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Systems Requirements
•Windows XP - Windows 11
•AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020 - 2025
Version (28.02.2025)
- New: Copy Property values function for PlantExpressTools' PropertiesPalette PT-3617
The PropertiesPalette used by PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager will allow copying user-definable property values from a source object to multiple target objects. Details can be found under Copy & Paste.
- Bug fix: Ignore empty DataCaches of other users when saving PT-4417
When saving your changes in PlantDataManager, empty Data Caches of other users were handled incorrectly and could cause error messages. |
- Bug fix: Calculation preview formatting lost in Define Calculation dialog PT-4408
In versions prior to version 8.1, the Calculation Editor dialog displayed a preview of calculations with formatting preserved, including carriage returns, making it easy to read. However, in the updated version, the calculation preview no longer retains carriage returns, making it harder to read and interpret. Before: Now:
- Bug fix: PropertiesPalette doesn't show common properties PT-4433
When selecting objects of different classes the PropertiesPalette showed all properties which are common in the selected classes. This only worked for user defined tabs in the PropertiesPalette, but not for the P&ID or 3D tab.
- Bug fix: Expand/Collapse functionality by arrow for groups in the Properties Palette is missing PT-4418
We added the arrow to collapse/expand groups in the PropertiesPalette again.
- Bug fix: Texts for Proxy Settings aren't changed right away when switching the language setting PT-4103
When switching the language, the labels for the proxy settings are not updated, but all other labels.
- Bug fix: External data viewer not triggered when multiple database matches exist PT-4571
If there were multiple options available for a link configuration the External data viewer didn't open. |
- Bug fix: Acquisition mode is not stored in/restored from NPO xml PT-4446
Changing the Acquisition mode for NPOs is not stored/restored in/from the NPO xml files |
- Bug fix: NPO value deletions are not applied after executing pending tasks of NPO*.xml PT-4591
When deleting existing values from NPOs (already in ProcessPower), these value deletions are correctly written into an NPO*.xml file. However, after executing pening tasks of the XML, while the file itself is deleted, the actual value deletions are not applied in the system. The deleted values remain unchanged. |
- Bug fix: Error Opening Collaboration Project on First Download via PlantDataManager/PlantReporter with 2025 PT-4546
When attempting to open a Collaboration Project via PDM or PR that has not yet been locally downloaded, an error is displayed stating that the project file cannot be found. This issue is specific to setups using the 2025 and does not occur with earlier versions. |
- Bug fix: Find and Replace in PlantDataManager overwrites Read-Only Properties with 'Replace All' PT-4570
When using Replace, values of read-only properties were also overwritten.
Version (15.11.2024)
- New: Assign Tag dialog doesn't show Tags of NPOs which are still stored in xml files PT-3575
When editing Tags the NPOs which haven't been imported yet didn't appear in the Assign Tag. Now the NPOs (whether they haven't been imported yet or not) appear with their color in the Assign Tag dialog.
- New: Assign Tag dialog uses DevExpress controls now PT-4370
The Assign Tag dialog was converted to use DevExpress controls now.
- New: Check NPO Tags against PO and other NPO Tags PT-4371
When editing the Tag of Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) against Placed Objects (POs) or other NPOs the Tag is checked for uniqueness. |
- New: Check Tag when editing Tag in Assign Tag dialog PT-4372
When entering the property values of a Tag the resulting Tag will be checked instantly. If there is a conflict a warning icon appears in front of the Tag and the Assign button gets disabled. There are also tooltip on the icon and Assign button.
- New: Data Cache files are loaded much faster now when opening a project in PlantDataManager PT-4277
When opening a project it looked like PlantDataManager is migrating the ChangeLog database. This was not the case. It actually already finished the process, but didn't show a line for loading the Data Caches into memory. This process was very slow and is now about 60 times faster. You will see a new line in the loading dialog when the data cache files are loaded.
- New: Option to allow closing a drawing right after its changes have been imported PT-4278
When importing changes for multiple drawings PlantDataManager Plugin always kept the drawings open till the all changes were imported for all drawings. Then depending on the setting the drawing would be saved and closed or just saved. Now there is a new option to close a drawing right after all its changes have been imported. This keeps the memory consumption low.
- New: Change hard coded texts for PlantDataManager Plugin tab PT-3537
The text on the tabs of PlantDataManager Plugin were hard-coded and therefore didn't appear in German when using PlantTools in German.
- New: Do not reset view when using Refresh in PlantDataManager PT-4308
When using the Refresh button in PlantDataManager, the Columns (order, width, sorting) as well as Filtering and Grouping will be restored after the refresh.
- New: Do not reset view for GNPOs in PlandDataManager Plugin when using Refresh PT-3535
When using the Refresh button in PlantDataManager, the Columns (order, width, sorting) as well as Filtering and Grouping will be restored after the refresh.
- New: Do not reset view for Data Import in PlandDataManager Plugin when using Refresh PT-3536
When using the Refresh button in PlantDataManager, the Columns (order, width, sorting) as well as Filtering and Grouping will be restored after the refresh.
- New: PlantDataManager Plugin Performance Issues when having multiple Caches with a lot of changes PT-3673
When accepting changes from multiple users the performance is better now. |
- New: Close editing dialog when editing properties from a PlantReporter Report PT-4147
When using PlantReporter Reports view and you double-click in a label in the layout, the editing dialog opens. After typing in the value, the user had to click on the OK button to save the change. Now you can simply press Return to close the dialog.
- New: Faster pasting speed when pasting copied values in a lot of cells PT-4340
When pasting in a lot of cells, PDM takes quite some time to finish the job. |
- Bug fix: Save Changes Dialog Appears When Closing PDM, Even Without Edits PT-4367
When closing the project or PlantDataManager dialog #00162 appeared even if no changes were made.
- Bug fix: Duplicate Change Log icons appear when resizing window or column PT-4366
When the Change Log function is activated, the icon appeared multiple times in the grid when resizing PlantDataManager or the columns.
- Bug fix: Override Acquisition Mode is not saved in .lcf files PT-4358
When enabling Override Acquisition Mode the state is not saved in the lcf file.
- Bug fix: Error when ordering Plant 3D projects in Open Collaboration Project dialog PT-4271
When opening a Collaboration Project in PlantReporter or PlantDataManager an error appeared.
- Bug fix: Report Layout files of version 22.2 aren't downloaded PT-4341
When opening a Collaboration project the PlantReporter layout files of version 22.2 weren't downloaded. Only the rcf files. |
- Bug fix: DWG Number missing in PlantDataManager with ACAD Versions less than or equal to 2024 PT-4323
If PlantDataManager was set to 2024 or lower, the DWG Number wasn't shown.
- Bug fix: Dialog #01055 appears when accepting/rejecting a single change in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-4324
When accepting a single change in PlantDataManager Plugin the notification dialog informing the user about pending changes appeared after every accepted change. |
- Bug fix: Wrong coloring and incomplete tool tip for changes made by current user and another user PT-960
When making a change and another user changes the same property, the cell shows cyan instead of magenta. Magenta must be used if the current user and another user made a change. No matter if both users typed in the same or different values. In addition, the tool tip only showed the other user's changes, but not the current user's own. |
- Bug fix: Project gets loaded twice after changing the AutoCAD Version PT-4093
If a project was already loaded in PlantDataManager and then you changed the AutoCAD Version in the Settings the project was loaded twice after the restart of PlantDataManager. |
- Bug fix: Certain display settings can lead to errors when opening the link or calculation result dialogs as well as the calculation dialog in PlantDataManager PT-4279
For some rare cases an error appears when using Windows display scaling other than 100% when opening the Calculation dialog in PlantDataManager or the Calculation or Link Result dialogs. |
- Bug fix: Command line parameters aren't passed through from PlantDataManager.exe to PlantDataManager.FrameWork.exe/PlantDataManager.NetCore.exe PT-4119
When starting PlantDataManager with Command line parameter the parameters weren't passed through from the PlantDataManager.exe to the PlantDataManager.FrameWork.exe or PlantDataManager.NetCore.exe. |
- Bug fix: Grid Refresh collapsed all grouped properties PT-4330
When having a grouped grid and then click on the Refresh button, then the grouping was gone.
Version (28.08.2024)
- New: Update to Plant 3D 2025 and DevExpress 23.2.6 PT-3326
PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2025. PlantTools support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2020 - 2025 now. Updated DevExpress controls and tools to version 23.2.6 in all PlantTools. |
- New: Function in Context menu to remove a current user change in a cell of a grid PT-3601
We added a function in the context menu in PlantDataManager to remove the change the user made. Up until now the user had to type in the current database value to remove the change. |
- New: PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin will use a lock file for Collaboration and Non-Collaboration projects to prevent issues after crashes PT-4143
If PlantDataManager or PlantDataManager Plugin open data cache files, the file(s) will be checked out to prevent other users to check them out as well. However, if a crash happens now, then the data cache file is still checked out and PlantDataManager or PlantDataManager Plugin couldn't differentiate if the checked out file was because of a crash or because of another user had the file correctly checked out. Therefore, we implemented a locking mechanism with some information in order for PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin know if the file was checked out by PlantDataManager or PlantDataManager Plugin on this machine. If this was the case, then PlantDataManager or PlantDataManager Plugin can safely use the already checked out file. This mechanism is not only implemented for Collaboration projects, but also for regular network projects (SQLite or SQL Server). |
- New: If many properties with acquisitions are visible in the PlantDataManager Data Grid, scrolling becomes bumpy PT-4144
In the general attempt to improve the performance of PlantDataManager with larger projects (larger number of rows or larger in number of properties) we improved the scrolling speed if there are a lot of acquisition icons visible in the grid. |
- New: New Result UI for Calculation Update PT-4149
The Result dialog of the Calculation function has a more modern user interface.
- New: New UI for Calculation dialog in PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager PT-4151
PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager have a more modern user interface for the Calculation configurations.
- New: Show AutoCAD Version in title of PlantDataManager/PlantReporter PT-4154
The title of PlantDataManager and PlantReporter shows the set AutoCAD version now.
- New: New UI for link configuration dialog in PlantLink and PlantDataManager PT-4190
PlantLink and PlantDataManager have a more modern user interface for the link configurations.
- New: New Result UI for Link Update PT-4273
The Result dialog of the Calculation function has a more modern user interface.
- Change: Adapt Plant Report Layout Version Check PT-4132
Due to the upgrade to DevExpress 23.2.6 the layout files must be updated as well. If you have PlantReporter set to 2025, you first need to change the setting to 2024 again in order for PlantReporter to be able to migrate the layouts. Otherwise you will see this dialog: During the migration of the layout you will be shown a progress bar. After the layout have been migrated you can switch back to 2025. |
- Bug fix: When PlantDataManager Plugin is opened in SQL Server project, no .lock file is created for the PDMDataCache PT-3633
When using a SQL Server project and opening PDM Plugin, then no lock file was created for the data caches which were ready for import. |
- Bug fix: FATAL ERROR when opening PlantDataManager Plugin and it tried to remove obsolete changes PT-3680
If PlantDataManager Plugin gets opened and it tries to remove obsolete changes from a data cache, but the data cache contains changes which aren’t ready for import, the data cache doesn’t get checked out and therefore removing the records from a read-only data cache leads to a FATAL ERROR. |
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager created a dcf file during project load when using SQL Server, if the PlantDataManager folder already exists PT-3682
If there is already a PlantDataManager folder in the project, then PlantDataManager created the dcf file, but not the database. |
- Bug fix: When opening PlantDataManager Plugin, changes from other users are added to your own PDMDataCache with 'Not Ready for Import' PT-4135
Because of a very special user case, it could happen, that other user's changes from their data cache file were copied to your own data cache file and marked as Not ready for Import. |
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin removed the wrong changes from the data cache files due to a very narrow edge case with obsolete changes in the data cache files PT-4136
Another very special use case were data could be removed from the data cache. |
- Bug fix: Disk Symbol gets disabled when switching between views PT-4159
If the Disk symbols gets enabled due to new changes being made and then switching to another view (e.g. from Project Data to Drawing Data), the Disk symbol got disabled. This also didn't trigger the Saving dialog when closing PlantDataManager or the project.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin didn't remove obsolete data before getting opened PT-4170
When opening a project in PlantDataManager Plugin any obsolete data in the data caches weren't removed. Obsolete data are changes made for an object which doesn't exist anymore. |
- Bug fix: References files used by a Link Configuration (also in PlantDataManager) must appear under Related Files if they are located there PT-4183
When having referenced files used by a link configuration and these referenced files were stored in the Related Files folder, then these referenced files appeared under Related Files\ACPlantTools\Related Files\[FILENAME]. This is not only irritating, but prevents sharing such a project with ACC. Now the referenced files will appear directly under Related Files in Project Manager or PlantProjectManager.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin creates a the PDMDataCache_[USERNAME] as a SQLite file and not an XML file pointing file when using SQL Server PT-4191
Even if the project was using SQL Server, PlantDataManager sometimes creates the data cache file as a SQLite database instead of an xml file. |
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager/DataCache folder is created on Project load in PDM Plugin PT-4222
Since the beginning of PlantDataManager there was always a DataCache folder within the PlantDataManager folder in the project. This is not happening anymore, because the data cache files will be stored directly in the PlantDataManager folder. |
Version (02.05.2024)
- Bug fix: PDMDataCache lock file for Non-Collaboration Projects wasn't removed when closing the project in PlantDataManager PT-3604
When using PlantDataManager with Non-Collaboration Projects PlantDataManager creates a lock file for the user's PDMDataCache_[USERNAME].dcf. However, the lock file wasn't removed when the project was closed in PlantDataManager or when closing PlantDataManager completely. |
- Bug fix: Settings changes aren't stored correctly when changing settings after loading a project in PlantDataManager PT-3555
Some of the PlantDataManager settings were reset to their default values after loading another project. |
- Bug fix: PDMDataCache_[USERNAME].dcf still has a file lock when PlantDataManager tries to delete the file because it is empty PT-3605
If the PlantDataManager settings are set like this and then you make a change, save the change, click on the Refresh button, and then click on the Delete button to Remove All my changes an error appeared, because the file was empty and was supposed to be removed, but there was still a file lock on it.
- Bug fix: PDMDataCache_[USERNAME] databases weren't added to the MISC database for SQL Server projects PT-3606
The PDMDataCache_[USERNAME].dcf file was created and the database itself was created on SQL Server as well, but the dcf file was not added to the PnPDrawings table in the MISC database. This prevented the PlantDataManager Plugin to check for the lock file to prevent importing changes while the changes were still open in PlantDataManager. |
Version (26.04.2024)
- New: Performance improvements in PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin for large projects PT-3387
Opening larger projects can take very long in PlantDataManager as well as PlantDataManager Plugin. Now we improved the loading process in PlandDataManager Plugin. There is a new chapter about how to improve the performance when loading projects in PlantDataManager. See Performance Improvements. |
- New: Implementing a File Watcher to monitor the CLI file content for support cases PT-3455
A file watcher is implemented to check which communication between PlantDataManager/PlantReporter and the acccoreconsole.exe is exchanged. This is especially useful when helping customers with support. Details can be found under File Watcher. |
- New: Adapt workflow for Not-Placed Objects when using Collaboration Projects PT-2750
Because of Collaboration project we had to change the whole workflow of how NPOs can be created through PlantDataManager. Details can be found under: Not-Placed Objects, Relationships, and Not-Placed Objects & Relationships. |
- New: Add Link Configuration, Calculation, PropertiesPalette, and PDMDataCache files to MISC database also for Non-Collaboration projects PT-3376
When using Collaboration projects PlantDataManager and PlantReporter adds configuration files (e.g. for links, calculation, reports and so on) to the MISC database to have them shown under the Related Files folder in Project Manager. This is also important when using Create Project Backup with Project Manager, that these PlantTools configuration files are also backed up. The following files are handled: •Report Configuration Files (rcf) & Layout Files (*.layout.xx.x) & ReportConfiguration.Collection.xml •Link Configuration Files (lcf) & Related Files (udl, SQLite, accdb, mdb, xlsx, xls) & LinkConfiguration.Collection.xml •SQL Scripts (sql) •Calculation Configuration Files (calc) & CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml •PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml •PDMDataCache_[USERNAME].dcf •NPO_[DWGGUID].xml |
- New: Locking mechanism for PDMDataCache files for Non-Collaboration projects PT-3584
For Non-Collaboration projects we use our own locking mechanism for the data cache files to avoid use cases where a user is still in PDM and another user tries to import the changes. |
- New: Improved performance when handling PlantTools configuration file with PlantReporter/PlantDataManager for Collaboration Projects PT-3413
When PlantDataManager/PlantReporter check or need to download the files referenced in the collection files it will be done now in a batch process to reduce the number of calls to the accoredconsole.exe. |
- New: Disregard unsupported AutoCAD Versions PT-3467
When retrieving information from the registry about the installed version we disregard ACAD versions which the installed PT don’t support. E.g. a customer has 2025 installed, but the installed PTs support only 2019-2024. |
- New: Show drawing name inside GridViews if Drawing Number is not set PT-3515
If the drawing number is not given for a drawing, then PlantDataManager will use the DWG Name to make it more convenient to know which row belongs into which drawing.
- New: Download rcf and layout file when selecting PlantReporter Reports if PlantReporter is set to Project when using Collaboration projects PT-3498
When opening a Collaboration project in PlantDataManager, and PlantReporter is set to Project, PlantDataManager will download the rcf and layout files when loading the project.
- Change: Rework of handling Relationship Types with PlantDataManager/PlantSepcDriven PT-3546
The Relationship Type which could be extended through PlantDataManager and PlantSpecDriven are now stored under \ACPlantTools\PIDRelationshipTypes.xml and not the ACPRelationshipTypes table in the ProcessPower.dcf. It is also handled for Collaboration projects. |
- Change: Relationship Types dialog converted to DevExpress PT-3548
Due to our effort to change all UIs to DevExpress to have the possibility to use different styles the Relatioship Types dialog was updated. This dialog is used by PlantDataManager and PlantSpecDriven.
- Change: Writing accepted/rejected changes in the ChangeLog database through PlantDataManager Plugin is now deactivated by default PT-3542
When installing PlantDataManager the logging of accepted or rejected changes isn't activated anymore by default. The function can be activated if needed. The reson for the deactivation is, that the ACPChangeLog.dcf database prevents the project from being shared as a Collaboration project. Also the Change Log function of PlantExpressTools needs to be redesigned in order to work with Collaboration projects. The setting is in PlantDataManager Plugin Settings.
- Change: Redesigned Find & Replace dialog to use DevExpress controls and show tooltips to see which wildcards can be used PT-3538
The Find & Replace dialog in PlantDataManager was recreated to use DevExpress controls and looks more modern like PlantDataManager itself. The checkbox for wildcards has also a tooltip to inform about the possible options.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager keeps a lock on the PDMDataCache if project is closed but PlantDataManager is still open PT-3566
When closing a project in PlantDataManager, the PDMDataCache has still a lock on it which prevents PlantDataManager to store more changes after opening the project again. |
- Bug fix: Using Refresh right after saving shows saving dialog #01181 and asks if you want to save before refresh PT-3544
Dialog #01181 appears after clicking on refresh even if the data was just saved.
- Bug fix: When showing all objects in PlantDataManager Plugin the classes and rows with no changes are not shown PT-3533
When clicking on the toggle button to show not only the changes, but also the classes and rows with no changes, then only the drawing view was updated to show the drawings with no changes. But the class tree and the data grid still only showed the changed classes and rows.
- Bug fix: Error when using CTRL+S when first clicking under the grid PT-3496
When you click in the empty space under the data grid and then click CTRL+S an error message appeared.
- Bug fix: Sub Nodes in Relationship Panel don't show the Tag PT-3463
The sub nodes in the Relationship Panel didn't show the Tag of Placed Objects (POs). It worked for Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) though.
- Bug fix: Project Data (PlantExpressTools Properties Palette) and Drawing Data (PlantExpressTools Properties Palette) views show wrong DevExpress Style PT-3451
The Project/Drawing Data (PlantExpressTools Palette) views only showed the correct DevExpress style initially, but eventually didn't render the data grid properly.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager settings don't use a combo box control for the setting when clicking the refresh button PT-3224
The setting for the option Save Changes or Lose Changes... ...wasn't available as a combox box in the settings dialog in order to change the setting in the settings as well.
- Bug fix: When using the 'Project Data (PlantExpressTools Properties Palette)' view, the property name is used for the column instead of the display name PT-3432
The Project Data (PlantExpressTools Properties Palette) view didn't use the property's Display Name, but the Property Name.
- Bug fix: Error message when using 'Refresh' button in PlantDataManager Plugin with no project being open PT-1928
When no project is open, then the Refresh button created an error.
- Bug fix: The Data Grid of the Data Viewer uses the current style instead of using the light style PT-2559
The External Databaseviewer used the wrong style for the top part of the user interface.
- Bug fix: Wrong background color for selected node in Relationship Tree PT-3429
When selecting a node in the RelShip Panel, it shows the “wrong” background color.
- Bug fix: Reinstating the Relationship functionality within PlantDataManager PT-3427
Several functions to create and deleted relationships with PlantDataManager stopped working several versions ago when the user interfaces were changed to use DevExpress controls. |
- Bug fix: Unneeded error in Log file when importing an xlsx file PT-3290
When importing an xlsx file into a project, there is an error in the log file which shouldn’t be there, if the import works faultless. |
- Bug fix: Error when trying to import an xlsx file which is still open in Excel PT-3291
When importing an xlsx file into a project an error appears in case the xlsx file is still open in Excel. Now the data will be imported even if the file is still in use. |
- Bug fix: PlantTools Configuration files weren't created when using Collaboration projects PT-3430
When creating links or calculations in PlantDataManager the files weren’t even created and therefore nothing was checked in. |
- Bug fix: Values aren't deleted when importing from xlsx PT-3452
When deleting existing values in an Excel files and then import this change, the values weren't deleted in PlantDataManager. |
- Bug fix: xlsx file cannot be overridden when exporting if it was imported before PT-3453
When trying to export data to an Excel file, but the file was imported before in the current PlantDataManager session, then an error appeared.
- Bug fix: Tag in PropertiesPalette doesn't get updated when using the Assign Tag dialog PT-3573
When editing properties which are used in the Tag the Tag property doesn't get updated in the PropertiesPalette. then an error appeared.
- Bug fix: Checking if a Tag is unique falsely considers Tags marked as changed PT-3574
Changing properties which are used in the Tag back and forth will false claim a Tag conflict. If you change the number from 100 to 001 the Tag changes correctly. If you now change the number back to 100 the Tag will show a ? indicating a duplicate Tag instead of updating the Tag back to P-100. If you try to use Assign Tag dialog and you click Assign... ...you get an error.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager shrinks UI above the Views section too much PT-3585
When shrinking PlantDataManager in height the P&ID Classes / P3D Classes options disappeared. This is how it looks then.
- Bug fix: Import Success dialog appears again PT-3576
The dialog reporting a successful import appears again although it was removed in PlantDataManager 4.3. already. No it will not appear anymore.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager didn't save added changes PT-3598
There is a very special user case some customers experienced when there are existing changes which are already in the Data Cache and now additional changes are mode, but they are not saved and there is no error message. Also nothing in the Log File. The use case involved existing changes where the property was also using acquisitions. We couldn't find a way to reproduce this case yet, but it must be some combination of changing data in Plant 3D parallel to changes in PlantDataManager. However, we now catch this special use case and the saving of the added changes works again. |
Version (01.12.2023)
- New: Improved text information in Progress Panels when downloading, checking out/in, or removing PlantTool files PT-2486
if PlantTools download/check out, check in, or remove one of its configuration files we now show a progress panel with the file name and path to see which file is handled.
- New: Temporarily disabled NPO functions when using Collaboration projects PT-2741
We had to temporarily deactivate the Not-Placed Objects functions again when using Collaboration projects, because the NPOs aren't checked in properly. We are working on a solution to mitigate this issue. Remark: NPOs can still used when created through PlantSpecDriven. |
- New: Warning dialog when using PlantTools with Collaboration projects with AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022 or lower PT-2573
PlantTools for Collaboration projects are available only for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 or higher. This is due to the fact, that the API PlantTools rely on were improved in 2023. Some functions may still work, but it is not supported. Make sure you install Plant 3D 2023 or higher.
- New: Speed improvement when opening a Collaboration project in PlantDataManager and PlantReporter PT-2639
The number of commands to download the various PlantTools configuration files was reduced to greatly reduce the time when downloading the PlantTools files. |
- New: Removal of unused Properties from PropertiesPalette configuration PT-2538
In case the \ACPlantTools\PlantExpressTools\ClassesAndProperties\PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml file contains, properties, classes, groups, or tabs which aren't used anymore in the project, then the user will get a dialog when opening the PropertiesPalette settings or when having the PropertiesPalette open and selecting an object in the drawing or the data grid. The settings can be changed if needed.
- New: Validate external column name while loading/initializing extended link PT-2707
When opening a project with link configurations we check the following: 1.Ignore external columns if it contains spaces and Plant 3D prior 2024 is used. 2.Ignore external columns start with SQL keywords. In those cases the columns will be ignored but not removed from the link configuration. |
- New: Links are not active right away when opening a project PT-2708
When creating new link configurations with the Wizard of PlantLink we check the following: 1.Ignore external columns if it contains spaces and Plant 3D prior 2024 is used. 2.Ignore external columns start with SQL keywords. In those cases the columns will be ignored but not removed from the link configuration. |
- New: Do not Check In/Out/Download PlantTools files when using Vault projects PT-2749
With PlantTools version (first support for Plant 3D 2023) we linked the PlantTools files (located under [PROJECT]\ACPlantTools) into the MISC.dcf database so the PlantTools files appear under the Related Files folder in Project Manager. However, this cause a problem with Vault projects when we started to check in/out/download the PlantTools files for Collaboration projects in later versions. Now the PlantTools files are still linked into the MISC.dcf, but they are not checked in/out/downloaded anymore if current project is using Vault. You can now just copy PlantTools files from another project or template project into your Vault project and open the project in Plant 3D again. Alternatively, you can follow the Workflow with Vault and PlantTools. |
- New: Workspace change restores PlantTools Palettes visibility again PT-3095
When switching between AutoCAD Workspaces the PlantTools palettes weren't restored to the previous setting. For example, if a palette was open before, it may be closed after the switch. Now the palettes will be opened again if they were open before. This applies to the following Palettes: 1.PlantSpecDriven Tree 2.PlantSpecDriven - Inconsistency 3.PlantDataManager Plugin - Data Import 4.PlantExpressTools - PlantProjectManager 5.PlantExpressTools - PropertiesPalette 6.PlantExpressTools - SymbolsPalette |
- Change: CSV Export Progress Bar doesn't show a counter PT-2532
When exporting data from PlantDataManager as a csv file no Progress Bar appears as it does with XLSX export.
- Change: PlantExpressTools settings dialog and PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette settings dialog can be resized now PT-2681
The PropertiesPalette Settings dialog can be resized now in order to make it easier to manager the moving around of the selected properties. |
- Bug fix: PlantTools ribbon shows 'PlantDataManager' section twice or more after switching workspaces twice or more PT-2745
When changing the workspace twice or more, the PlantTools ribbon looks like this:
- Bug fix: PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml will not be downloaded on project load PT-2751
When opening a Collaboration project in PlantDataManager the PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml won’t get downloaded at all. |
- Bug fix: Error when trying to edit properties of ungrouped Line Groups in P&ID or 3D PT-2622
When PlantDataManager isn't set up in a way to group line groups which span multiple drawings, and the line groups therefore appears multiple times in the data grid an error appeared when trying to edit the properties.
- Bug fix: P3d Line Group class not showing in Project Data or Drawing Data views PT-2610
When selecting the P3D Classes view, the 3D Line Groups didn't appear at all.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager/PlantReporter cannot get accorconsole.exe instance in time PT-2598
When PlantDataManager/PlantReporter use Collaboration projects the accoreconsole.exe will be started in the background to execute the BIM functions (refresh, check out/in, , download). Sometimes the start of accoreconsole.exe took to long. Now they retry till the accoreconsole.exe is ready. |
- Bug fix: PT_ObjectType is exported twice if the property is visible PT-2537
When exporting data from PlantDataManager as an xlsx or csv file, the property PT_ObjectType was exported twice. This lead to issues when importing. PT_ObjectType contains a value whether a row (object) in the data grid is a Placed Object (an object in a drawing), or a Graphical Not-Placed Object (G), or a Non-Graphical Not-Placed Object (NG). |
- Bug fix: Error when importing CSV data into PlantDataManager if there are duplicate columns PT-2531
Due to the issue PT-2537 the data couldn't be imported. This issue applied to every duplicate columns. Now the last appearance of the column will be considered and previous columns with the same name will be ignored.
- Bug fix: Error when importing XLSX data into PlantDataManager if there are duplicate columns PT-2530
Due to the issue PT-2537 the data couldn't be imported. This issue applied to every duplicate columns. Now the last appearance of the column will be considered and previous columns with the same name will be ignored.
- Bug fix: Links are not active right away when opening a project PT-2683
When opening a project with link configurations, then the links weren't activate right away after opening the project. Only when you opened the Link Configuration Dialog and close it again were the link configurations active. |
- Bug fix: Function to remove duplicate ACPlantTools folder from MISC database PT-2461
When creating a new project using the Project Manager function, then Plant 3D will create a second ACPlantTools folder. We provide a function which removes the unneeded ACPlantTools folder. Use the following command: AQAPTRemoveDuplicateACPlantToolsFolder |
Version (04.08.2023)
- Bug fix: Update needed because of old digital certificate was used Details
We forgot to update the new digital certificate in the Setup.exe and Update.exe. This is necessary to let Windows and AutoCAD know, that our files are trustworthy. |
Version (03.08.2023)
- New: Support of Calculation configuration files when using Collaboration project PT-2389
The CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml and all *.calc files will be check in/out or downloaded when using Collaboration projects. The user doesn't need to manage the file manually anymore. |
- New: Support of PropertiesPalette configuration file when using Collaboration project PT-2405
The PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml file will be check in/out or downloaded when using Collaboration projects. The user doesn't need to manage the file manually anymore. |
- New: Implementing a File and Folder Watcher for PlantTools configuration files to check which PlantTools files must still be downloaded for Collaboration projects PT-2411
For Collaboration projects we need to know which PlantTools settings files still need to be downloaded in case they don't yet exist locally. |
- New: Added File and Folder watcher to invalidate cached settings when settings files are changing PT-2423
We watch PlantTools folder and configuration files in order to recognize changes (made by another user) in those folders and files. If files change, we need to invalidate the cached PlantTools settings in the Plant 3D session to ensure, the PlantTools use the latest settings. |
- New: Excel work sheets are not set into protected mode when exporting to Excel PT-2518
The exported work sheets were always set to protect mode. Now they are set to unprotected mode, because typically you want to edit data after the export. |
- Bug fix: The order of properties in the PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette gets ignored PT-2379
When changing the order of properties for the PropertiesPalette, the order was written into the PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml, but not instantly used. Only when reloading the project the new order was used. |
- Bug fix: For Collaboration projects, when clicking on Save in PlantDataManager, the PDMDataCache file is set to Read-Only if the file was just created PT-2409
The PDMDataCache of the current user was set to Read-Only when the user clicked on the Save icon to save the changes. The files was also correctly checked in, but wrongfully set to Read-Only which led to an error when later trying to close and save the changes.
- Bug fix: Clicking an Cancel when closing the project will set the PDMDataCache to read-only for Collaboration Projects PT-2410
If there is already a PDMDataCache of the current user and then the use clicks on Cancel on dialog #00162 when closing PlantDataManager, the PDMDataCache file was checked in and set to Read-Only.
- Bug fix: Ex-/Import function failed in PlantDataManager, because the wrong DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll was used PT-2513
Since Plant 3D 2024 Plant 3D had its own DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll which was older than the same file we used for PlantTools. This lead to an error when tryting to ex- or import.DocumentFormat.OpenXml.d |
- Bug fix: When exporting to csv leading 0 of property values will be removed PT-2514
When exporting to CSV in PlantDataManager leading 0 were cut of when exporting to csv, e.g. 12 instead of 012. |
- Bug fix: When importing from CSV acquired properties aren't set to override if necessary PT-2515
When importing changes from a CSV file which requires to set the acquisition mode to override, the mode will not be changed, and because of that the new value cannot be set. |
- Bug fix: Empty column name in CSV results in error when importing PT-2516
When importing changes from a CSV file which has an empty column name, an error appeared. |
- Bug fix: If a text contains the Windows delimiter character, the text will be wrapped in quotation marks when exporting a CSV PT-2517
A text in a property can contain the character which is set in Windows' region settings as the delimiter. This can cause problems when opening or importing such a file in Excel or another application. Therefore, such texts which contain the delimiter character will be wrapped in quotation marks, e.g. "This is a test, by XYZ" or "This is a test; by XYZ" Be aware the delimiter may be different depending on your country.
- Bug fix: Acquisitions get incorrectly/unnecessary changed when importing from Excel PT-2496
After exporting and making changes, some old data was still in memory which cause a problem when importing. Unless the project was closed before the import. |
Version (07.06.2023)
- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024 PT-2112
PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024. PlantTools support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019 - 2024 now. |
- New: Enabled Not-Place Objects functions for Collaboration projects PT-2365
The Not-Place Object functions for Collaboration projects are enabled. Details on how NPOs work in a Collaboration project can be found here: Not-Placed Objecs Workflow |
- New: New dialog when creating NPOs with no selected drawing PT-2381
If more than one drawing is selected or PlantDataManager is using some Project View, then the user is shown a new dialog to select a drawing to which the NPOs will be linked too. This applies not only to Collaboration projects. Details on how NPOs work in a Collaboration project can be found here: Not-Placed Objecs Workflow |
- New: Remove Message Tab from PlantDataManager Settings PT-2387
The warning dialog when NPOs were assigned to only the project and not to a drawing was remmoved due to the changed workflow for NPOs. Therefore the Message tab in the PlantDataManager settings isn't needed anymore. Details on how NPOs work in a Collaboration project can be found here: Not-Placed Objecs Workflow |
- New: Show only classes with symbols when creating Graphical Not-Placed Objects PT-2044
When creating Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) with Graphics (Symbols) the dialog showed all PID classes. Not just the ones which actually have symbols. This led to the effect, that an Graphical NPO was shown in PlantDataManager Plugin, but the NPO couldn't be inserted, because no symbol was available for the class. Now only the classes which actually have a symbol, will show up in the tree. To get the info which class has what Symbols, we export the \ACPlantTools\PIDStyleDefinitions.xml when the project gets closed.
- New: Add filtering to 'Add Object with/without graphics' dialog PT-2043
The class tree can now be filtered in order to find a class.
- New: Allow using Non-Engineering Items class when creating Graphical NPOs PT-2291
When creating graphical NPOs the Non-Engineering Items classes are available now (if they have symbols). In the past we filtered out the Non-Engineering Items class, because there was no use case.
- New: Prevent Not-Placed Objects from being deleted when executing AUDITPROJECT PT-2320
Since NPOs are often NOT linked to a drawing or an object in a drawing, AUDITPROJECT was deleting the NPOs from the ProcessPower.dcf database. We changed the methodology which makes sure that NPOs are always linked to a drawing. Details can be found under Not-Placed Objects. Details on how NPOs work in a Collaboration project can be found here: Not-Placed Objecs Workflow. |
- New: Support of Calculation configuration files when using Collaboration project PT-2389
The CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml and all *.calc files will be check in/out or downloaded when using Collaboration projects. The user doesn't need to manage the file manually anymore. |
- New: Support of PropertiesPalette configuration file when using Collaboration project PT-2405
The PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml file will be check in/out or downloaded when using Collaboration projects. The user doesn't need to manage the file manually anymore. |
- New: Automatically reload project if PlantDataManager wants to restart after choosing a different AutoCAD version PT-2283
If PlantDataManager restarts because of a change of the AutoCAD version setting, a previously loaded project will be reloaded. |
- New: Refresh other user's changes when selecting another class/view PT-2262
If the checkbox Automatically refresh data on tree node selection is enabled, the changes of other PlantDataManager users are also reloaded. This way you always see the latest changes when selecting another node or view. This does not apply to Collaboration projects, because that would require to download the PDMDataCache files from the other users and this would take too long.
- New: Separation of Report Layout from 'Report Configuration File (RCF)' PT-2299
Due to the fact, that the report layout of DevExpress 22.2.5 isn't backwards compatible with DevExpress 21.2.6 we start to split up the report layout information (stored in the RCF files) in a separate file with the DevExpress version number. This way we don't run into the incompatible issue again in the future, because we can fall back on the previous DevExpress version for the layout. Since Report Configuration files can be used in PlantDataManager too, PlantDataManager will also trigger the separation of the rcf file into 2 files. The new file with the layout info is stored in the [RCFNAME].layout.22.2 file where 22.2 is the current DevExpress version used with the 7.0.0.x PlantTools. |
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 22.2.5 for all PlantTools PT-2121
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 22.2.5 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: Log file isn't written in the correct path PT-2141
The Log files are written into the %programdata%\ACPlant Consult\PlantTools\Log folder. Existing log files will be moved from the old folder to the new folder. For convenience there is a folder junction in the old location %appdata%\ACPlant Consult\PlantTools\Log
- Change: The PIDTagFormats.xml is always written without checking if anything changed PT-2224
The \ACPlantTools\PIDTagFormats.xml is not encrypted anymore. The file has version number 2 now. |
- Bug fix: PIDTagFormats.xml was written only on Plant 3D closing, but not when closing the project or switching the project PT-2384
Only when closing Plant 3D was the \ACPlantTools\PIDTagFormats.xml written. But not when the project was closed in Project Manager or the user loaded a different project. The PIDTagFormats.xml contains the Tag Formats of the PID classes, because the formats aren't available outside of Plant 3D, but they are needed in order to edit Tags in PlantDataManager |
- Bug fix: Opening projects < version 2018 ends in endless loop of restarts PT-1756
When opening a project with Plant 3D version 2018 or older, PlantDataManager set the appropriate version (e.g. 2017 and restarts). After it then automatically opens the project again you get the same message again. This is an endless cycle. Now the user gets the info to first migrate the project.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager doesn't restart when changing the AutoCAD version PT-2267
When changing the AutoCAD version in PlantDataManager Settings, PlantDataManager didn't start after clicking Yes on dialog #00222.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager writes errors in Log file if a Non-BIM project is loaded PT-2286
When opening a regular network project (not a Collaboration project), then the Log file showed error messages. |
- Bug fix: When downloading a BIM project using a UDL file for a Link Configuration, the referenced file in the UDL file isn't downloaded in PlantDataManager PT-2223
PlantReporter and PlantDataManager downloaded the UDL file, but the referenced file in the UDL file (e.g. an MS Access DB) wasn't downloaded. Only when you opened the project again was the referenced file downloaded. |
- Bug fix: CTRL+S didn't keep the PDMDataCache file checked out after it was checked in PT-2301
When using CTRL+S to save changes, the PDMDataCache_[USERNAME].dcf file was checked in, but it wasn't kept checked out. Therefore, any additional changes after CTRL+S weren't saved. |
Version (07.04.2023)
- New: Adapt PlantDataManager to handle PlantLink files for Collaboration Projects PT-2046
Due to the adaptation of PlantLink for Collaboration Projects, PlantDataManager is also handling link configuration files for Collaboration Project. Details regarding the various workflows when using Collaboration Projects can be found under Collaboration Workflows. |
- New: Add line in Loading dialog when PlantTools Settings files are loaded PT-2190
When opening a project in PlantDataManager we now show a line when PlantTools settings are loaded. Since this sometimes took a while it cause confusion about what the delay was about.
- New: Common PlantTools settings (Language, DevExpress Skin, Update Check, Proxy Setings) are moved to PlantProjectSetup PT-289
As part of the strategy to move all PlantTools settings into PlantProjectSetup, we started moving the common settings Language, DevExpress Skin, Update Check, and Proxy Settings into PlantProjectSetup and make it accessible through all Desktop PlantTools (PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter) and Plugins (PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager Plugin, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSync, PlantSpecDriven). Details can be found under: PlantProjectSetup |
- New: New Update Installer PT-867
As part of the move of the common PlantTools settings (Language, DevExpress Skin, Proxy Settings) we also updated the Update Installer. Details can be found under: Update Installer |
- New: Allow creating NPOs when in 'Project Reports' view PT-2040
NPOs are now activated when selecting Project Reports view.
- New: Use the last Collaboration Account and Project when using 'Open Collaboration Project...' in PlantDataManager/PlantReporter PT-2095
When using the dialog to open a Collaboration project, the previously used Collaboration Account and Project will be preset. This behaviour is consistent with AutoCAD Plant 3D.
- Change: Use Retry function when trying to load Collaboration Accounts, Projects and Plant 3D projects PT-2102
The Plant 3D Collaboration API used in PlantDataManager and PlantReporter isn't very reliable. Therefore PlantDataManager/PlantReporter sometime get empty values. This happens for example when PlantDataManager/PlantReporter try to get the available Projects for the user interface. Now we try multiple-times with a delay in between to make sure we get data. |
- Change: Changing the behavior and terminate accoreconsole.exe when it isn't needed PT-2075
In PlantDataManager the accoreconsole.exe was kept running while the Collaboration project was open in PlantDataManager. This was changed to use the accoreconsole.exe only if needed. For example when downloading the project or checking in the PDMDataCache file. PlantReporter already behaved this way. |
- Bug fix: PlantTools AutoCAD Ribbon descriptions follow current language PT-2226
Making sure, that the PlantTools ribbons in AutoCAD Plant 3D use the current language. |
- Bug fix: Adapt PlantDataManager to include the ACC location (US or EU server) PT-2078
The server location of Collaboration projects wasn't considered yet. |
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager doesn't show the 'Collaboration for Plant 3D' dialog if the dialog was open before and the user didn't select a Plant 3D project PT-2101
When you opened the Collaboration for Plant 3D dialog to download a Plant 3D project in PlantDataManager, but then closed the dialog without selecting anything, then the dialog didn't open again when you wanted to open the dialog again. |
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager/PlantReporter crash when using 'Open Project' in the 'Collaboration for Plant 3D' dialog, but no Plant 3D project was available PT-2100
When you opened the Collaboration for Plant 3D dialog, but no Plant 3D project was available, PlantDataManager and PlantReporter crashed when you clicked on Open Project. |
- Bug fix: PlantTools don't work with French Plant 3D because the AutoCAD language code wasn't supported PT-2156
The AutoCAD language code for French Plant 3D wasn't supported in PlantTools. This effected all PlantTools. |
- Bug fix: Drawings must be checked out and in in order to accept changes PT-2201
When using a Collaboration project, PlantDataManager Plugin now checks drawings out in order to accept the changes. |
- Bug fix: When deleting all user changes in PlantDataManager, the PDMDataCache with the user's changes gets deleted, but it is still linked to the Misc.dcf file PT-2200
When opening a Collaboration project in PlantDataManager and then clicking on the delete button and delete all user changes, then the PDMDataCache_[USERNAME].dcf of that user get deleted correctly, but the file is still referenced in the Misc.dcf where the links to the Related Files are stored. |
- Bug fix: Checkbox in PlantDataManager Plugin to save and close DWGs after import isn't considered PT-2217
The checkbox which makes sure, that drawings are saved and close after the import is done, was not considered at all. Drawings were always save and then closed.
- Bug fix: SymbolsPaletteCustomClasses.xml is create falsely by every PlantTool and not just PlantexpressTools PT-2205
The SymbolsPaletteCustomClasses.xml which is used for the PlantExpressTools SymbolsPalette was created by every PlantTool Plugin (PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager. PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven, PlantSync) and not just be PlantExpressTools. |
- Bug fix: PIDTagFormats.xml wasn't downloaded when opening a Collaboration project the first time PT-2219
When downloading a Collaboration Project with an existing PIDTagFormats.xml, the first time opening/downloading the project the xml file wasn't downloaded
- Bug fix: Collaboration Project was downloaded a second time if it was already downloaded with PlantDataManager/PlantReporter PT-2103
When a Collaboration project was downloaded with PlantDataManager or PlantReporter first, and the the project was opened with Plant 3D, the project was downloaded again as a copy. |
- Bug fix: Wrong properties are edited when data grid is filtered in PlantDataManager PT-2106
When making changes to a filtered grid, then the changes were applied also to the filtered rows.
Version (02.01.2023)
- New: To avoid data loss, do not delete already saved PlantDataManager changes when saving additional changes PT-1969
In case of errors during saving changes made in PlantDataManager, previously made changes were lost. Now existing (already saved) changes will be updated (if needed) and the new changes will be added. |
- New: Add CTRL+S as a hotkey to save changes when editing data PT-1970
PlantDataManager already had CTRL+S implemented to save changes. However, it was working only if the main user interface of PlantDataManager had the focus. If you were currently editing in the data grid or the properties palette, then CTRL+S was ignored. |
- New: Allow editing the Link Configuration name in the Wizard of PlantLink and PlantDataManager PT-1944
Link Configuration names can be edited/changed in the Wizard itself.
Version (21.11.2022)
- New: Support for opening collaboration projects in PlantDataManager which don't exist in the local work folder yet PT-1871
PlantDataManager and PlantReporter can now open Collaboration projects which haven't been opened with Plant 3D before and therefore aren't available in the local work folder yet. Before using PlantDataManager or PlantReporter make sure that you have read Using ACC/BIM projects with PlantDataManager and Using ACC/BIM projects with PlantReporter! |
- New: Added execution of SQL Scripts when loading a project PT-1641
Allow the execution of SQL Scripts when a project is loaded. This helps with the creation of views often used for PlantLink. And avoids the manual execution of SQL Scripts when a project has just been created. It is also important when using Collaboration projects, because the views used by PlantLink do not exit when the project is first downloaded to the local work folder. Details under: Execute SQL Scripts on Project Load |
- Bug fix: Check if AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 is installed when trying to open collaboration projects PT-1864
PlantDataManager didn't check if Plant 3D 2023 was installed which caused error when trying to open collaboration projects.
- Bug fix: Export/Import functions use the wrong style for the progress bar PT-1902
When exporting to or importing from excel in PlantDataManager the progress bar uses the wrong style. It is pink instead of the blue style we use elsewhere.
- Bug fix: Extended Links aren't showing as Active in PlantLink's main dialog and PlantDataManager's Link Configuration dialog, and don't work PT-1936
When creating an extended links it didn't show active in the main form.
- Bug fix: Fixed path to DevX dlls in PlantToolsCommon project PT-1917
Some files had a wrong path to the Development Express DLLs in the PlantToolsCommon project, which potentially could could error for some controls. However, that apparently never became an issue. |
Version (26.08.2022)
- New: PlantDataManager and PlantReporter adapted for Collaboration Projects (BIM360/ACC) PT-1623
PlantDataManager and PlantReporter do support Collaboration projects. This is only available for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 and future versions, because if new technology Autodesk implemented in AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023, but not lower versions. Before using PlantDataManager or PlantReporter make sure that you have read Using ACC/BIM projects with PlantDataManager and Using ACC/BIM projects with PlantReporter! |
- New: New Update Installer PT-1714
To avoid issues with different build versions of PlantTools, we now force users to update all installed PlantTools to avoid any issues with shared files between PlantTools. After installing one PlantTool and not updating others you will see the following dialog which allows you to individually download PlantTools or to download all available updates at once (green arrow). The updates will be downloaded and stored in the download folder. After closing the desktop PlantTools (PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter) or closing Plant 3D the downloaded updates will be installed automatically. |
- Change: Redo of loading dialog to use current skin set in settings dialog PT-1726
When opening a project in PlantDataManager the dialog received rework and it using the current skin set in the settings of PlantDataManager.
- Change: Disable the UI when loading/refreshing project to prevent unexpected results in case the user interacts while loading is being processed PT-1757
When opening a project in PlantDataManager or PlantReporter the user interface is disabled so the user cannot interact with the user interface while the project is being loaded. Interacting with the user interface caused issued with when loading collaboration projects.
- Bug fix: Acquisition Rules aren't considered anymore in PlantDataManager PT-1695
For several versions now, PlantDataManager didn't consider acquisitions/relation ships anymore. For example when editing the Size of a line segment, the inserted valve gets the Size as well, but the class isn't showing the change, nor is the valve.
- Bug fix: Duplicate project folder names in MRU (most recently used) list causes an error PT-1751
In cases were a project name appeared multiple times, there could be an issue when opening a project, because the correct path to the selected project couldn't be identified.
- Bug fix: Skin 'DarkSkin 2020' is not available in PlantDataManager PT-1730
PlantDataManager didn't have DarkSkin2020 as a skin while PlantReporter and PlantCenter had it.
- Bug fix: Error (Dialog #00487) when opening a project with no MISC database PT-1675
When opening a project where the MISC database doesn't exist you get an error. This applies typically to old projects where the MISC database didn't exists from project creation on. Only when you added files or folders under 'Related Files' was the MISC database created. The Plugins like PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven and PlantSync will create the file on project load. PlantDataManager and PlantReporter show the following dialog as an info. The project will be loaded anyway. If you extend the dialog you get information on how to create the MISC database.
- Bug fix: PropertiesPalette in PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager show double tabs and PnPIDs PT-1663
The PropertiesPalette of PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager sometimes showed a tab twice.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager shows error when starting if no Plant 3D is installed PT-1672
When starting PlantDataManager and there is no Plant 3D installed, PlantDataManager shows an error.
Version (27.05.2022)
- Bug fix: Opening Viewer dialog in PlantDataManager shows an error PT-1655
When trying to open the Viewer dialog in PlantDataManager an error appeared.
- Bug fix: Exception while importing changes with PlantDataManager Plugin PT-1653
When importing changes which were created with PlantDataManager or earlier, then the column PnPGuid was missing in the PDMDataCache file. In this case the error appeared and changes in the PDMDataCache were sometimes deleted.
Version (29.04.2022)
- Bug fix: Error when opening a SQL Server project in PlantDataManager when trying to migrate the change log database PT-1616
When opening a SQL Server project in PlantDataManager and the ACPChangeLog database doesn't exist an error appears.
- Bug fix: Importing CSV/XLS deleted values will not be deleted in PlantDataManager PT-1611
When deleting a value in XLS/CSV file and then importing the XLS/CSV file, the value will not be deleted in PlantDataManager. The existing value will stay in PlantDataManager. |
Version (21.04.2022)
- Bug fix: Opening Settings dialog and clicking on OK shows dialog #00316 PT-1613
With the last release we reformatted the \ACPlantTools\PlantExpressTools\ClassesAndProperties\AssignTagProperties.xml and \ACPlantTools\PlantExpressTools\ClassesAndProperties\PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml files and inserted a version number in those files. However, the function was faulty which led to wrong data in the XML files which then cause an empty PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager Properties Palette as well as an error when opening the PlantExpressTools Settings or the Properties Palette Settings in PlantDataManager. If you already opened the PlantExpressTools Settings with PlantExpressTools you have to update to this latest PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager version and restore the two xml files from another project which you haven't opened yet. |
Version (19.04.2022)
- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 PT-1571
PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023. PlantTools support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2018 - 2023 now. |
- New: Switching from PnPID to PnPGuid for referencing changes to objects in PDMDataCache PT-1467
Change made in PlantDataManager are stored in the PDMDataCache. Each change was stored under the PnPID of the object (symbol, line segment, line group) for which the change was made. However, when using BIM360/ACC or Vault projects, the objects (symbol, line segment, line group) get new PnPIDs. Therefore, the changes made previously couldn't be associated with the objects (symbol, line segment, line group). We now added the PnPGuid property and use the GUID to associate a change with the object. |
- New: Added Settings to enable/disable link configuration and calculation updates on project load PT-1532
In PlantDataManager Settings you can enable/disable the behavior of link configurations and calculations being updated on project load. This gives you better control about the performance when loading a project. If the updating is disabled, the link configurations and calculations will still work when you edit data. The update won't just be executed on project load. Up until now the calculations weren't updated anyway.
- New: Add PnPGuid to the PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager Properties Palette PT-1566
The PnPGuid property is now also shown in the PropertiesPalettes in PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager. This is the globally unique identifier used by Plant 3D and now PlantTools and is especially important with BIM360/ACC and Vault projects., because in those cases the PnPID isn't reliable anymore.
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 21.2.6 for all PlantTools PT-1580
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 21.2.6 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: Remove ACPAssetOwnership table PT-1554
The ACPAssetOwnership table in the ProcessPower.dcf (P&ID Database) isn't needed anymore and therefore will be removed. The relationships stored in that table between Placed Objects and Not-Placed Objects used in PlantSpecDriven as already stored |
- Change: Hide Project Reports in PlantDataManager if its XML file doesn't exist PT-1597
When the user is selecting ‘Project Reports’ view and a project report ‘s xml file isn’t available, we hide the project report as P3D’s Data Manager does. |
- Change: Migrate Change Log database from PET_GUID to PnPGuid PT-1556
Due to the changes made with PT-1467 the change log database will also be switched from PET_GUID to PnPGuid. Existing records in the database will be migrated. |
- Bug fix: Don't use the delimiter of the Windows culture, but the one set in Customize Format' PT-1557
When ex- and importing to/from csv files we now use the setting in Windows and not use the delimiter from the Windows culture.
- Bug fix: 'Ready for Import' dialog (#00162) appears in unchanged project when closing PlantDataManager PT-1598
Even without changes made it could happen, that the 'Ready for Import' dialog appeared.
- Bug fix: Double rows in Project Reports in PlantDataManager PT-1596
When using a Project Report the rows appeared twice:
- Bug fix: Error when leaving PlantDataManager Settings with previously made changes PT-1592
When first making changes in PlantDataManager in the Properties Palette, then entering PlantDataManager Settings and clicking OK the following error appeared:
- Bug fix: When using Open a second time the file selector doesn't open PT-1601
When using 'Open..." in PlantDataManager and then cancel when the File Dialog appears, the File Dialog won't appear again if you try to use 'Open...' again.
- Bug fix: Importing the PDMDataCache with 3D changes in PlantDataManager Plugin results in an error PT-1599
If there were 3D changes made in PlantDataManager, an error appeared when opening PlantDataManager Plugin. |
- Bug fix: Relative URIs in other applications caused an FATAL ERROR PT-1563
For example, Raster-Design uses relative URIs for the ribbons which caused a FATAL ERROR when hovering over a button in the Raster-Design ribbon. |
- Bug fix: Fixed memory leaks in PlantExpressTools & PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette PT-1559
The reason for this bug is that whenever the PropertiesPalette is displayed for an object, it is created but not disposed after that, the surviving objects accumulate in the memory over time and pass the Windows limit. |
- Bug fix: Editing a row in PlantDataManager (which is deleted from Plant 3D database) caused an exception PT-1509&PT-1510
When the project is open in Plant 3D and PlantDataManager at the same time, and the user removes an object from a drawing and saves the changes in Plant 3D, editing the row in PlantDataManager caused exception. Now we catch this exception and show a proper dialog
- Bug fix: When closing a project in PlantDataManager or PlantDataManager Plugin, the PDMDataCache file still has a lock on it PT-1558
When closing the project in PlantDataManager or when closing the PlantDataManager Plugin Palette there was still a lock on the PDMDataCache.dcf which prevented deleting the file.
- Bug fix: Having an apostrophe in the User Name or PC Name causes problems when accessing PlantTools databases PT-737
If the Windows user name contains an apostrophe it cause error when PlantTools tried to access one of its databases (PDMDataCache.dcf, ACProject.db, ACPChangeLog.dcf, ACPProcessPower.dcf) |
Version (10.03.2022)
- Change: Increased performance for Update Calculations in Project command in PlantDataManager PT-1530
We increased the performance when using 'Update calculations in project'.
- Bug fix: Migration fails because of duplicate PnPIDs in ACPProcessPower and ProcessPower databases PT-1544
Because of duplicate PnPIDs in ACPProcessPower and ProcessPower databases the migration failed. |
- Bug fix: Function to convert GNPOs to NGNPOs and vice versa is deactivated PT-1548
The function to convert Graphical Not-Placed Objects (GNPOs) into Non-Graphical Not-Place Objects (NGNPOs) and vice versa wasn't available anymore. The function is still deactivated for BIM/ACC and Vault projects.
- Bug fix: Deleting a change made in PlantDataManager leaves the cell marked as changes PT-1529
When typing in a value in a cell and then deleting the change... ...the cell was still shown the background color.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager wanted to save changes even if there are no changes PT-1552
PlantDataManager showed the 'Ready for Import' dialog when closing the project, even if there had been no changes made.
- Bug fix: The delete button was always disabled for changes made to the 3D database PT-1553
PlantDataManager showed the 'Ready for Import' dialog when closing the project, even if there had been no changes made.
Version (25.02.2022)
- Change: Performance improvements when opening a project in PlantDataManager PT-1520
The performance when opening a project in PlantDataManager was improved. |
- Bug fix: Wrong PnPID converted while migrating ACPProcessPower to ProcessPower PT-1525
While migrating ACPProcessPower into ProcessPower it could happen that both databases contain the same PnPID. If this PnPID is used inside relationships it happened that the wrong PnPId (the one from ProcessPower and not the one from ACPProcessPower) got converted. This resulted in a silent exception and therefore wasn't obvious to the user. |
- Bug fix: Obsolete relationships in ACPProcessPower where the owner doesn't exist anymore PT-1527
The ACPRelationships table can contain owner PnPIDs where the PnPID doesn’t exist (anymore). Those relationships will be ignored, but written into the log file if you see the following dialog:
- Bug fix: Migration of Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) ignores NPOs not related to a DWG PT-1528
Not-Place Objects that are not linked to a drawing were ignored while migration of the NPOs from the ACPProcessPower to the ProcessPower database, if this object does not have a relationship. |
Version (15.02.2022)
- New: Show info dialog if installed PlantTools doesn't have required minimum version PT-1441
With version 5.0 all PlantTools will be updated to that version. Because of shared resources and code is mandatory that all PlantTools on a machine are updated. If this is not the case the following dialog will appear and lists all the installed PlantTools on a machine and which ones require an update. The PlantTools with the red arrow require an update. The dialog will appear until all PlantTools are updated to the required version.
- New: Global Language Setting for all PlantTools PT-1417
The language of PlantTools can be set globally now. In the Plugins (PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager Plugin, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven, PlantSync) you can select AutoCAD, English, or German. AutoCAD tells the PlantTools to use the AutoCAD language. If you change the setting, the PlantTools Plugins will change the language of the user interfaces and ribbons instantly. If you select English or German in the Plugins, the Desktop Apps (PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter, MigrationTools and PlantProjectCreate will use this language. If you select a language in one of the Desktop App Settings, all Desktop Apps will use this language and not the AutoCAD language.
- New: Using ProcessPower.dcf for Not-Placed Objects PT-1079
The ACPProcessPower.dcf database hosted the Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) which were created by PlantSpecDriven or PlantDataManager, and also used by PlantReporter. The NPOs will now be stored in the ProcessPower.dcf (P&ID database) directly. This applies to SQL Server projects as well. The advantage is, that when using Vault or ACC/BIM projects, those NPOs will also be check in/out. The first time you open a project PlantDataManager, PlantDataManager Plugin, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantReporter, or PlantSpecDriven will migrated an existing ACPProjectPower.dcf and its content into PID's ProcessPower.dcf. If you are updating any of the following PlantTools (PlantDataManager, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantReporter, PlantSpecDriven) you MUST make sure, that the other PlantTools you have installed are also updated to version 5.0.0.x. |
- New: Deactivation of NPO features in PlantDataManager for Vault/ACC projects PT-1398
For now the NPO features in PlantDataManager when using Vault or ACC (BIM) projects are disabled. We may be able to find a solution with Plant 3D 2023. NPOs created by PlantSpecDriven are still handled properly.
- New: Limit entering string values exceeding field length of the property PT-556&PT-557
When entering or pasting a string value longer than the defined length of the property database field (typically 255 characters), we show a waring icon with a tooltip to let you know, that this isn't possible. The same will be shown in the Properties Palette in PlantDataManager or in the PlantExpressTools Properties Palette.
- New: Improved speed when exporting data to Excel PT-1449
When exporting data to Excel, the speed was improved significantly. |
- New: Cancel Excel Export in PlantDataManager PT-1407
When exporting to Excel the progress dialog can be closed which terminates the export and deleted the export file.
- New: Re-Designed progress bar when importing from Excel PT-1480
The import progress bar now looks the same as the export.
- New: Importing string values exceeding field length of the property PT-1422&PT-1445
When importing from Excel and the changes exceed the length of the property field length Dialog #01166 appears and informs you about the exceeding values. It states, that the changes will be imported in full. Only when importing the changes, those exceeding changes will be trimmed with the PlantDataManager Plugin.
- New: Update Properties Palette when switching from one tab to another PT-1481
When changing properties in the Properties Palette in PlantDataManager or PlantExpressTools which then triggers an update of other properties, these triggered changes weren't instantly shown when selecing another tab in the Properties Palette. For example: The change in Flow Speed triggered several calculations and a link configuration which results in the selection of Size 65 on the "FlowData" tab. When selecting the "Basics" tab you instantly see the new values.
- Change: Re-Designed progress bar when exporting to Excel PT-1408
When exporting to Excel the progress dialog can be closed which terminates the export and deleted the export file.
- Change: Improved performance of 'Show only changed objects' toggle button PT-1443
Improved performance when using the 'Show only changed objects' toggle button in PlantDataManager.
- Change: Change column ACP_ObjectType to PT_ObjectType when ex-/importing in PlantDataManager PT-1453
When exporting to XLS/XLSX or CSV with PlantDataManager, the last column header now shows PT_ObjectType instead of ACP_ObjectType. This is due to the changes introduced with PT-1079.
- Bug fix: Drag & Drop function in Relationship Panel didn't work anymore PT-804
When we change the Relationship panel to DevExpress controls we forgot to implement the Drag & Drop function to relate objects with each other. You can use Drag & Drop to create relationships which are allows according to the Relationship Types definitions.
- Bug fix: CSV Import in PlantDataManager shows 'ObjectType' error PT-1452
When importing changes from a CSV file into PlantDataManager the following error appears.
- Bug fix: Wrong text when Importing an Excel file where Cells contain reserved XML data PT-1478
When importing reserved XML data from Excel (e.g. x < y) it showed wrongly like this. Now it looks correct.
- Bug fix: Fix a bug in the algorithm for natural string comparison in PropertiesPalette PT-1482
Silent exceptions where thrown when the Properties Palette in PlantDataManager or PlantExpressTools tried to convert MM or IN for natural sorting. Although the was no error dialog (hence silent exceptions), but it caused slowness in the PlantDataManager/PlantExpressTools Properties Palette. |
- Bug fix: Error when importing from Excel if the export was from a filtered data grid PT-1457
When exporting to Excel the progress dialog can be closed which terminates the export and deleted the export file.
- Bug fix: Trying to import changes into drawing sometimes fails (Dialog #01050) PT-1442
When exporting to Excel the progress dialog can be closed which terminates the export and deleted the export file.
- Bug fix: Opening RelationShip Types dialog creates an error (Dialog #00167) PT-1437
We accidentally released parts of the code with PlantDataManager which shouldn't have been released. Therefore an error message appears when PlantDataManager tries to create the ACPReleationshipTypes table in the ACPProcessPower.dcf. Because of PT-1079 this bug fix is obsolete.
- Bug fix: FATAL CRASH when ribbon tooltips should be shown und PlantTools have different language settings PT-1393
When having multiple PlantTools Plugins (PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager Plugin, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven, PlantSync) installed and they are set for different languages then Plant 3D crashed if the tooltips for the PlantTools ribbon buttons are supposed to be shown. |
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager shows error (Dialog #00172) when changes exceeding field length exist PT-1421
When opening a project with existing changes where the changes exceed the length of the property field length Dialog #00172 appeared and prevented the opening of the project. Now these exceeding changes will be imported. And the following dialog will be shown. It states, that the changes will be imported in full. Only when importing the changes, those exceeding changes will be trimmed with the PlantDataManager Plugin.
- Bug fix: URLs to Online Documentation are pointing to the wrong location PT-1460
In some PlantTools the URL to the online documentation pointed to the old location. |
Version (16.12.2021)
- New: Export only data from data grid which are 'visible' PT-227
You can now filter the data grid, hide columns or change the column order and only what you see is what will be exported.
- New: Acquisition mode isn't change to 'override' when importing data from Excel PT-1405
When importing an Excel file where the imported value is for a property which has the acquisition mode set to 'Acquire', the mode will now be changed to 'Override'.
- New: Adding Project and Drawing properties to PlantExpressTools/PlantDataManager Calculation PT-719
The Calculation function in PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager allow using project and drawing properties now. This eliminates the need for acquisitions.
- New: Removed export of PID Tag Formats on project close in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-1051
The checkbox 'Export P&ID tag formats on project close' in the PlantDataManager Plugin settings has been removed. To avoid confusion, the PIDTagFormats.xml will always be exported on project close.
- Change: Enable Save/Close Dialog in PlantDataManager when loading changes which aren't ready for import PT-1414
If you open a project in PlantDataManager with existing changes in PDMDataCache and these changes were set as 'NOT Ready for Import', PlantDataManager will show the 'Ready for Import' dialog (#00162). This allows you to save the changes now as 'Ready for Import'.
- Change: Improved performance when importing Excel PT-976
When importing an Excel sheet into PlantDataManager the speed has been improved significantly now. |
- Change: Removed success dialogs when ex- or importing data to and from Excel PT-1406
When exporting or importing data to and from Excel in PlantDataManager we don't show the Success dialog anymore and close the progress bar only. Unless there was an issue while exporting/importing.
- Bug fix: Old Icon in 'Accepting Changes' dialog PT-1413
There was still the old PlantDataManager icon in the top left corner of the dialog.
- Bug fix: Using cancel in the dialog which shows changes by multiple-users deleted the changes PT-1412
If there are multiple changes for a property the user will see a dialog to choose which change to accept. When the user clicks on cancel, then both changes were removed from the PDMDataCache.dcf. When using the 'Cancel' button, both changes where deleted from the PDMDataCache. It was also possible to multi-select changes in this dialog and click on 'Accept' which is disabled now.
- Bug fix: Changes by multiple users aren't shown in cyan in PlantDataManager Plugin anymore PT-1411
If a property shows changes made by multiple users, the property didn't appear in cyan anymore. The tooltip still showed the various changes.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin doesn't show the correct properties and values when selecting a class on the GNPO tab PT-1409
When selecting the GNPO tab in PlantDataManager Plugin and selecting different classes, the data grid doesn't show the correct properties and values. Here for example the Blower class.
- Bug fix: Expression and Property Name are lost when selecting another class node in PlantExpressTools/PlantDataManager Calculation function PT-1394
When having an expression for a property in PlantExpressTools/PlantDataManager calculation UI and then switch to another class and then back again, the expression is gone. |
- Bug fix: Error (Dialog #00128) when trying to edit PipeLineGroup data or when opening the project in general PT-1390
The error occurred in PlantDataManager But it was resolved during the development of other tasks.
- Bug fix: When selecting PlantReporter Reports no context menu is needed PT-713
PlantDataManager showed the column context menu when using the 'PlantReporter Reports' view.
- Bug fix: Importing Excel files of Project Reports with properties from a parent class disregard changes from that column PT-1323
Project Reports can have the same Display Name for different properties. This can lead to columns with the same header. When importing, only one column was imported. Now PlantDataManager exports the class name in front of the property name to differentiate the two columns. |
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin doesn't close drawings when using 'Drawing Data' view and 'Accept All' changes PT-1342
When importing changes and using 'Drawing Data' view, then only the last drawing was closed, but the other drawings stayed open even when the option to close the drawings was checked.
- Bug fix: Changed text color after Not-Placed Object are shown in data grid PT-1061
When scrolling through the data grid and Not-Place Objects (NPOs) are shown in blue or green, then clicking into a cell of a Place Object will use the text color of the NPO.
- Bug fix: Changing order in PlantDataManager Plugin leaves changed cells where they are PT-1169
When changing the order of the rows, the cells marked with changes didn't follow the new ordering leading to the wrong cells being colored.
- Bug fix: Freeze Panes doesn't work correctly when having changed the order of columns PT-714
When changing the order of the columns and then use 'Freeze Panes' the new order wasn't considers for the freezing.
- Bug fix: Pasting into Auto-Filter control copies value into previously selected cell and not in Auto-Filter control PT-1063
Pasting a value in the Auto-Filter control copies the value in the last selected cell instead of the Auto-Filter control. |
- Bug fix: Enabling PlantDataManager Plugin Auto-Filter created an error PT-1018
When enabling the Auto-Filter header in PlantDataManager Plugin and then move the mouse into the header the following error appeared.
- Bug fix: 'Review Changes' when opening a drawing doesn't filter for the drawing in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-817
When opening a drawing for which changes do exist and you click on 'Review Changes'... ...the PlantDataManager Plugin will now not only change the View to 'Drawing Data' but also check the drawing you just opened. So you can instantly see the changes for this drawing.
- Bug fix: Cannot override another users change with the current DB value PT-1125
If you tried to override a change made by another user with the value currently in the database/drawing it failed. In this example, when you typed in "Assemblies" is wasn't accepted.
- Bug fix: Error messages when opening a drawing PT-1375
When opening a drawing one of the two error messages appeared. This was an unexpected return value to out code which creates the GUIDs for the PET_GUID property when opening a drawing. |
Version (08.11.2021)
- New: Adding checkbox in wizard for link configurations to prevent using links in PlantDataManager PT-1333
Link configurations can be deactivated for being use in PlantDataManager. At the last page of the link configuration wizard you can deactivate the use of a link configuration. This can be done in PlantDataManager as well as PlantLink. This setting will be stored in the lcf file for this link configuration.
- Bug fix: Enabling/Disabling of links isn't considered instantly in PlantDataManager PT-1351
When disabling link configurations in PlantDataManager... ...or disabling the use of a link configuration in PlantDataManager... ...the deactivation or activation wasn't used instantly in PlantDataManager. |
Version (18.10.2021)
- New: Create and Fill PET_GUID for PlantDataManager Plugin on module initialization PT-1283
Up until now, only the PlantExpressTools Change Log function created an additional property "PET_GUID". Since more and more PlantTools and functions require this property, the property will now be created on project load if it doesn't exist yet. It will be created for all 'Base Classes' like Pipe Line Group, Signal Line Group, Engineering Items, and Non Engineering Items. It will now also be created for 3D (P3d Line Group, Piping and Equipment, Steel Structure, and Pulled Pipe Bend. The PET_GUID will be filled (if empty) on drawing load. The PET_GUID will also be filled right away as soon as an object is created. In addition of filling the PET_GUID with a new value if PET_GUID is empty, there are two rules which apply: 1.Copying (copy, array, mirror, CTRL+C/CTRL+V, using grips for copying, and more) 2.Move (move, using grips for moving, rotate, CTRL+X/CTRL+V, and more) The two rules apply also when copying and moving between drawings. |
- Change: Improved loading speed in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-1315
We now: •prevent expanding all nodes at once, each expand loads the respective table from the database causing the plugin to take too long •prevent updating the View multiple times •prevent loading the same tables multiple times |
- Change: Execute zoom extents before saving the drawing in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-1316
When using the 'Zoom all new loaded drawings to extents' PlantDataManager Plugin is executing the zoom commend first before saving the drawing. Otherwise the zoom command will trigger another saving of the drawing.
- Change: Enable scrollbar when GridControl is in Edit mode PT-1322
When PlantDataManager's data grid is in edit mode the grid is now still scrollable. Having a cell in the grid in edit mode is important to ensure, that the various flyouts (e.g. History, Acquisition Mode) can extent at the first click.
Version (03.09.2021)
- Bug fix: Registry access error (Dialog #00084) after installing PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter and unsuccessful activation in PlantClashDetection, PlantLink, PlantSync, PlantSpecDriven PT-1295
When installing PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter on a PC a a dialog informed the user about denied access when starting the PlantTools from the Desktop. PlantClashDetection, PlantLink, PlantSync, PlantSpecDriven had to be activated everytime Plant 3D was started, because the registration information couldn't be written either. This happened only when installing the PlantTool for the first time or after uninstalling previous installations. desktop shortcut.
- Bug fix: UDL files for Oracle databases weren't supported in Link Configurations PT-1231
If the link configuration used an Oracle provider, an error appeared when opening the project. |
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager showed unneeded history icons in data grid PT-1193
This was due to the fact, that the records in the ACPChangeLog database which were added when the object was created were also considered as modified and not just the records which actually showed the modification. |
- Bug fix: Popup History Grid showed records of imported changes of PlantDataManager Plugin PT-1194
The popup History Grid showed history records which aren't needed. This was due to the fact, that changes accepted/rejected through importing changes of the PlantDataManager Plugin lead to these unneeded records. |
- Bug fix: Error when loading ACPChangeLog.dcf during project opening (Dialog #00158) PT-1190
When loading a project into PlantDataManager sometimes the following error appeared: This was due to SQL statements which became to long. |
Version (13.07.2021)
- Change: New PlantDataManager Plugin import notification dialogs PT-1097
We replaced the old notification dialogs with the new ones. This one when opening a project: This one when opening a drawing for which changes exist:
- Bug fix: Plant 3D multiplied PlantTools ribbon icons and got very very slow when switching between work spaces several times PT-1117
When switching between work spaces Plant 3D gets very slow all of a sudden. Also the memory consumption increases. For example when switching between "3D Piping" and "PID ISO" 10 times. In Task Manager you can see "Not responding". Eventually Plant will react and you can close it. It looks like this:
- Bug fix: Slow Plant 3D performance when PlantTools Plugin cannot acquire a network license PT-1113
If PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager Plugin, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSync and PlantSpecDriven cannot acquire a network license when Plant 3D starts, the performance became very slow. This was due to the fact, that these PlantTools Plugins checked for a network license multiple times a second. If no network license was available you get the next two dialogs. Now these PlantTools check just on startup.
- Bug fix: Linked Virtual Properties aren't shown in PlantDataManager PT-1108
Properties linked by extended link types in PlantLink are now appearing in PlantDataManager's Data Grid and Properties Palette.
- Bug fix: Excel file not imported completely if empty columns or rows existed PT-1106
When importing Excel files into PlantDataManager, the import sometimes wasn't successful. This was fixed through a different method which also ignores empty columns and rows now.
Version (24.04.2021)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2022 PT-1024
We now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022. The new "Project Compare" is included in PlantProjectManager also. |
- New: auxaliaLicenseManager automatically runs "Check for Updates..." PT-160
PlantTools trigger the "Update License" check of the network license in auxaliaLicenseServer service on your server. auxaliaLicenseServer is checking the license every 15 min to ensure, that your license information (e.g. number of license, expiration dates) are updated automatically without your need for involvement. There is no need to keep the auxaliaLicenseManager open. If a PlantTools is started and it finds an older CADSTUDIOLicenseManager or auxaliaLicenseManager installed on the server, the following dialog shows up. You can decide when you want to be reminded again. The maximum is 2 weeks. After that, you will have a maximum of another week, then another 4 days and so on. That gives you a grace period of 4 weeks till auxaliaLicenseManager must be updated. If you don't do this, you will be reminded every time the PlantTools is asking for a license. |
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 20.2.6 PT-1040
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 20.2.6 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: No support for AutoCAD P&ID 2016/2017 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016/2017 PT-1032
We discontinue the support for AutoCAD P&ID 2016/2017 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016/2017. Typically we only removed only one version when adding the newest AutoCAD Plant 3D version, but since hardly any customer is using AutoCAD P&ID 2017 or AutoCAD Plant 3D 2017 anymore we decided to cut off the two oldest versions. Another argument was, that there is no migration needed between 2018 and 2022 which makes it more convenient for customers t use those newer versions. |
- Change:Changed Trial Period from 30 to 14 days PT-975
PlantTools will run run 14 days in trial period before they stop working.
- Change: More informative licensing dialogs Details
Several dialogs informing about anything related to licensing (expiration dates, rental dates, issues with activation and more) have been improved to make it clearer what the dialog is all about. |
- Bug fix: Data in drawing weren't always updated when accepting all changes PT-977
A very strange issue appeared, which didn't update the data in the drawing when accepting all changes. The data in the project database was updated though. This lead to the result, that when opening the drawing the Drawing Checked wanted you to review the differences between drawing and project database data. We add the REGEN command at the end of the process of accepting all changes for each drawing.
- Bug fix: Records in PDMDataCache database weren't deleted when accepting changes when using SQL Server PT-971
When using SQL Server to store changes in the PDMDataCache, those changes weren't removed from the data cache table. Also the changes still appeared in yellow, although they were imported already.
- Bug fix: Error when Switching to Project Reports in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-970
When selecting "Project Reports" under Views in PlantDataManager Plugin... ... the following error message appeared.
Version (10.02.2021)
- New: Show only records of suitable link property values PT-939
When using "Show linked data..." the external data viewer showed ALL records of the view/table not just the one which match the property values for the linked fields. Now you will find an additional setting in the link configuration wizard where you control the behavior when using 'Assign Data'. It is enabled by default. In case you want to have the old behavior you disable it. Then you always will see all records from the table/view. When using 'Assign Tag' you can still change the behavior with the Tri-State checkbox. This still allows you to see all records.
- New: Multi-Select in PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin when selecting drawings PT-821
We added more selection options to the drawing control. In addition to the three menu items we also support multi-selecting drawings and folders with CTRL and SHIFT keys.
- New: Adding setting into PlantProjectSetup to control the history icon in PlantDataManager data grid PT-790
We added another setting in PlantProjectManager for the change log feature which allows the showing of the history icon in the data grid of PlantDataManager. If this check box is enabled the history icon will show. If you click on the history icon in the data grid the same flyout dialog appears as in the Properties Palette. You can also make a right click to restore an old value.
- New: Adding a toggle button into the PlantDataManager toolbar to show only rows with history icons PT-791
We added a toggle button in the toolbar to filter the data grid to show only rows which have a history icon in one of its columns/properties. We also rearranged the icons and moved the three toggle buttons to the right.
- New: Added a new orange history icon to show unsaved values PT-787
When a property already shows a history icon and you change the value, the icon will change to orange. Indicating that there is a new value which hasn't been written into the Change Log.
- New: Adding Logging settings in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-789
We added two settings in the PlantDataManager settings to control storing accepted and rejected changes in the change log database. Until now these changes were automatically saved into the change log database. Now you can disable that independently for accepted and rejected changes. If you use the change log feature of PlantExpressTools, you may not need to store the changed imported through PlantDataManager Plugin, because the changes will be stored anyway through the PlantExpressTools Change log feature.
- New: Showing icons for selection lists (Combo Box), acquisition modes, Tag Edit PT-799
We now show the icons for selection lists, acquisition state and Tag edit buttons in the data grid. This give you a better overview of your data.
- New: Additional view for PlantDataManager for Change Log data PT-794
We created a new view for PlantDataManager ("Change Log") which is available if a Change Log Database does exists. It shows the whole change history of the project and can be used to review and find changes. If you click on a change the current data of the object behind the selected change will be shown. From here you can also restore previous values if needed.
- Change: PlantDataManager resets grouping, filtering and column settings when clicking on the refresh button PT-897
When switching classes or clicking on the refresh button, PlantDataManager lost the column settings (width and order) as well as any grouping or filtering.
- Change: Trigger saving Change Log after changes are accepted in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-835
When PlantDataManager Plugin accepted the all changes, the Change log data weren't written. Of course, only if the check boxes for the triggers are enabled.
- Change: Replace WinForms controls with DevX in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-627
The PlantDataManager Plugin user interface got a major overhaul. All standard WinForms controls where replaced with DevExpress controls. This results in the same user interface as the other PlantTools palettes (SymbolsPalette, PropertiesPalette, PlantProjectManager Palette).
- Change: Increase performance when accepting/rejecting changes in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-722
The PlantDataManager Plugin uses still WinForm controls which must be replaced with DevX. Similar to PlantDataManager itself. |
- Change: Adding UNDO icon in content menu for restoring values from the Change Log PT-813
We added an icon in-front of the menu item "Restore to this value" in the context menu of the history panel. To see the context menu better.
- Change: The state of the toggle buttons in PlantDataManager will be reset when a project is loaded PT-814
The three toggle buttons in PlantDataManager are now reset whenever a project is loaded. This will be handled when PlantDataManager will be started and a project is opened, but also when PlantDataManager already has a project loaded and a new project is loaded.
- Change: Remove Project Settings in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-788
We removed the project settings from the PlantDataManager Plugin settings, because the changes which are accepted/rejected when importing changes from PlantDataManager are already logged in the Change Log database anyway. Before: After:
- Change: Speed improvement in data grid PT-798
We improved the speed of presenting the data in the data grid though two steps. Firstly, when loading the data into the grid, the grid was refreshed several times during this process. This was reduced to render the view only at the end of the process. This is also important when clicking on nodes in the tree with the classes where the data in the grid has to be refreshed every time. Secondly, existing records in the Change Log database caused delays of several seconds before a cell could be edited. This was noticeable especially when the Properties Palette was open and the data with their history was supposed to be shown. This was solved by creating indexes in the Change Log database. |
- Change: Increase performance when saving changes in PlantDataManager PT-721
It could take a while when storing the changes made in PlantDataManager, because each change was stored individually. Now the changes will be stored in one dump. |
- Change: Added ClassName, PCName and PET_GUID when accepting/rejecting changes in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-704
The PlantDataManager Plugin didn't store ClassName, PCNmae and PET_GUID (new property for the PlantExpressTools Change Log feature) in the Change Log database. In addition, the TimeStamp will be stored in GMT time zone in UTC format (e.g. 2020-07-16T15:16:26Z). |
- Change: Changing TimeStamp Format and ProjectType Content in ACPChangeLog.dcf-->ChangeLog table and PDMDataCache.dcf-->DataCache table PT-729
PlantDataManager will now also use GMT time zone and UTC format (e.g. 2020-07-16T15:16:26Z) when writing changes into the data cache table. When accepting changes in PlantDataManager Plugin and the changes are supposed to be written into the change log table (see picture below), then they will also use GMT time zone and UTC format. In both cases the Project Part field in the database will use PnId (for P&ID data) or Piping (for 3D data). Exiting records won't be adapted.
- Bug fix: Value of overridden property is not stored in Data Cache Database PT-951
When changing the state of an acquisition from "Acquired" to "Overridden" PlantDataManager will show the previously acquired value. But this value wasn't stored in the Data Cache database which then led to wrong coloring when loading the project with previous changes in PlantDataManager again.
- Bug fix: Column Width in Properties Palette is reset to its Default Value every time an object is selected PT-902
Every time the change the column width of the Properties Palette the width will be reset to 50/50 when another object gets selected. When selecting a new object, the width of the two columns is reset to 50/50. Now the splitter keeps its position while in PlantDataManager. |
- Bug fix: 'Ready for Import' state isn't stored when closing a project PT-935
When closing a project in PlantDataManager the following dialog appeared: When selecting No, the "Ready for Import" column in PDMDataCache database wasn't set to false which allowed the import of the changes. The dialog was replaced with this:
- Bug fix: Combobox Controls in Explorer Panel get cut off if panel gets to narrow PT-938
When making the explorer panel narrower the combobox controls will be cut of. At least that what it looks like, because a horizontal scrollbar appears. Now the Explorer Panel gets a minimum width and the combobox controls will be set properly to this width.
- Bug fix: Error message when using Find and columns are hidden PT-795
This bug appeared when using the find function and there were hidden columns. |
- Bug fix: Data Grid doesn't use the color setting for NPOs PT-800
The text color settings in PlantDataManager's settings weren't used right away when changed in the data grid. Only after restarting PlantDataManager. |
- Bug fix: Relationship Tree didn't show NPO coloring when node is active PT-801
The text color in the Relationship tree didn't show the color set for NPOs in the PlantDataManager settings when the node was selected. |
- Bug fix: Loss of text color of NPOs when editing values PT-811
When editing a value of an NPO the text color didn't show what was set in the PlantDataManager settings. |
- Bug fix: Error when selecting a record in PlantDataManager and the project is using UNC paths with exclusive access to the project PT-785
This bug happened when a project which uses UNC paths was exclusively opened in PlantDataManager with the Properties Palette open and a record was selected in the grid.
- Bug fix: Error when selecting a record in PlantDataManager and the project is using UNC paths and one drawing of the project is open in P3D PT-784
This bug happened when a project which uses UNC paths was opened in Plant 3D and a drawing was open. And then you opened the project in PlantDataManager with the Properties Palette open and selected a record in the grid.
- Bug fix: History symbols didn't appear in all tabs in the PropertiesPalette where the same property is used PT-786
When a property is used on multiple tabs in the Properties Palette, the history icon wasn't shown for all properties.
Version (12.10.2020)
- Bug fix: Error when trying to open the Properties Palette, but there is no ChangeLoggingSettings.xml file present PT-772
The following error appears when trying to open the Properties Palette. This bug was introduces with with the new Change Log feature.
Version (09.10.2020)
- New: Change Logging PT-364
The Change Log feature will be activated in PlantExpressTools. In PlantDataManager the history of changes can be reviewed though. Change Logging will store all properties values of a drawing. The storing also includes when an object was inserted, deleted or substituted. When the changes are supposed to be stored can be defined by triggers. The changes can later be viewed in the PlantExpressTools/PlantDataManager Properties Palette. In the PlantExpressTools/PlantDataManager Properties Palette it looks like this:
- Change: Replacing standard Windows Message boxes with our own dialogs PT-743
We started to put more information in our Message Boxes to give you more background details to reduce support questions or the need to look into the online documentation. Also, all dialog boxes have a number which helps with support.
- Change: Implemented F1 to open our own browser PT-754
When using F1 in PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter, MigrationTool, PlantCenter or any button in the PlantTools or PlantExpressTools ribbon we open our own browser window.
- Bug fix: Properties with Selection Lists lost focus after the first character was typed in PT-724
When typing in a value in a selection list property the Properties Palette tried to find a suitable value in the list and if it found one, the selection list lost focus and therefore any additional value was which was typed in wasn't recognized.
- Bug fix: Cannot change acquisition mode in Properties Palette PT-725
In the Properties Palette the acquisition mode cannot be changed. When setting Override mode... It looks correct... When the control loses focus it's back to acquire. When trying to change from override to acquire, nothing is happening at all.
Version (06.08.2020)
- Change: The BIM icons is shown when opening a project from the local BIM work folder PT-711
When selecting local BIM project (currently BIM projects cannot be opened directly from BIM 360), we show the BIM icon infront of the project name to indicate that it is a BIM project.
- Bug fix: Since release changes weren't shown in PropertiesPalette and RelationShips to other classes weren't considered PT-701
For example, when editing the Line Number of a Pipe Line Group, the Line Number doesn't appear in the Properties Palette,
And this is how it looks now (again).
Version (06.07.2020)
- New: Calculation function allow creating GUIDs PT-656
The function creates a GUID you may need to get a unique ID independent of the PnPID.
- Change: Resizable Combobox controls in PlantExpressTools Properties Palette PT-650
Resize the Combox Controls (Selection Lists) when needed.
- Bug fix: Properties Palette didn't show the DisplayNames for 3D Objects PT-652
Almost all DisplayNames were missing.
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin buttons sometimes required clicking twice to execute the function PT-657
The reason was, that the PlantDataManager Plugin Palette didn't have the focus,
Version (19.06.2020)
- New: Remove changes of current user PT-385
You can now remove you own changes in PlantDataManager. Simply click on the "Remove" button. You then have three options. Option 1 removes the changes you made since opening the project in PlantDataManager and ALL previous changes you may have made before. Option 2 removes only the latest changes made since opening the project in PlantDataManager. It has the same effect than closing the project without saving your changes and opening again. Option 3 doesn't remove anything.
- New: Change GNPOs into NGNPOs and vice versa PT-460
The two types of Not-Placed Objects can be reversed. Converting a NGNPO into a GNPO. Converting a GNPO into a NGNPO.
- Change: Showing warning dialog when using "Reject All" in Plugin PT-536
When clicking on "Reject all changes", you will be asked whether you want to lose all your changes or not.
- Change: Uninterrupted import in case one or more drawings are used by other users PT-400
Drawings which are currently open by other users will be skipped over when accepting all changes to ensure an uninterrupted process. |
- Change: Changed tree in PlantDataManager Plugin to use DevExpress control for multi-selecting drawings PT-614
You can now multi-select drawings to select or unselect them.
- Change: Uncheck selected drawings after 'Accept/Reject All' PT-611
After accepting/rejecting all drawings, these drawings which have been selected in the tree will be unchecked. |
- Change: PlantDataManager Plugin showed the DWG Title not the Filename PT-641
We are now consistently use in all PlantTools the file name of the drawings.
- Change: Enable Find Panel and Auto Filter Row by default PT-647
PlantDataManager will now automatically show the Auto Filter Row and the Find Panel.
- Bug fix: Improvements for Display Names for the Properties Palette when selecting objects from different classes where the same Property has different Display Names PT-644
When using "Show all Properties", we show multiple lines in the properties palette in case the same property has different DisplayNames.
- Bug fix: Folders and drawings didn't show in alphabetical order PT-600
The order of folders and drawings in DWG trees in PlantCenter, PlantDataManager and PlantReporter is now consistent with the order in AutoCAD Plant 3D's Project Manager. |
- Bug fix: DWG Tree wasn't filtered when using 'Show only changes' PT-626
When using "Show only changed objects", the drawing tree wasn't filtered. |
- Bug fix: DWG Tree in PlantDataManager Plugin wasn't filtered when using 'Show only changes' PT-636
This was the same issue as in PlantDataManager. |
- Bug fix: Error when opening project from an UNC path PT-612
When trying to open a project which uses a UNC Path, the following error message appeared.
- Bug fix: Changes are still shown after they had been imported PT-610
After the accepting/rejecting changes in PlantDataManager Plugin, the cells were still marked with the background color for pending changes. |
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin doesn't refresh the current grid when using the show only changes toggle PT-642
When using the "Show only changes" toggle button, the grid wasn't refreshed.
- Bug fix: Freeze Panes doesn't work as in Excel anymore PT-646
When using "Freeze Panes" the columns left of the current cell weren't frozen.
Version 3.0.1 (25.04.2020)
- Bug fix: Mapped fields defined as read-only weren't colored
- Bug fix: Column settings weren't stored when "Hide empty columns" was used
- Bug fix: Tooltips for toolbar buttons in German setting showed English texts
Version 3.0 (23.04.2020)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2021
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.2.7
Version 2.5 (07.04.2020)
- New: Introducing DevExpress styles to change main UI for example to dark mode
- New: Checkbox in Properties Palette to toggle between showing only the common properties of multiple selected classes or all properties
- New: PlantDataManager can Show/Hide all unchanged objects as PlantDataManager Plugin can already do
- Change: Moved Buttons from Add-Ins to PlantTools ribbon
- Change: Internal Cleanup - Reduction of dlls
- Change: If selecting Drawing Data in PlantDataManager Plugin to import changes only of selected DWGs, "Accept/Reject All" accepted/rejected all project changes
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin showed overlapping nodes in drawing and class tree if Windows scaling is > 100%
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager's closing dialog trimmed the lower part of the dialog if Windows scaling is > 100%
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin was setting the data source multiple time during loading data
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin didn't trigger AttributeFlow properly when changes are accepted
Version 2.4.1 (28.10.2019)
- Change: New program icons and ribbon images
Version 2.4 (04.10.2019)
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.6
- Bug fix: Slow speed and crashes when scrolling horizontally introduced with version 2.3
- Bug fix: Type-O in view selection (Drawing Data (PlantExpressTools Project Palette) --> Drawing Data (PlantExpressTools Properties Palette))
- Bug fix: NPOs weren't saved when closing the project
- Bug fix: Excel export removed property value with just spaces
Version 2.3 (30.07.2019)
- New: Show in-use values when multi-selecting in PlantExpressTools's Properties palette
Version 2.2 (18.07.2019)
- Bug fix: Error message when importing NULL values in PlantDataManager Plugin
- Bug fix: Added dependency: "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" when installing the PlantTool
Version 2.1 (13.06.2019)
- Bug fix: Error message when filtering for multiple columns in the grid and then switch to another class
Version 2.0 (17.05.2019)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.3
Version 1.82 (06.03.2019)
- Change: String properties which contain only number, are now ordered as if they were numerical properties
- Bug fix: In some cases, when importing Excel sheets the following error appeared: "Error in implicit conversion. Cannot convert null objects."
Version 1.81 (15.02.2019)
- Bug fix: Values of numerical properties couldn't be deleted
- Bug fix: Cut & Paste of multiple cells cut only the first cell
Version 1.80 (31.01.2019)
- New: Allowing swapping Tags in PlantDataManager and solving the issue during import
- Change: Separated changes "Ready for Import" from those which aren't ready in the PlantDataManager Plugin User Interface
- Change: When selecting P3D Classes in PlantDataManager "Project Data" will be the default view
- Change: If there are only 3D changes, the Plugin will automatically switch to P3D Classes upon import
- Change: PlantDataManager Plugin doesn't refresh right away anymore when saving the drawing and links or calculations change data
Version 1.79 (22.01.2019)
- New: Added "Filter by Selection", "Filter Excluding Selection" and "Remove Filter" to the context menu of the data grid. It works also when multiple cells are selected
- New: Pasting cells into multiple rows is supported now
- New: Auto-Restart PlantDataManager when project version doesn't match the version setting in PlantDataManager
- Change: PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin delete records in data cache if the object doesn't exist anymore
- Change: No dialog for saving changes, when no changes have been made
- Change: No notifications from PlantDataManager Plugin if there are no changes marked as 'Ready for Import'
- Change: Not only does the PlantDataManager Plugin deletes obsolete records in the data cache, but now also obsolete properties
- Change: Added possibility to use text filter expressions
- Change: Navigation bar for data grid
- Change: PIDTagFormats.xml move from project folder to \ACPlantTools folder
- Change: When accepting/rejecting individual changes which are linked, mapped or calculated through PlantLink or PlantExpressTools Calculation, all properties used in the link or calculation will be accepted/rejected
- Bug fix: Pasting values did not work properly when the grid was filtered, grouped, sorted or columns were removed
- Bug fix: Numeric and Boolean values weren't handled properly between PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin depending on language settings
- Bug fix: Wrong text in info dialog when creating a NPO
- Bug fix: When opening a 3D drawing, the notification didn't work correct, because it checked only the PID changes instead of 3D
- Bug fix: Notification text had a type-o in it
- Bug fix: Checkbox for notification message "Show message when opening a project if changes are ready for import" wasn't always saved
- Bug fix: When deleting records from the data cache, the project part (PID/P3D) wasn't considered
- Bug fix: Creating a line segment as a GNPO and change the size cause an error
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin grid isn't refreshed after some changes are accepted/rejected
- Bug fix: When importing changes in Drawing View the PlantDataManager Plugin switched back to Project View
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin is refreshed if not all changes could be accepted/rejected, because some drawings are in-use by other users
Version 1.78 (10.09.2018)
- New: Single License report PC name to CAD STUDIO server to help our customer support with licensing issues
- Bug fix: Using certain expressions in the filter editor caused an error message
- Bug fix: The relationship palette always opened, because the open/close status wasn't stored
- Bug fix: In case multiple classes were used in a PlantReporter report query, some columns could not be edited in PlantDataManager, or some columns were editable although they shouldn't be
- Bug fix: When creating with PlantDataManager, PlantReporter or MigrationTool the PDMDataCache, ACProject or ACPChangeLog databases on SQL Server the GrantPublicRole wasn't set leading to permission issues
- Bug fix: The status (active/inactive) of the save symbol wasn't set properly
Version 1.77 (20.07.2018)
- New: Introduction of an additional color to see conflicting changes between other and current users
- New: Use of PlantExpressTools properties palette setup in data grid
- Change: Standard Data Grid Control replaced with DevExpress Data Grid Control
- Change: Properties and Relationship palettes are dockable
- Change: Speed improvements for Links
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager didn't store the ClassType in the lcf file
- Bug fix: The reports that were created or updated using DevExpress 17.2.7 ( starting with PlantReporter 1.43) could not be edited in PlantDataManager
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager was able to edit only the data of the first class of a PlantReporter report configuration
Version 1.76 (16.05.2018)
- New: Drawing properties links are shown, but are disabled
- Change: MigrationTool - Keep the .bak file
- Bug fix: MigrationTool - Some newer SQL syntax was used and was not compatible with SQL older than 2016
- Bug fix: MigrationTool - Primary keys and columns with autoincrement were not migrated
- Bug fix: MigrationTool - The length of VARCHAR was not migrated
- Bug fix: MigrationTool - For ACPProcessPower I first check if already exists in SQL server and delete it first to assure no old tables
Version 1.75 (02.05.2018)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2019
- New: SQLite databases created by PlantTools will now use the same database type as the project (SQLite or SQL Server)
- New: A migration tool for PlantTools databases was added to move SQLite databases to SQL Server
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.7
Version 1.74 (07.03.2018)
- New: Changes made by other users are shown in separate color and can be seen in tooltips
- New: Improved data import process for importing changes from multiple users at once
- New: Changes accepted or rejected by a user will be stored in the new change log database
- New: A new properties palette is introduced (also in PlantExpressTools) which allows creating tabs, groups and select and order properties
- Change: Improved notification when opening a project or drawing with pending changes
- Change: Changes by user are stored in [PP]\ACPlantTools\PlantDataManager\DataCache\PDMDataCache.dcf
- Bug fix: Workaround to deal with a bug in SQLite API which caused views using UNION to deliver incomplete result
Version 1.73 (16.12.2017)
- Change: Performance improvements in links handling
- Bug fix: Issues when comparing Non-String properties/fields
Version 1.72 (21.11.2017)
- New: Preview of using report configurations of PlantReporter within PlantDataManager
- Change: Extended links are supported
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.3
Version 1.71 (03.07.2017)
- New: Optional setting of Override mode
- Change: Options OnProjectLoad and OnInterval removed
- Change: Calculations that contain ACAD properties are disabled
Version 1.70 (23.05.2017)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2018
- Bug fix: Added missing DevExpress dlls in the update package
Version 1.69 (30.03.2017)
- Bug fix: EngineeringItems.Size property for Plant 3D classes wasn’t calculated
Version 1.68 (05.02.2017)
- Change: '?' at the end of a Tag will be exported to Excel now
- Change: The Excel formula for the Tag has been changed so it shows a '?' when a property of the Tag is empty
Version 1.67 (10.12.2016)
- Change: Improved progress bar when exporting to Excel
- Change: Improved speed when exporting to Excel
- Bug fix: Invisible properties used in Tag Format, caused error when exporting to Excel
Version 1.66 (27.10.2016)
- New: Added Calculated Properties
- Change: Ex-/Import function has been revised
Version 1.65 (06.09.2016)
- New: Simple and complex conditions can be used
- New: Mapping of additional AutoCAD® properties ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ, HyperlinkUrl, HyperlinkText, Transparency, LineTypeScale
- Change: Additional texts for linked fields/properties which prevent filtering
- Change: "Assign Data" dialog shows selected datarow in different text color
- Change: Filter editor shows property's display names
- Change: Extended links aren't supported anymore
- Bug fix: Red info text didn't show proper line breaks
- Bug fix: Cascading links weren't always processed fully when using "Assign Tag" dialog
Version 1.64 (11.06.2016)
- New: Borrowing of network licenses
- Bug fix: Automatically install "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" package during setup/update in case is not installed. The package is needed in case no AutoCAD P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 is installed.
Version 1.63 (11.04.2016)
- Change: Autodesk changed API between Beta and Final release of AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 which caused errors
Version 1.62 (07.04.2016)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 64Bit
- Change: The drawings are shown with their DWG file name
Version 1.61 (21.03.2016)
- Bug fix: Error when selecting a heat exchanger dataset
Version 1.60 (03.02.2016)
- Bug fix: Project failed to load if the PID tag formats file was not exported from PlantDataManager Plugin
Version 1.59 (03.02.2016)
- Change: Link configuration wizard shows the available tables and views faster
- Change: Additional info in tooltip in PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin for cells with a change
- Change: Further speed improvements on Copy & Paste
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin didn't show the correct value when changing a property from override to acquire when reloading a project
Version 1.58 (29.01.2016)
- New: Messagebox when opening a project and data transfer files are available for import
- New: When grouping PipeLineGroups or SignalLineGroups the delimiter can be defined in Settings
- New: Acquisition symbol is show near the column name for properties which use acquisitions
- Change: When selecting the dropdown list for the data transfer files the list will be refreshed first to show the currently available files
- Change: Speed improvement when using copy & paste
- Change: Relationship tree shows the class' display name instead of the relationship type
- Change: Text in Settings UI didn't mention the grouping of SignalLineGroups
- Change: Text change in the Setting UI when save & close drawings
- Change: Long project names and project description won't be shown as multiple lines, but with a tooltip
- Bug fix: Spaces weren't imported in PlantDataManager Plugin
- Bug fix: Acquisition's Override/Manual status wasn't read correctly
- Bug fix: The pipeline group/signal line group nodes were displayed with changes(yellow) in drawing view, even if there was no change
Version 1.57 (13.01.2016)
- Change: Speed improvement when loading a project in PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin
Version 1.56 (26.10.2015)
- Change: Excel-Export/Import works even without Excel installed
- Bug fix: Message when exporting to Excel if DisplayName exceeds 31 characters
Version 1.55 (28.08.2015)
- Bug fix: PlantLink didn't work for SignalLineGroups
- Bug fix: Mix-up with radio option buttons in the wizard when modifying ACAD properties
Version 1.54 (14.08.2015)
- New: PipeLineGroups and SignalLineGroups connected by Off-Page-Connectors can be shown as a single entry in PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin. See Setting UI also
- New: When accepting all changes the PlantDataManager Plugin will open only one drawing at a time to avoid memory issues
- Bug fix: A messagebox appears when PlantDataManager tries to open a DataCache file which is already locked by PlantDataManager Plugin
Version 1.53 (01.07.2015)
- Bug fix: Update needed due to a new PnPDataObjects.dll in SP1 for AutoCAD® P&ID 2016 and AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2016
Version 1.52 (27.05.2015)
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin cause an error message for AutoCAD® P&ID 2014
Version 1.51 (13.05.2015)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2016
Version 1.50 (07.04.2015)
-Change: We went back to standard copy & paste functionality. Multicell copying introduced in version was discarded
-Bug fix: Wrong program icon in the title bar
Version 1.49 (19.03.2015)
-Change: Speed improvement when using export/import to/from XLS
Version 1.48 (05.02.2015)
-Change: Improvement when updating links. The mapped data will be checked as well to make sure the mapped data are still valid
-Change: Links show a dialog if multiple records can be found in the linked database
-Change: The local data cache will be deleted when opening a project which is using SQLite and is opened from a network drive (optional)
-Change: PipeLineGroups and SignalLineGroups weren't shown when using drawing views (changes in the PnPDataLink table)
Version 1.47 (17.12.2014)
- Bug fix: Issue with digital signing during Installation
Version 1.46 (04.07.2014)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2015
- Bug fix: Error message when exporting to Microsoft Excel when different Tag formats are used in sub classes
Version 1.45 (02.06.2014)
- New: XLS/CSV data ex-/import
- New: “Save and Close Project” button to unlock the transfer file.
- New: Cut/Copy/Paste multiple cells of one recordset
- New: Freezing pane similar to Microsoft Excel
- Change: The directory for transfer files is now: [Project]\ACPlantTools\PlantDataManager\DataCache. Existing transfer files will be moved automatically
- Change: The directory for the NPO's database is now: [Project]\ACPlantTools\ACPProcessPower.dcf. Existing database will be moved automatically
- Bug fix: Project report view error
Version 1.44 (02.05.2014)
- New: Link configurations can use variables for the path now
- Bug fix: Error message displayed while loading a higher version link configuration and remaining link configurations were not loaded
Version 1.43 (06.03.2014)
- New: PlantTools are available as rental versions
- New: Refresh button to reload link configurations
- New: Link configurations can be deactivated
- New: When mapping "On drawing save" can be used
- Change: The directory for link configurations is now: [Project]\ACPlantTools\PlantLink\LinkConfigurations. Existing link configurations will be moved automatically
- Bug fix: The content of selection lists is sorted now
Version 1.42 (13.02.2014)
- Change: PlantTool is ready for Autodesk's AppStore. The PlantTool icons will be found under "Plugins"
- Bug fix: When selecting multiple cells in the PipeLineGroup class the Copy entry in the context menu was greyed out
- Bug fix: When copying from multiple cells where the column order was changed, the values were inserted in the wrong columns
Version 1.41 (27.01.2014)
- Bug fix: PID Project Reports can be used for editing data again
Version 1.40 (14.01.2014)
- Bug fix: Folders and drawings weren't sorted correctly in the tree
- Bug fix: When editing properties which are used for the PipeLineGroup Tag, if the change wasn't accepted due to duplicate Tags, the property cell was keeping the new entered value, instead of reverting to previous one
- Bug fix: Acquired values can be set to "override" again
Version 1.39 (29.11.2013)
- Bug fix: Data of the Pipe Line Groups weren't imported in version 2014
- Bug fix: Headers of dialogboxes in the German version were fixed
Version 1.38 (12.11.2013)
- Bug fix: Proper detection of AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2014 failed
Version 1.37 (28.10.2013)
- Bug fix: Deleted objects were not handled correctly when importing changes
Version 1.36 (04.06.2013)
- New: Enhanced comunication with ACPlant server to prevent the "417-Expectation failed" error code
- Change: Support for new lcf files due to the new AutoCAD® properties mapping feature of PlantLink
Version 1.35 (20.05.2013)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2014
- New: Support of SQL Server Authentication
Version 1.34 (21.11.2012)
- New: When accepting/rejecting the data from the transfer file the opened drawings can be automatically zoomed to extents, saved and closed.
Version 1.33 (27.08.2012)
- New: When selecting a project a dialogbox shows the progress of loading the project
- New: Support for linking external databases
- New: Editing of drawing properties has been disabled
Version 1.32 (30.05.2012)
- New: Function to register the PlantTools in case AutoCAD® was installed after the PlantTool
- Bug fix: Changes in Plant 3D Nozzles were not imported correctly in PlantDataManager - plugin
Version 1.31 (30.05.2012)
- Change: Icons and Logo
Version 1.30 (23.05.2012)
- Bug fix: Failed to load project when the settings file that stored columns order and width was corrupt.
Version 1.29 (16.05.2012)
- New: Ability to create graphical not placed objects (GNPOs)
- Change: Changed the modeless user interface of the PlantDataManager Plugin to an AutoCAD® palette
Version 1.28 (29.04.2012)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2013
- New: Update to NET 4.0
Version 1.27 (26.03.2012)
- New: Ability to assign place objects to placed objects by drag & drop.
- New: Navigating between related objects (NPOs and POs) by double-clicking in the relationships UI
Version 1.26 (15.03.2012)
- Bug Fix: Error when opening the project after a drawing and placed objects where deleted.
Version 1.25 (06.03.2012)
- Bug Fix: Acquisition properties not handled correctly when overriden
- Bug Fix: Drawings are ordered by name
Version 1.24 (28.02.2012)
- New: Ability to create non-graphical not placed objects (NGNPOs)
- New: Ability to define relationships between objects
Version 1.23 (13.02.2012)
- New: Ability to edit Tags (auto-generated values are not supported)
- New: Ability to use acquisition rules
Version 1.22 (07.12.2011)
- Bug fix: Calculated properties were not handled correctly
Version 1.21 (26.09.2011)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2012
- Change: Changing side menus to classic pulldown menus
- Bug fix: When the same property name was used in different classes the changes weren't saved correctly in the transfer file
Version 1.20 (06.06.2011)
- Bug fix: Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V keyboard shortcuts were not working
- Bug fix: When using an invalid filter, a loop of error messages was displayed
- Bug fix: Copying multiple cells from Excel was not pasted correctly
Version 1.19 (06.04.2011)
- New: The expiration date will be shown in the info box and a message box 14 days prior to the expiration date will be shown.
- Change: The test phase was changed from 100 attemps to 30 days trial period
Version 1.18 (02.02.2011)
- New: Autocomplete and "Restrict values to selection list" can be defined in the setting
- Bug fix: When using selection lists in the properties dialogbox multiple cells were selected
Version 1.17 (02.11.2010)
- New: Plant 3D properties can be edited now
- New: Update to NET 3.5
- New: Addition command line switches /PID and /P3D for starting PlantDataManager
- Bug fix: Error when zooming in the PlantDataManager Plugin
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin remembers "Zoom", "Show Revision Clouds" and "Show all objects" flags
Version 1.16 (11.10.2010)
- New: Faster speed with big projects
- New: Switch to online documentation
Version 1.15 (29.08.2010)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID 2011
Version 1.14 (27.06.2010)
- New: Multiselection of object and editing the data in the properties box
Version 1.13 (07.06.2010)
- Bug fix: Error when trying to import data for P&ID objects that do not exist anymore
Version 1.12 (18.05.2010)
- New: Support for the P&ID objects within AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2010/2011
- Bug fix: Data in custom views incorrect for AutoCAD® P&ID 2010 and 2011
Version 1.11 (21.04.2010)
- Change: Outbound port for activation requests changed from 19800 to 80
Version 1.10 21.03.2010)
- New: Proxy server support
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D - for P&ID objects only
- Bug fix: The properties box cell color wasn't updated when value changed
Version 1.9 (01.02.2010)
- New: Enhancements of download process
Version 1.8 (20.12.2009)
- New: Hide blank columns (PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin)
- New: Refresh data when selecting a node or using the Refresh button in the toolbar
- New: Cut/Copy/Paste
- New: Find&Replace (PlantDataManager) and Find (PlantDataManager Plugin)
- New: Filtering (PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin)
- New: Change log (PlantDataManager Plugin)
- New: Save Separators on the main user interface between left column and data grid and between views and drawings (PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin)
- New: Save/Import/Export column width and order (PlantDataManager)
- New: Localization of classes and properties (PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin)
- New: DWG TrueView integrated
- New: Extended sorting, multiple columns
Version 1.7 (17.09.2009)
- New: Central documentation for all PlantTools
- Bug fix: Error when using valve list report
Version 1.6 (06.09.2009)
- New: Network licensing
Version 1.5 (18.05.2009)
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager plugin was not loading automatically in AutoCAD® P&ID 2010.
Version 1.4 (10.05.2009)
- New: Added support for AutoCAD® P&ID 2010.
Version 1.3 (16.03.2009)
- New: Remember main window's last size and position.
- New: The changed fields are colored in the Properties form too.
- New: When the data transfer file cannot be saved to the default location, the user may choose another location.
- Bug fix: When selecting a custom view which contained levels with Size column it was crashing.
- Bug fix: error msg when selecting "Project Reports".
- New: Revision clouds
- New: Settings
- New: Help
- New: Show only the available data caches in the combo box.
Version 1.2 (23.02.2009)
- Bug fix: When closing PlantDataManager Plugin the locked project wasn't released. This cause error when trying to select another project and the PlantDataManager user couldn't work on the project
- New: PlantDataManager Plugin uses the same colors as PlantDataManager.
Version 1.1 (23.02.2009)
- New concept. The data will not be written directly to the database anymore. The data edited by PlantDataManager will be written to an XML file. The XML file will be read by the PlantDataManager Plugin. In the Plugin the CAD user can accept or reject the changes.
Version 1.0 (19.01.2009)
- First Version to sell.