for the Bolt Calculation - couldn't be found anymore PT-2261

- Change: Log file isn't written in the correct path PT-2141

- Change: PlantExpressTools Settings dialog shows the AutoCAD icon PT-2293

- Bug fix: Plant3D Project Manager closes unexpectedly after selecting a project in PlantprojectManager PT-2289

- Bug fix: PlantProjectManager ribbon icon shows active even if PlantProjectManager is not to be opened on startup PT-2292

- Bug fix: Configuration update Issue with local Collaboration projects not having access to a project stored on the Collaboration Server PT-2227

- Bug fix: PlantExpressTools write property display name into AssignTagProperties.xml instead of the property name PT-2298

Version (07.04.2023)
- New: Common PlantTools settings (Language, DevExpress Skin, Update Check, Proxy Setings) are moved to PlantProjectSetup PT-289

- New: New Update Installer PT-867

- New: Add function to copy commands from AutoCAD Tools Palette into the SymbolsPalette PT-2038

- Change: Default Assembly Block uses BYLAYER for Color/Lineweight/Transparency instead of BYBLOCK when using a metric ISO project PT-1908

- Change: For some customers the NominalDiameterMap.csv - used in for the Bolt Calculation - couldn't be found anymore PT-2261

- Bug fix: PlantTools AutoCAD Ribbon descriptions follow current language PT-2226

- Bug fix: PlantTools don't work with French Plant 3D because the AutoCAD language code wasn't supported PT-2156

- Bug fix: Length/Weight data at the Length node of the Bolt Catalog setup show the data of the previously selected node PT-1863

- Bug fix: Error (dialog #00393) when using 'Update Line Annotation' in a 3D drawing instead of a PID drawing PT-1646

- Bug fix: Tag gets deleted if the Tag Format doesn't use any property PT-1735

- Bug fix: In PlantProjectSetup Drag & Drop doesn't work in Bolt Parts node anymore PT-2168

Version (02.01.2023)
- New: Support to Show/Hide P&ID Classes/Categories in SymbolsPalette PT-834

- New: Added Expand/Full Expand/Full Collapse/Collapse in Context Menu in SymbolsPalette PT-1781

- New: Support to add Custom Nodes to the class tree within the SymbolsPalette PT-1770

- New: Support for Folder Links to allow inserting DWGs and Images from the SymbolsPalette PT-828

- New: Support for Drag & Drop in Category View in SymbolsPalette PT-1783

- New: Support to add 'Object Items' to the SymbolsPalette PT-1778

- New: Support for renaming Class Display Name for SymbolsPalette PT-829

- Change: 'Specify Image' dialog replace with new dialog to specify images and rename Class Display Name PT-1910

- Change: Reworked 'Category Configuration' dialog for editing Categories in SymbolsPalette PT-1914

- Change: In OPC Manager changed the bahvior when using 'Override if Empty' in combination with 'None' mapping PT-1992

- Bug fix: Error when using PipeLineGroups or SignalLineGroups in OPC Manager when creating a connection PT-1954

- Bug fix: SymbolsPalette toggle button in PlantExpressTools ribbon isn't enabled on Plant 3D startup PT-1948

Version (21.11.2022)
- New: Adding function to calculation function to get script parameters from 3D objects PT-761

- New: Function to remove a task from the AttributeFlow task list in OPC Manager PT-1658

- New: 'Override if Empty' option for OPC Manager PT-1690

- New: Remove tasks from AttributeFlow Task List when disconnecting PT-1792

- New: In Place editing in mapping grid PT-1737

- New: Disconnecting Line Segment with multiple other Line Segments in same Line Group PT-1801

- New: AttributeFlowTaskList.xml changed from using PnPID to PnPGUID PT-1793

- New: Don't collapse trees in OPC Manager after selecting an option in dialog #01167 which triggers AttributeFlow PT-1896

- Bug fix: Whole Assembly being copied when using standard MOVE command option PT-1851

- Bug fix: Error when opening PlantExpressTools Settings if Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ACPlant Consult\PlantTools doesn't exist PT-1860

- Bug fix: The Infobox of PlantExpressTools disappears behind the PlantExpressTools Settings dialog PT-1820

- Bug fix: Calculations for P3dLineGroups in 3D didn't work and created an error message in the command line PT-1855

- Bug fix: Fixed path to DevX dlls in PlantToolsCommon project PT-1917

- Bug fix: When changing the state from a user state to 'Unconnected' in symbol's context menu the state changes to 'UnknownFlowDirection' PT-1841

- Bug fix: OPC Color doesn't change when changing to a user state in OPC Manager tree PT-1852

- Bug fix: Adding/Editing a node or filter expression for OPC Manager doesn't automatically update the node texts in OPC Manager PT-1847

- Bug fix: Plant 3D crashed when reconnect OPCs PT-1845

- Bug fix: Using 'Outgoing Line Segment' mapping direction doesn't work. 'Incoming Line Segment' is used PT-1803

- Bug fix: Plant 3D crashes when opening OPC Manager which is supposed to show a user state which was deleted PT-1842

- Bug fix: Suppressing dialog #01167 isn't stored in OPC Manager setting but in PlantSpecDriven settings PT-1846

- Bug fix: Using Display Names for classes and properties in OPC Manager's mapping grid and PlantProjectSetup PT-1897

Version (26.08.2022)

- New: New Update Installer PT-1714

- New: Add a toggle button to switch between Show All or just the Default GraphicalStyleName in SymbolsPalette PT-830

- New: Collapse tree when clicking on Clear in SymbolsPalette PT-831

- New: Add a toggle button to switch between ClassDisplayName and SymbolName PT-1739

- New: Show toggle status of the hide/show button PT-1741

- New: Show which View Style is active in SymbolsPalette PT-1743

- New: Show Sort order state in right SymbolsPalette toolbar PT-1744

- Change: Change 'Unhide' to 'Show' in SymbolsPalette context menu PT-1742

- Bug fix: Categories view isn't shown in SymbolsPalette PT-1707

- Bug fix: Category add dialog in SymbolsPalette has wrong list header PT-1746

- Bug fix: Symbols marked as hidden in SymbolsPalette aren't saves as 'Hidden' in SymbolsPaletteState.xml PT-1747

- Bug fix: Error (Dialog #00487) when opening a project with no MISC database PT-1675

- Bug fix: PropertiesPalette in PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager show double tabs and PnPIDs PT-1663

- Bug fix: Error when trying to create a drawing in PlantProjectManager with BoltCatalog.xml having size 0 PT-1691

- Bug fix: Selecting List Settings UI with bad files PT-1693

- Bug fix: Creating Calculations for 3D will not be accepted PT-1697

- Bug fix: PlantExpressTools doesn't load, and overwrites Assemblies.xml PT-1710

- Bug fix: DevExpress Filter Editor doesn't allow selecting condition or Field/Property in PlantProjectSetup PT-1774

- Bug fix: When using Drag & Drop on Connector properties, the values don't get mapped in OPC Manager PT-1785

- Bug fix: Copy a value of an Connector property in OPC Manager doesn't work PT-1786

- Bug fix: When selecting a node in the Incoming tree of OPC Manager the connecting line doesn't start from the selected node if the line segments aren't connected to anythingPT-1656

- Bug fix: When opening OPC Manager after a project change, there is still a path set to the previous project PT-1789

- Bug fix: Path to PlantSpecDriven folder was not reset after project change PT-1788

- Bug fix: When switching between classes in the OPC Manager's Tree Settings the Filter Expression doesn't get stored and restored PT-1779

- Bug fix: Error when creating new List configurations PT-1661

- Bug fix: OPC Manager flickers when opening another project and having a drawing of the current project open PT-1797

- Bug fix: Copying an annotated symbol placed the annotation of the copied symbol at the insertion point of the new symbol PT-1800

- Bug fix: Symbols don't get the correct assembly assigned when using Assemblies within Assemblies using mapping PT-1773

- Bug fix: When trying to insert symbols from the SymbolsPalette which have a & in their symbol name error #00576 appears PT-1780

Version (27.05.2022)
- Change: Store when pipe specs have already been updated in a project to speed up project loading PT-1652

- Bug fix: Category definition is not loaded properly when an old Settings.ppm file existed PT-1651

- Bug fix: Enabling/Disabling check boxes for the Assign Tag dialog aren't stored PT-1648

- Bug fix: OPC Manager shows the file name extension PT-1645

- Bug fix: Connecting two Connectors with Unknown Flow Direction empties the tree lists PT-1647

- Bug fix: The inconsistency between two Connectors with Unknown Flow Directions is not shown properly in tree lists and Grid PT-1649

Version (29.04.2022)
- New: Show progress message if bolt data read needs more time PT-1622

- Bug fix: PlantSpecDriven AttributeFlow Task List gets deleted on project open if the Persistent Data Cache was delete before PT-1620

- Bug fix: Connection loss after Bolt Calculation tries to substitute P3D BoltSets PT-1615

- Bug fix: OPC Manager icon in PlantExpressTools ribbon gets enabled when leaving Settings dialog even if OPC Manager is disabled PT-1614

- Bug fix: OPC Manager icon in PlantExpressTools ribbon isn't correctly set when enabling/disabling OPC Manager in PlantProjectSetup PT-1621

- Bug fix: PlantExpressTools blocks Plant 3D ribbon initialization PT-1617

- Bug fix: Deactivate 'Set Prioritized Bolt Definition Part' in context menu when Bolt Calculation is disabled PT-1618

- Bug fix: Refresh PlantProjectManager after WorkSpace changed PT-1619

Version (21.04.2022)

- Bug fix: Opening Settings dialog and clicking on OK shows dialog #00316 PT-1613

Version (19.04.2022)

- New: Prepare config files for collaboration - WORK IN PROGRESS PT-1561

- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 PT-1571

- New: Coloring partially shown arrow lines between OPC trees if the outgoing/incoming node cannot be shown because of filtering PT-1570

- New: Add PnPGuid to the PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager Properties Palette PT-1566

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 21.2.6 for all PlantTools PT-1580

- Change: Remove ACPAssetOwnership table PT-1554

- Change: Migrate Change Log database from PET_GUID to PnPGuid PT-1556

- Bug fix: Assembly Mapping fails due to imprecise boundary PT-1600

- Bug fix: Bolt Calculation - Inserting a valve fails with Error #00368 PT-1603

- Bug fix: Fixed memory leaks in PlantExpressTools & PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette PT-1559

- Bug fix: Relative URIs in other applications caused an FATAL ERROR PT-1563

- Bug fix: Assembly DB watcher wasn't properly initialized after project loading from Project Manager / PlantProjectManager PT-1562

- Bug fix: Having an apostrophe in the User Name or PC Name causes problems when accessing PlantTools databases PT-737

Version (10.03.2022)

- New: Update mapped Assembly properties when Copy/Move Assemblies with CTRL+C/CTRL+X and CTRL+V PT-1551

- Change: Increased performance for Update Calculations in Drawing command in PlantExpressTools PT-1531

- Bug fix: Migration fails because of duplicate PnPIDs in ACPProcessPower and ProcessPower databases PT-1544

- Bug fix: DWG Export deleted exported DWG because of cross-referenced DWGs PT-1543

- Bug fix: Ex-/Import function doesn't export Read-Only state of properties when exporting Project Setup PT-1545

- Bug fix: Plant 3D crashes when copying an Assembly PT-1549

- Bug fix: Assemblies Property Mapping Value not cleaned while copying PT-1550

- Bug fix: Editing drawing properties took very long PT-1546

Version (25.02.2022)

- Bug fix: Wrong PnPID converted while migrating ACPProcessPower to ProcessPower PT-1525

- Bug fix: Obsolete relationships in ACPProcessPower where the owner doesn't exist anymore PT-1527

- Bug fix: Migration of Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) ignores NPOs not related to a DWG PT-1528

- Bug fix: Export classes if Not-Placed Object tables exist in ProcessPower.dcf fails PT-1521

- Bug fix: Classes are added again when going back and forth in the Ex-/Import UI PT-1522

- Bug fix: ACProject.dcf still locked after opening another project PT-1523

Version (15.02.2022)

- New: Show info dialog if installed PlantTools doesn't have required minimum version PT-1441

- New: Global Language Setting for all PlantTools PT-1417

- New: Using ProcessPower.dcf for Not-Placed Objects PT-1079

- New: Support of PlantSpecDriven's AttributeFlow through OPC Manager PT-1395

- New: Add filter to filter all conflicts in OPC Manager trees PT-1485

- New: Adding an On/Off toggle button to the OPC Manager toolbar to show/hide drawings in the viewer PT-1463

- New: Limit entering string values exceeding field length of the property PT-557

- New: Purging of orphaned PlantExpressTools Bolt parts PT-1152

- New: Calculate single bolt part weight to have correct weights in Isos and add total weight as an additional property PT-1384

- New: Update Properties Palette when switching from one tab to another PT-1481

- New: Update Bolt Calculation when substituting parts of the flanged connection PT-527

- Change: Bolt Calculation - Update Pipe Spec dialog uses wrong DevExpress Style for Progress Bar PT-1385

- Bug fix: From/To aren't updated when connecting/disconnecting OPCs with OPC Manager PT-1448

- Bug fix: Fix a bug in the algorithm for natural string comparison in PropertiesPalette PT-1482

- Bug fix: The same property can be selected multiple times in OPC Manager's mapping setup PT-1456

- Bug fix: Bolts for Special Valves (FL_S/WF_S/LUG_S) aren't handled correctly when inserting the valve PT-1304

- Bug fix: Bolt Calculation does not use the correct nozzle the flange is connected to PT-1382

- Bug fix: Bolt Calculation OnDrawingSave settings isn't stored PT-1439

- Bug fix: FATAL CRASH when ribbon tooltips should be shown und PlantTools have different language settings PT-1393

- Bug fix: URLs to Online Documentation are pointing to the wrong location PT-1460

Version (16.12.2021)

- New: Log changes instantly when connecting or disconnecting or when copying values if Change Log is enabled PT-1348

- New: Setting Propagation Direction in OPC Manager PT-1346

- New: Adding Project and Drawing properties to PlantExpressTools/PlantDataManager Calculation PT-719

- Bug fix: Plant 3D crashes when using From/To Update PT-1373

- Bug fix: 'Create List' User Interface will not continue to page 5 when clicking on 'Next' on page 4 PT-1396

- Bug fix: Expression and Property Name are lost when selecting another class node in PlantExpressTools/PlantDataManager Calculation function PT-1394

- Bug fix: FATAL crash when flipping a 3D part with activated Bolt Calculation PT-1372

- Bug fix: Error messages when opening a drawing PT-1375

Version (08.11.2021)

- New: Execute Change Log without opening drawings when using the manual trigger PT-1347 & PT-1349

- New: Update Tags and Acquisitions without opening drawings PT-1305

- New: Unlock drawing in OPC Manager PT-1345

- New: Combine Inconsistencies and Flow Direction Conflicts into one filter option in OPC Manager PT-1343

- New: Create and Fill PET_GUID for PET on module initialization PT-1284

- Change: Improved Performance with PlantProjectManager's tree PT-1288

- Change: Improved Performance when determining the changes for the Change Log PT-1299

- Change: Improved Performance when creating GUIDs for Change Log PT-1101

- Change: Add Progress Panel for gathering data for change log PT-1314

- Bug fix: Long timeout with possible crashes when moving P&ID objects with activated Assembly function PT-1353

- Bug fix: FATAL crashes when moving an Annotation with loaded PlantExpressTools PT-1331

- Bug fix: Writing Change Log data is triggered twice when using 'When saving the Drawing' PT-1298

- Bug fix: Exception when entering Tree Settings & Mapping in PlantProjectSetup with German Plant 3D PT-1292

- Bug fix: Error (Dialog #00419) when opening PlantProjectSetup PT-1310

- Bug fix: Error (dialog #00368) with Bolt Calculation PT-1327

Version (13.09.2021)

- New: Off-Page Connector Manager PT-51

- New: Delete mapped values if Assembly was deleted PT-1187

- New: Annotation must be updated after the mapping is updated PT-1210

- New: New Setting to control whether to update Tags and Annotations when changing Assembly properties PT-1241

- Change: Added counter for Auditing Progress Panel for Updating Assemblies PT-1251

- Bug fix: Popup History Grid showed records of imported changes of PlantDataManager Plugin PT-1194

- Bug fix: Data Type 'Numberic' in Assembly function is spelled wrong and doesn't work either PT-1195

- Bug fix: Assembly function showed 'eAmbiguousInput' when updating PT-1232

- Bug fix: Assembly function showed 'eInvalidInput' when updating PT-1233

- Bug fix: Failure to assign assembly properties PT-1249

Version (12.07.2021)

- New: Use mapping of Assembly properties instead of using acquisition rules PT-1090

- New: Create Assembly Properties in PlantExpressTools Settings user interface PT-1185

- Change: Extended Assembly Settings wizard PT-1153

- Change: Set Symbol Scaling and Join Type for Default Symbols PT-1164

- Change: Adapting UDL paths for PlantExpressTools' Selection Lists function PT-950

- Bug fix: 'Show Xrefs in Use' in PlantProjectManager didn't work anymore PT-1122

- Bug fix: Plant 3D multiplied PlantTools ribbon icons and got very very slow when switching between work spaces several times PT-1117

- Bug fix: Testing connection in Windows Data Link Properties dialog fails for Selection Lists PT-1116

- Bug fix: Slow Plant 3D performance when PlantTools Plugin cannot acquire a network license PT-1113

- Bug fix: Cannot open a project with 'Open...' in PPM PT-1103

- Bug fix: Objects of Bolt Calculation aren't always removed from Piping.dcf when objects are delete in the drawing PT-1011

- Bug fix: Iso broken up when 'Discrepency' (Dialog #01099) appeared PT-1107

- Bug fix: 'Possible discrepancies found' (Dialog #01099) when using 'Special' valves PT-1010

- Bug fix: PET_Fastener class uses wrong DisplayName for LineNumber property PT-629

- Bug fix: Linked Virtual Properties aren't shown in PlantExpressTools' Properties Palette PT-762

- Bug fix: Default Values were deleted when BoltSets or Bolt Parts were inserted or updated PT-1072

- Bug fix: Shop/Field Property not created as Selection List for PET_Fastener class PT-628

- Bug fix: Iso Drawings didn't appear in PlantProjectManager PT-1110

- Bug fix: DWG Export issue when one of the drawings is open PT-397

- Bug fix: Error when using the Selection List function where rows have more columns than the header line PT-810

- Bug fix: DWG Export didn't bind or xref XREFs in PID drawings after the export PT-974

- Bug fix: Rule-Based Block Insert inserts ALL blocks in the active drawing PT-1089

- Bug fix: Missing underscores for project categories in setup file for PlantProjectCreate PT-899

- Bug fix: Selecting previous filter expressions in dropdown of PlantProjectManager didn't work PT-1056

- Bug fix: Auto-Filter in PlantProjectManager Palette worked only when filtering the second time PT-1055

- Bug fix: Plant 3D Project Manager gets and stays open after a drawing is opened from PlantProjectManager PT-1109

- Bug fix: eLockViolation Error when changing GraphicalStyleName in PlantProperties Palette PT-1048

- Bug fix: Pipe Spec's PSPC files weren't moved to Project Recycle Bin PT-1059

- Bug fix: Unwanted commands and text in command line PT-1100

- Bug fix: UNDO command appears in command line when Change Log is writing data PT-1096

- Bug fix: Writing of Change Log data was executed multiple times PT-1094

- Bug fix: Autosave triggered writing Change Log data PT-1095

- Bug fix: Editing drawing properties create error message when drawing has a version/revision PT-1064

Version (24.04.2021)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2022 PT-1025

- New: auxaliaLicenseManager automatically runs "Check for Updates..." PT-160

- New: Change license usage to permanent license usage PT-962

- New: Included Project Compare (available since 2022) in PlantProjectManager PT-1049

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 20.2.6 PT-1041

- Change: No support for AutoCAD P&ID 2016/2017 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016/2017 PT-1033

- Change: Reorganized PlantExpressTools ribbon PT-1060

- Change: Auto-Filter in SymbolsPalette filters now when using Return or Search icon PT-1047

- Change: ESC Key did close PlantProjectSetup without asking to save PT-986

- Change: Changed Trial Period from 30 to 14 days PT-975

- Change: More informative licensing dialogs Details

- Change: Warning when using Rule-Based Block Insert if rules use unknown variables PT-963

- Bug fix: Error when having OnDrawingSave enabled for Bolt Calculation in a P&ID drawing PT-1075

- Bug fix: PlantProjectManager tree does not filter on first attempt when using Return key PT-1076

- Bug fix: XREFed DWGs weren't rotated to the original angle with DWG Export PT-987

- Bug fix: Filtering in PlantProjectManager tree had ACAD crash when ISO Drawings category is enabled PT-985

- Bug fix: OK button in Categories Settings not enabled when then status of a checkbox is changed PT-988

Version (10.02.2021)

- New: Additional Dialog when restoring a value and acquisition mode from the history PT-777

- New: Added OnDrawingClose to the Change Log Triggers PT-776

- New: Added a new orange history icon to show unsaved values PT-787

- New: Adding DWG Export Settings to DWG Export dialog PT-805

- New: Silent Mode for DWG Export PT-806

- Change: Adding UNDO icon in content menu for restoring values from the Change Log PT-813

- Change: 'Locate Drawing' in PlantProjectManager now also shows file in new location when moved to a folder PT-910

- Change: Replacing standard Windows Message boxes with our own dialogs PT-744

- Change: Use Auto-Filter in PlantProjectSetup for searching for a node PT-923

- Bug fix: 'Export to AutoCAD' menu item didn't work PT-911

- Bug fix: Changes are not written into the Change Log table OnDrawingSave PT-780

- Bug fix: Relationship of objects in an Assembly weren't created when objects where close to the boundary PT-953

- Bug fix: Overall and Additional Length is applied incorrectly PT-904

- Bug fix: Column Width in Properties Palette is reset to its Default Value every time an object is selected PT-902

- Bug fix: Removing a related file removed the file even when selecting No PT-915

- Bug fix: Increase Version/Revision for multiple drawings didn't work correctly PT-909

- Bug fix: Running 'Check for Spec Updates' creates a new drawing PT-920

- Bug fix: Create new Pipe Spec dialog shows is the path in the wrong control PT-919

- Bug fix: Creating a sub-folder within a folder which was just created didn't work PT-918

- Bug fix: Removing empty sub-folders didn't work PT-917

- Bug fix: Error when navigating PlantProjectSetup with the Breadcrumb control PT-901

- Bug fix: Copy Drawing to Project refused to insert a drawing PT-905

- Bug fix: 'Add Work History' menu item doesn't work PT-906

- Bug fix: Error when trying to create Selection List sources in PlantProjectSetup PT-900

- Bug fix: Line Annotation Update changed insertion point when the annotation was auto-inserted PT-898

- Bug fix: Wrong or double values in DwgSubIndex in PnPDataLinks table when inserting Bolt Parts PT-816

- Bug fix: History symbols didn't appear in all tabs in the PropertiesPalette where the same property is used PT-786

- Bug fix: Using the version/revision feature of PlantProjectManager if the ACProject.db is on SQL Server caused an error PT-779

- Bug fix: Error when storing change log when the ACPChangeLog.dcf database resides on SQL Server PT-778

- Bug fix: Error when trying to open the PPM Categories Settings when project is using UNC paths PT-783

- Bug fix: Wrong order when binding XREFs with DWG Export PT-693

- Bug fix: PlantProjectManager using PnPRelativePath to get the File Name PT-797

- Bug fix: Drawing with lock symbol couldn't be opened anymore on PlantProjectManager PT-807

Version (12.10.2020)

- Bug fix: Restore from the history didn't work PT-771

- Bug fix: Sometimes the 'Store changes in Change Log' menu was available even if the ChangeLoggingSettings.xml didn't exist PT-773

Version (09.10.2020)

- New: Change Logging PT-364

- New: Context menu of PlantProjectManager for Line Group node is complete now PT-191

- New: Context menu of PlantProjectManager for ISO Style Category node is complete now PT-195

- New: Context menu of PlantProjectManager for Drawing Category node is complete now PT-192

- New: Context menu of PlantProjectManager for Spec Sheet node is complete now PT-190

- New: Added MigrationTool to PlantExpressTools Setup PT-756

- Change: Implemented F1 to open our own browser PT-753

- Bug fix: Exception if LineGroup is used in multiple drawings while bolt update PT-733

- Bug fix: Valve with 0 for Length property with block based Wafer (WF) valves didn't calculate the bolt length correctly PT-734

- Bug fix: Log Information weren't written correctly or in the correct PlantTools log files PT-690

Version (13.08.2020)

- New: Expand/Collaps in context menu of PlantProjectManager tree PT-688

- Change: Considering Blind Disk, Orifice Plate, Space Disk and Spectacle Blind for Bolt Calculation PT-723

- Change: Performance issue when using MS Access DB in PlantProjectSetup for Selection List Project Properties PT-543

- Change: Slow performance when showing DWG properties in PlantProjectManager PT-588

- Change: Slow Performance with PlantProjectManager for SQL Server project in a real network environment PT-440

- Change: Changing TimeStamp Format and ProjectType Content in ACProject.db-->ReportRevision table PT-699

- Bug fix: Bolt Calculation doesn't work when flanged objects use different units (MM and INCH) PT-718

- Bug fix: Order of Fasteners in DefaultConnectorsConfig.xml can cause problems for the Bolt Calculation Details

- Bug fix: When entering a value in a selection list property in PET Properties Palette, the control loses focus after when typing in the first character PT-724

- Bug fix: Cannot change acquisition mode in PET Properties Palette PT-725

Version (06.07.2020)

- New: Open PET Properties Palette when double-clicking on an object PT-585

- New: Adding Numbers of Lines for Dropdown lists for PET Properties Palette PT-598

- New: Calculation function allow creating GUIDs PT-654

- Change: Resizable Combobox controls in PET Properties Palette PT-599

- Change: Set default behavior for common properties toggle in Properties Palette PT-584

- Bug fix: Improvements for Display Names for the Properties Palette when selecting objects from different classes where the same Property has different Display Names PT-586

- Bug fix: PlantProjectManager doesn't show correct background color when multi-selecting PT-638

- Bug fix: Multi-Select in PPM doesn't seem to work for Create Version/Revision PT-639

- Bug fix: Properties Palette didn't show the DisplayNames for 3D Objects PT-651

- Bug fix: Line Annotations not created at PipeLineSegment class level couldn't be linked PT-485

- Bug fix: StubEnds aren't considered for Bolt Calculation when inserting lapped flanges PT-645

- Bug fix: Bolt Connector Symbol didn't show the right size on flanged nozzles PT-680

- Bug fix: DWG Tree in PlantProjectStup for 'Rule-based Blocks' wasn't ordered PT-667

Version 3.1 (25.05.2020)

- New: Rule-Based insertion of block assemblies

- Bug fix: Lug connections weren't calculated anymore or not correctly

- Bug fix: PlantProjectCreate didn't handle special characters like äöüß

- Bug fix: Connector Symbol (used for BoltSets/BoltParts) sometimes appeared to large

- Bug fix: Changes made in PlantProjectSetup for the Bolt Catalog weren't always saved

Version 3.0 (23.04.2020)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2021

- Change: PlantProjectManager opened a new AutoCAD session when opening a dwg from "Related Files"

- Change: The control for editing drawing properties worked differently than for example the controls in the PET Properties Palette

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.2.7

- Bug fix: PlantProjectCreate sometimes created multiple folders with the same name

- Bug fix: When using light color scheme PlantProjectManager didn't keep the background color of the selected tree node when the tree lost focus

- Bug fix: When creating a new category in PlantProjectManager and moving the category up or down, doc file name and doc node text where reset to their default values

Version 2.5 (07.04.2020)

- New: Create project and drawings with filled out properties through external app (PlantProjectCreate)

- New: Prioritizing flange/valve for bolt calculation

- New: Link bolt catalog to Plant 3D pipe spec

- New: Checkbox in PET Properties Palette to toggle between showing only the common properties of multiple selected classes or all properties

- Change: Moved Buttons from Add-Ins to PlantExpressTools ribbon

- Change: Internal Cleanup - Reduction of dlls

- Change: Updated Ribbon Icons

- Change: Closing a project in PlantProjectManager didn't close the any open drawings of the closing project

- Change: PlantProjectCreate with added /language switch to control UI language (DE or EN)

- Bug fix: Minor text corrections in user interfaces

- Bug fix: AutoCAD Plant 3D crashed when creating a new drawing with a space in the drawing name

- Bug fix: PET Properties Palette opened every time a drawing was closed or opened

- Bug fix: AutoCAD Plant 3D 2020 used a newer SQLite dll which caused an error when using UNC paths

Version 2.4 (30.10.2019)

- Bug fix: Missing DevExpress references

- Bug fix: Install wasn't initiated after download

Version 2.3 (28.10.2019)

- New: Bolt Calculation

- Change: New program icons and ribbon images

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.6

Version 2.2 (30.07.2019)

- New: Show in-use values when multi-selecting in PET's Properties palette

- Bug fix: Project cannot be opened in PPM if no project is open

Version 2.1 (19.07.2019)

- Change: PlantProjectManager palette supports docking now

- Change: The 'NumberOfTrays' property of the 'Tanks' class is using datatype PnPIntType which cause a problem when importing project setup

- Change: Project properties can now be used for the file name format expression

- Bug fix: Setting Windows language to 'English (Netherlands)' caused corrupt XLSX file

- Bug fix: Color issue for the On/Off toggle in PlantProjectManager

Version 2.0 (17.05.2019)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020

- New: Added a search option in SymbolsPalette

- New: Allow changing the graphical style in PET Properties Palette

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.3

- Bug fix: Xrefed drawings which weren't part of the project weren't considered with DWG Export

- Bug fix: Error when opening PET Settings through PlantProjectManager if no drawing was open

Version 1.77 (11.03.2019)

- Change: Checking if only valid data types are used when importing project setup from Excel file

- Change: Creating a dropdown list in Excel file for data types when exporting project setup

- Change: Closing properties and symbol palette of AutoCAD Plant 3D when starting AutoCAD Plant 3D

- Bug fix: Sometimes line annotations weren't updated

- Bug fix: Error when inserting a control valve and the previously used actuator doesn't exist anymore

- Bug fix: Show all Tags in the extended "Assign Tag" dialog shows all Tags twice

- Bug fix: DWG Export doesn't always use the "Bind" option for XREFs and instead reference them again

- Bug fix: AutoCAD Plant 3D isn't clearing its datacache when deleting an acquisition which is also used in sub-classes

Version 1.76 (08.02.2019)

- New: Additional options when removing drawings from a project in PlantProjectManager

- New: Versions and Revisions can be created from drawings

- New: FileNameFormat can be defined for each category

- New: Start of PlantProjectSetup allows defining Project and Drawing properties also as Selection Lists from any data source

- Change: Suppress message in command line if calculations are skipped

- Bug fix: PlantProjectManager didn't work properly with projects using UNC paths

- Bug fix: Removed documents weren't moved to the project recycle bin folder

- Bug fix: User created categories in PlantProjectManager got lost when switching between projects

- Bug fix: Wrong/Missing English text when updating selections

- Bug fix: Default Values weren't imported when importing project setup from Excel file

- Bug fix: Acquisition Rules weren't imported when importing project setup from Excel file

Version 1.75 (27.09.2018)

- New: PlantProjectManager is now fully functional (with a few exception) PlantProjectManager

- New: Open PET Properties palette on startup and closing AutoCAD Properties palette on startup

- Bug fix: Sometimes updating calculations for ACAD properties caused hanging in PID/P3D and PET/PL did not function correctly anymore

Version 1.74 (14.06.2018)

- New: DWG Export works for P&ID drawing now

- New: DWG Export support for AutoCAD 2018 file format

- New: Improved file selection in DWG Export dialog

- New: P&ID Symbols can be renamed now

- Change: Additional settings on DWG Export tab

- Change: Project export adds filter and macros (Command column) in Excel file

- Bug fix: DWGs couldn't be opened through Plant Project Manager

Version 1.73 (02.05.2018)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2019

- New: Preview of the upcoming project manager. AQAPETPLANTPROJECTMANAGER

- New: When multiple classes are selected for the list function ordering by a common property

- Change: The PET properties palette was replaced with a new much faster version

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.7

- Bug fix: Bug fix: Importing selection lists from Excel could cause the import to fail in case if NULL and/or empty cells

- Bug fix: Issues when importing project setup from Excel

- Bug fix: List function didn't create the list in full if multiple equipment sub classes were selected

Version 1.72 (30.01.2018)

- New: Symbols can be shown with their SymbolName or the Class' DisplayName (settings)

- New: Symbols can be sorted A-Z, Z-A or not

- New: Symbol images can be exported

- Change: Classes with no symbols aren't shown

- Change: Symbol names are shown localized

- Change: Speed improvement in From/To and assemblies

- Bug fix: SymbolsPalette always recreated symbol images instead of using the cached images

- Bug fix: SymbolsPalette sometimes didn't show any classes or symbols

- Bug fix: When importing selection lists for properties used in a Tag Format, the property disappeared temporarily from the Assign Tag dialog

Version 1.71 (05.12.2017)

- New: Batch updating selection lists

- New: Added calculation function (PTFormat, PTFormatDouble)

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.3

- Bug fix: Issue when moving objects out of the assembly boundaries

- Bug fix: For some projects, Plant 3D was crashing when updating assemblies

- Bug fix: Line Annotation stopped with error when lines of a line segment had a length of 0

- Bug fix: Line annotation update doesn't consider the free standing annotations anymore

Version 1.70 (10.11.2017)

- New: Multiple Assembly classes can be defined

- New: One Assembly can have multiple closed polylines or can be on multiple drawings

- New: Project classes, symbols and properties can be ex- and imported

- New: Added calculation function (PTSwitchCase, PTSwitchCondition)

- Bug fix: Symbol Palette didn't always load symbols

- Bug fix: Importing csv files as selection lists, sometimes showed wrong results

- Bug fix: Deleting Assemblies didn't update calculations property

Version 1.69 (06.09.2017)

- New: A new properties palette is available to better structure properties

- New: Added calculation function to get the longest string of a list of strings (PTLongestString)

- Change: Relationship to an assembly will be created when the P&ID object is inserted

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.1.5

- Bug fix: Coloring of 3D objects wasn't handled correctly

- Bug fix: Calculations for ACAD properties, sometimes blocked interaction with AutoCAD P&ID/Plant 3D when inserting some symbols

- Bug fix: Settings dialog for Assign Tag didn't always show the scroll bars correctly for class tree and properties list

- Bug fix: For SLINEs which were drawn as loops the "Update Line Annotations" function didn't associate the line annotation with the SLINE

- Bug fix: Symbol Palette didn't auto-hide correctly

- Bug fix: Loading symbols for SymbolsPalette sometimes hung

Version 1.68 (20.06.2017)

- New: Linked Line Annotation can use leaders

Version 1.67 (07.06.2017)

- New: Calculated AutoCAD Properties like Color or Layer can be set to the DefaultValues of the object

Version 1.66 (23.05.2017)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2018

Version 1.65 (03.04.2017)

- Bug fix: Polyline with duplicate vertices prevented the assembly routine to create relationships

- Bug fix: Graphical issue on symbol palette when selecting symbols for hiding/showing

- Bug fix: Sometimes loading or refreshing symbols for the symbol palette failed with error

Version 1.64 (17.02.2017)

- Change: Speed improvements for assembly update

- Change: Improvements in DWG Export for nested XREFs

- Bug fix: Update Assemblies improved to work in paper space and viewports

Version 1.63 (14.01.2017)

- New: AutoCAD Properties like Color, Layer and so on, can be calculated now es well

- New: Optional the SymbolsPalette can show only the symbol defined under GraphicalStyleName, not all class symbols

- New: Hide Symbols in SymbolsPalette

- New: Turning off tool palette for P&ID drawings

- New: The GraphicalStyleName is available as a field in the expression editor for calculated properties

- Bug fix: "Assign Tag" didn't work for PipeLineGroups and SignalLineGroups in P&ID

- Bug fix: Spaces in additional properties in Assign Tag dialog were removed

Version 1.62 (14.12.2016)

- New: Extended "Assign Tag" dialog (>= Version 2014)

Version 1.61 (12.12.2016)

- Bug fix: Error message when copy/rename project due to a change in API with 2017.1

Version 1.60 (07.11.2016)

- New: New SymbolsPalette (>= Version 2014)

Version 1.59 (28.10.2016)

- Change: PnPID and ClassName not available to be calculated properties

- Bug fix: Calculations in drawing didn't work for PipeLineGroups/SignalLinGroups

- Bug fix: Catching several issue with projects when using copy/rename projectNew: Added Calculated Properties

Version 1.58 (04.10.2016)

- New: Added Calculated Properties

- Change: Lists can be create for NonEngineeringItems now

- Bug fix: Tags of object as part of an assembly weren't always updated

Version 1.57 (29.08.2016)

- Change: The Tag of P3dLineGroups won't be updated anymore in cases where there are missing delimiters (Plant 3D bug)

- Bug fix: Acquisition update caused an error if a drawing could not be opened and "Automatically save and close all new loaded drawings, when using 'Update Acquisitions in Project'" was checked

Version 1.56 (10.08.2016)

- Change: Speed improvements for 'Line Annotation Update'

- Change: Orhpaned line annotations will be replaced with new annotations

- Change: The button wrongly named 'Update From/To in project' is now showing 'Updates remaining From/To tasks' and calls command AqaPetUpdateRemainingFromToTasks

- Bug fix: List function was deactivated when AutoCAD P&ID was used

- Bug fix: 'Line Annotation Update' and 'List Update' caused orphaned annotations when 'On Drawing Save' was used

- Bug fix: Orphaned line segments cause 'Line Annotation Update' to stop working

Version 1.55 (17.06.2016)

- New: From/To command includes SignalLines now (optional)

Version 1.54 (11.06.2016)

- New: Borrowing of network licenses

Version 1.53 (23.05.2016)

- Bug fix: DWG Export hung when drawings to export were located in deeper subfolders
- Bug fix: Invalid xrefs were not handled correctly

Version 1.52 (11.04.2016)

- Change: Autodesk changed API between Beta and Final release of AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 which caused errors

- Bug fix: When executing the 'Update list in drawing' command, sometimes the 'PnIDAssetTool.dll' could not be loaded

- Bug fix: Update didn't start when initiated

Version 1.51 (07.04.2016)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 64Bit

Version 1.50 (23.03.2016)

- New: Option to zoom extents and save & close DWG, when updating Tag and/or Acquisitions for the whole project

Version 1.49 (21.03.2016)

- New: Creating lists in P&ID (e.g. equipment lists)

- Bug fix: Update check didn't work the first time it was initiated

Version 1.48 (08.03.2016)

- Bug fix: Folders and drawing NOT located under the project folder weren't handled correctly with DWG Export

Version 1.47 (19.02.2016)

- Bug fix: Symbols without AttachmentPoints weren't included to Assemblies

Version 1.46 (22.01.2016)

- New: The names of the 3D Pipe Specs can be copied into the pipe spec selection list of P&ID. Also take a look the ex/import settings

Version 1.45 (14.01.2016)

- Change: Lines and Assets attached to the an assembly's boundary and which are outside the assembly are not considered part of the assembly

Version 1.44 (18.12.2015)

- Change: DWG Export dialog can be resized

- Change: DWG Export can handle attached and overlaid XREFs

- Change: DWG Export dialog is using thumbnails as a preview

- Bug fix: DWG Export dialog didn't show the folder structure as in Project Manager

- Bug fix: DWG Export dialog didn't show filenames in alphabetical order

- Bug fix: DWG Export can handle circular XREFs

Version 1.43 (16.10.2015)

- Bug fix: When using AQAPETUPDATEFROMTO or AQAPETUPDATEFROMTOINPROJECT the From/To couldn't always resolve OPC connections

Version 1.42 (02.10.2015)

- New: Line Annotations can be linked to SLINEs

Version 1.41 (03.09.2015)

- New: DWG-Export exports Plant 3D drawings and objects as standard AutoCAD objects

Version 1.40 (19.08.2015)

- Bug fix: When using TagUpdate leading 0 were disregarded for the new Tag

Version 1.39 (02.07.2015)

- Bug fix: Update needed due to a new PnPDataObjects.dll in SP1 for AutoCAD® P&ID 2016 and AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2016

Version 1.38 (29.04.2015)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2016

Version 1.37 (16.01.2015)

- Bug fix: Line Annotation Update did update only the first attribute of an annotation

Version 1.36 (25.11.2014)

- Change: The setting On Drawing Save for Assemblies was moved to the On Drawing Save tab

- Bug fix: Line Annotation Update could end in an endless loop

- Bug fix: Line Annotation Update didn't always link the annotation to the correct line due to inaccuracies in the 10th decimal place

Version 1.35 (16.10.2014)

- New: Update Acquisitions OnDrawingSave

- New: Update Tags OnDrawingSave

- New: Update Line Annotations OnDrawingSave

- New: Update Coordinates OnDrawingSave

- Change: Change of Workflow of From/To feature

- Change: Show result window for Tags as an option

- Change: Show result window for Acquisition rules as an option

- Bug fix: PipeLineGroup Tag wasn't updated

Version 1.34 (03.10.2014)

- Change: PlantTool is ready for Autodesk Exchange Apps. The PlantTools icons will be found under "Plugins"

Version 1.33 (19.09.2014)

- Bug fix: When disconnection a PipeLineSegment the From/To info weren't deleted

- Bug fix: When a Non-Engineering Segment or Group breaker was inserted the From/To info weren't calculated at all

- Bug fix: The From/To routine didn't use the nozzle Tag, but the Type and Number property which isn't correct

Version 1.32 (06.08.2014)

- Change: Import/Export to/from XLS is not supported anymore due to driver issues between 32bit and 64bit

Version 1.31 (25.07.2014)

- Bug fix: Error when exporting class properties

Version 1.30 (04.07.2014)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2015

Version 1.29 (19.03.2014)

- Bug fix: FROM/TO function didn't sometimes create values

Version 1.28 (06.03.2014)

- New: PlantTools are available as rental versions

Version 1.27 (19.02.2014)

- Bug fix: Acquisitions and tags update was not handled correctly for empty drawings

Version 1.26 (17.12.2013)

- New: Assembly border supports PolyCross now (see Settings)

Version 1.25 (12.12.2013)

- New: Coordinate routine for Non-Engineering Items too

Version 1.24 (28.11.2013)

- New: Own From/To properties for Pipe Line Segments and Groups

Version 1.23 (16.05.2013)

- Bug fix: PlantTools customization file was modified at each AutoCAD® start, causing reloading of main cui file

Version 1.22 (12.05.2013)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2014

- New: Line annotations which are apparently assigned to the wrong line or which have been copied from another line can be updated

- New: Sizes between P&ID nozzles and lines will be checked

Version 1.21 (19.04.2013)

- New: Ex-/Import of class and symbol properties

Version 1.20 (21.03.2013)

- New: Implementation of assemblies

Version 1.19 (19.11.2012)

- New: X,Y,Z coordinates can be stored in separate properties

Version 1.18 (03.09.2012)

- Bug fix: Restrict projects that use SQL server to be renamed or copied

- Bug fix: Drawing files and paths weren't updated properly in 2012/2013, because that info is not stored in the xml file anymore

- Bug fix: Path for PipeBendConfigFile wasn't updated

Version 1.17 (31.08.2012)

- Bug fix: Network located project failed to load

Version 1.16 (24.08.2012)

- New: Copy selection lists between P&ID and Plant 3D

Version 1.15 (26.07.2012)

- New: Update function for acquisition rules

Version 1.14 (24.07.2012)

- New: Update function for Tags

- New: Function to register the PlantTools in case AutoCAD® was installed after the PlantTool

Version 1.13 (30.05.2012)

- Change: Icons and Logo

Version 1.12 (29.04.2012)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2013

Version 1.11 (04.10.2011)

- New: Export of selection lists as CSV files

Version 1.10 (27.09.2011)

- Bug fix: Invalid dll reference in P&ID 2010

Version 1.9 (26.09.2011)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2012

Version 1.8 (26.08.2011)

- Change: Source project set as read-only can be copied now as well.

Version 1.7 (12.04.2011)

- New: The expiration date will be shown in the info box and a message box 14 days prior to the expiration date will be shown.

- Change: PlantExpressTools are not freeware anymore

- Change: The test phase was changed from 100 attemps to 30 days trial period

Version 1.6 (15.03.2011)

- Bug fix: If no project was loaded in AutoCAD® an error appeared when trying to copy/rename a project

Version 1.5 (16.02.2011)

- New: PlantExpressTools are freeware

Version 1.4 (11.01.2011)

- New: rename/copy project

Version 1.3 (05.11.2010)

- New: Import of Excel- and CSV files as Selection lists

- New: Switch to online documentation

Version 1.2 (01.02.2010)

- New: Enhancements of download process

Version 1.1 (10.01.2010)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID 2010

- New: Network license support

- New: Added Menu/Ribbon for PlantTools

Version 1.0 (31.03.2009)

- First Version.