Release Notes

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Release Notes

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Windows XP - Windows 11



AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020 - 2025


Version (28.02.2025)

- New: Copy Property values function for PlantExpressTools' PropertiesPalette PT-3617

- Bug fix: Ignore empty DataCaches of other users when saving PT-4417

- Bug fix: Calculation preview formatting lost in Define Calculation dialog PT-4408

- Bug fix: PropertiesPalette doesn't show common properties PT-4433

- Bug fix: Expand/Collapse functionality by arrow for groups in the Properties Palette is missing PT-4418

- Bug fix: Texts for Proxy Settings aren't changed right away when switching the language setting PT-4103

- Bug fix: External data viewer not triggered when multiple database matches exist PT-4571

- Bug fix: Acquisition mode is not stored in/restored from NPO xml PT-4446

- Bug fix: NPO value deletions are not applied after executing pending tasks of NPO*.xml PT-4591

- Bug fix: Error Opening Collaboration Project on First Download via PlantDataManager/PlantReporter with 2025 PT-4546

- Bug fix: Find and Replace in PlantDataManager overwrites Read-Only Properties with 'Replace All' PT-4570

Version (15.11.2024)

- New: Assign Tag dialog doesn't show Tags of NPOs which are still stored in xml files PT-3575

- New: Assign Tag dialog uses DevExpress controls now PT-4370

- New: Check NPO Tags against PO and other NPO Tags PT-4371

- New: Check Tag when editing Tag in Assign Tag dialog PT-4372

- New: Data Cache files are loaded much faster now when opening a project in PlantDataManager PT-4277

- New: Option to allow closing a drawing right after its changes have been imported PT-4278

- New: Change hard coded texts for PlantDataManager Plugin tab PT-3537

- New: Do not reset view when using Refresh in PlantDataManager PT-4308

- New: Do not reset view for GNPOs in PlandDataManager Plugin when using Refresh PT-3535

- New: Do not reset view for Data Import in PlandDataManager Plugin when using Refresh PT-3536

- New: PlantDataManager Plugin Performance Issues when having multiple Caches with a lot of changes PT-3673

- New: Close editing dialog when editing properties from a PlantReporter Report PT-4147

- New: Faster pasting speed when pasting copied values in a lot of cells PT-4340

- Bug fix: Save Changes Dialog Appears When Closing PDM, Even Without Edits PT-4367

- Bug fix: Duplicate Change Log icons appear when resizing window or column PT-4366

- Bug fix: Override Acquisition Mode is not saved in .lcf files PT-4358

- Bug fix: Error when ordering Plant 3D projects in Open Collaboration Project dialog PT-4271

- Bug fix: Report Layout files of version 22.2 aren't downloaded PT-4341

- Bug fix: DWG Number missing in PlantDataManager with ACAD Versions less than or equal to 2024 PT-4323

- Bug fix: Dialog #01055 appears when accepting/rejecting a single change in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-4324

- Bug fix: Wrong coloring and incomplete tool tip for changes made by current user and another user PT-960

- Bug fix: Project gets loaded twice after changing the AutoCAD Version PT-4093

- Bug fix: Certain display settings can lead to errors when opening the link or calculation result dialogs as well as the calculation dialog in PlantDataManager PT-4279

- Bug fix: Command line parameters aren't passed through from PlantDataManager.exe to PlantDataManager.FrameWork.exe/PlantDataManager.NetCore.exe PT-4119

- Bug fix: Grid Refresh collapsed all grouped properties PT-4330

Version (28.08.2024)

- New: Update to Plant 3D 2025 and DevExpress 23.2.6 PT-3326

- New: Function in Context menu to remove a current user change in a cell of a grid PT-3601

- New: PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin will use a lock file for Collaboration and Non-Collaboration projects to prevent issues after crashes PT-4143

- New: If many properties with acquisitions are visible in the PlantDataManager Data Grid, scrolling becomes bumpy PT-4144

- New: New Result UI for Calculation Update PT-4149

- New: New UI for Calculation dialog in PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager PT-4151

- New: Show AutoCAD Version in title of PlantDataManager/PlantReporter PT-4154

- New: New UI for link configuration dialog in PlantLink and PlantDataManager PT-4190

- New: New Result UI for Link Update PT-4273

- Change: Adapt Plant Report Layout Version Check PT-4132

- Bug fix: When PlantDataManager Plugin is opened in SQL Server project, no .lock file is created for the PDMDataCache PT-3633

- Bug fix: FATAL ERROR when opening PlantDataManager Plugin and it tried to remove obsolete changes PT-3680

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager created a dcf file during project load when using SQL Server, if the PlantDataManager folder already exists PT-3682

- Bug fix: When opening PlantDataManager Plugin, changes from other users are added to your own PDMDataCache with 'Not Ready for Import' PT-4135

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin removed the wrong changes from the data cache files due to a very narrow edge case with obsolete changes in the data cache files PT-4136

- Bug fix: Disk Symbol gets disabled when switching between views PT-4159

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin didn't remove obsolete data before getting opened PT-4170

- Bug fix: References files used by a Link Configuration (also in PlantDataManager) must appear under Related Files if they are located there PT-4183

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin creates a the PDMDataCache_[USERNAME] as a SQLite file and not an XML file pointing file when using SQL Server PT-4191

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager/DataCache folder is created on Project load in PDM Plugin PT-4222

Version (02.05.2024)

- Bug fix: PDMDataCache lock file for Non-Collaboration Projects wasn't removed when closing the project in PlantDataManager PT-3604

- Bug fix: Settings changes aren't stored correctly when changing settings after loading a project in PlantDataManager PT-3555

- Bug fix: PDMDataCache_[USERNAME].dcf still has a file lock when PlantDataManager tries to delete the file because it is empty PT-3605

- Bug fix: PDMDataCache_[USERNAME] databases weren't added to the MISC database for SQL Server projects PT-3606

Version (26.04.2024)

- New: Performance improvements in PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin for large projects PT-3387

- New: Implementing a File Watcher to monitor the CLI file content for support cases PT-3455

- New: Adapt workflow for Not-Placed Objects when using Collaboration Projects PT-2750

- New: Add Link Configuration, Calculation, PropertiesPalette, and PDMDataCache files to MISC database also for Non-Collaboration projects PT-3376

- New: Locking mechanism for PDMDataCache files for Non-Collaboration projects PT-3584

- New: Improved performance when handling PlantTools configuration file with PlantReporter/PlantDataManager for Collaboration Projects PT-3413

- New: Disregard unsupported AutoCAD Versions PT-3467

- New: Show drawing name inside GridViews if Drawing Number is not set PT-3515

- New: Download rcf and layout file when selecting PlantReporter Reports if PlantReporter is set to Project when using Collaboration projects PT-3498

- Change: Rework of handling Relationship Types with PlantDataManager/PlantSepcDriven PT-3546

- Change: Relationship Types dialog converted to DevExpress PT-3548

- Change: Writing accepted/rejected changes in the ChangeLog database through PlantDataManager Plugin is now deactivated by default PT-3542

- Change: Redesigned Find & Replace dialog to use DevExpress controls and show tooltips to see which wildcards can be used PT-3538

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager keeps a lock on the PDMDataCache if project is closed but PlantDataManager is still open PT-3566

- Bug fix: Using Refresh right after saving shows saving dialog #01181 and asks if you want to save before refresh PT-3544

- Bug fix: When showing all objects in PlantDataManager Plugin the classes and rows with no changes are not shown PT-3533

- Bug fix: Error when using CTRL+S when first clicking under the grid PT-3496

- Bug fix: Sub Nodes in Relationship Panel don't show the Tag PT-3463

- Bug fix: Project Data (PlantExpressTools Properties Palette) and Drawing Data (PlantExpressTools Properties Palette) views show wrong DevExpress Style PT-3451

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager settings don't use a combo box control for the setting when clicking the refresh button PT-3224

- Bug fix: When using the 'Project Data (PlantExpressTools Properties Palette)' view, the property name is used for the column instead of the display name PT-3432

- Bug fix: Error message when using 'Refresh' button in PlantDataManager Plugin with no project being open PT-1928

- Bug fix: The Data Grid of the Data Viewer uses the current style instead of using the light style PT-2559

- Bug fix: Wrong background color for selected node in Relationship Tree PT-3429

- Bug fix: Reinstating the Relationship functionality within PlantDataManager PT-3427

- Bug fix: Unneeded error in Log file when importing an xlsx file PT-3290

- Bug fix: Error when trying to import an xlsx file which is still open in Excel PT-3291

- Bug fix: PlantTools Configuration files weren't created when using Collaboration projects PT-3430

- Bug fix: Values aren't deleted when importing from xlsx PT-3452

- Bug fix: xlsx file cannot be overridden when exporting if it was imported before PT-3453

- Bug fix: Tag in PropertiesPalette doesn't get updated when using the Assign Tag dialog PT-3573

- Bug fix: Checking if a Tag is unique falsely considers Tags marked as changed PT-3574

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager shrinks UI above the Views section too much PT-3585

- Bug fix: Import Success dialog appears again PT-3576

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager didn't save added changes PT-3598

Version (01.12.2023)

- New: Improved text information in Progress Panels when downloading, checking out/in, or removing PlantTool files PT-2486

- New: Temporarily disabled NPO functions when using Collaboration projects PT-2741

- New: Warning dialog when using PlantTools with Collaboration projects with AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022 or lower PT-2573

- New: Speed improvement when opening a Collaboration project in PlantDataManager and PlantReporter PT-2639

- New: Removal of unused Properties from PropertiesPalette configuration PT-2538

- New: Validate external column name while loading/initializing extended link PT-2707

- New: Links are not active right away when opening a project PT-2708

- New: Do not Check In/Out/Download PlantTools files when using Vault projects PT-2749

- New: Workspace change restores PlantTools Palettes visibility again PT-3095

- Change: CSV Export Progress Bar doesn't show a counter PT-2532

- Change: PlantExpressTools settings dialog and PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette settings dialog can be resized now PT-2681

- Bug fix: PlantTools ribbon shows 'PlantDataManager' section twice or more after switching workspaces twice or more PT-2745

- Bug fix: PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml will not be downloaded on project load PT-2751

- Bug fix: Error when trying to edit properties of ungrouped Line Groups in P&ID or 3D PT-2622

- Bug fix: P3d Line Group class not showing in Project Data or Drawing Data views PT-2610

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager/PlantReporter cannot get accorconsole.exe instance in time PT-2598

- Bug fix: PT_ObjectType is exported twice if the property is visible PT-2537

- Bug fix: Error when importing CSV data into PlantDataManager if there are duplicate columns PT-2531

- Bug fix: Error when importing XLSX data into PlantDataManager if there are duplicate columns PT-2530

- Bug fix: Links are not active right away when opening a project PT-2683

- Bug fix: Function to remove duplicate ACPlantTools folder from MISC database PT-2461

Version (04.08.2023)

- Bug fix: Update needed because of old digital certificate was used Details

Version (03.08.2023)

- New: Support of Calculation configuration files when using Collaboration project PT-2389

- New: Support of PropertiesPalette configuration file when using Collaboration project PT-2405

- New: Implementing a File and Folder Watcher for PlantTools configuration files to check which PlantTools files must still be downloaded for Collaboration projects PT-2411

- New: Added File and Folder watcher to invalidate cached settings when settings files are changing PT-2423

- New: Excel work sheets are not set into protected mode when exporting to Excel PT-2518

- Bug fix: The order of properties in the PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette gets ignored PT-2379

- Bug fix: For Collaboration projects, when clicking on Save in PlantDataManager, the PDMDataCache file is set to Read-Only if the file was just created PT-2409

- Bug fix: Clicking an Cancel when closing the project will set the PDMDataCache to read-only for Collaboration Projects PT-2410

- Bug fix: Ex-/Import function failed in PlantDataManager, because the wrong DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll was used PT-2513

- Bug fix: When exporting to csv leading 0 of property values will be removed PT-2514

- Bug fix: When importing from CSV acquired properties aren't set to override if necessary PT-2515

- Bug fix: Empty column name in CSV results in error when importing PT-2516

- Bug fix: If a text contains the Windows delimiter character, the text will be wrapped in quotation marks when exporting a CSV PT-2517

- Bug fix: Acquisitions get incorrectly/unnecessary changed when importing from Excel PT-2496

Version (07.06.2023)
- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024 PT-2112

- New: Enabled Not-Place Objects functions for Collaboration projects PT-2365

- New: New dialog when creating NPOs with no selected drawing PT-2381

- New: Remove Message Tab from PlantDataManager Settings PT-2387

- New: Show only classes with symbols when creating Graphical Not-Placed Objects PT-2044

- New: Add filtering to 'Add Object with/without graphics' dialog PT-2043

- New: Allow using Non-Engineering Items class when creating Graphical NPOs PT-2291

- New: Prevent Not-Placed Objects from being deleted when executing AUDITPROJECT PT-2320

- New: Support of Calculation configuration files when using Collaboration project PT-2389

- New: Support of PropertiesPalette configuration file when using Collaboration project PT-2405

- New: Automatically reload project if PlantDataManager wants to restart after choosing a different AutoCAD version PT-2283

- New: Refresh other user's changes when selecting another class/view PT-2262

- New: Separation of Report Layout from 'Report Configuration File (RCF)' PT-2299

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 22.2.5 for all PlantTools PT-2121

- Change: Log file isn't written in the correct path PT-2141

- Change: The PIDTagFormats.xml is always written without checking if anything changed PT-2224

- Bug fix: PIDTagFormats.xml was written only on Plant 3D closing, but not when closing the project or switching the project PT-2384

- Bug fix: Opening projects < version 2018 ends in endless loop of restarts PT-1756

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager doesn't restart when changing the AutoCAD version PT-2267

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager writes errors in Log file if a Non-BIM project is loaded PT-2286

- Bug fix: When downloading a BIM project using a UDL file for a Link Configuration, the referenced file in the UDL file isn't downloaded in PlantDataManager PT-2223

- Bug fix: CTRL+S didn't keep the PDMDataCache file checked out after it was checked in PT-2301

Version (07.04.2023)
- New: Adapt PlantDataManager to handle PlantLink files for Collaboration Projects PT-2046

- New: Add line in Loading dialog when PlantTools Settings files are loaded PT-2190

- New: Common PlantTools settings (Language, DevExpress Skin, Update Check, Proxy Setings) are moved to PlantProjectSetup PT-289

- New: New Update Installer PT-867

- New: Allow creating NPOs when in 'Project Reports' view PT-2040

- New: Use the last Collaboration Account and Project when using 'Open Collaboration Project...' in PlantDataManager/PlantReporter PT-2095

- Change: Use Retry function when trying to load Collaboration Accounts, Projects and Plant 3D projects PT-2102

- Change: Changing the behavior and terminate accoreconsole.exe when it isn't needed PT-2075

- Bug fix: PlantTools AutoCAD Ribbon descriptions follow current language PT-2226

- Bug fix: Adapt PlantDataManager to include the ACC location (US or EU server) PT-2078

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager doesn't show the 'Collaboration for Plant 3D' dialog if the dialog was open before and the user didn't select a Plant 3D project PT-2101

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager/PlantReporter crash when using 'Open Project' in the 'Collaboration for Plant 3D' dialog, but no Plant 3D project was available PT-2100

- Bug fix: PlantTools don't work with French Plant 3D because the AutoCAD language code wasn't supported PT-2156

- Bug fix: Drawings must be checked out and in in order to accept changes PT-2201

- Bug fix: When deleting all user changes in PlantDataManager, the PDMDataCache with the user's changes gets deleted, but it is still linked to the Misc.dcf file PT-2200

- Bug fix: Checkbox in PlantDataManager Plugin to save and close DWGs after import isn't considered PT-2217

- Bug fix: SymbolsPaletteCustomClasses.xml is create falsely by every PlantTool and not just PlantexpressTools PT-2205

- Bug fix: PIDTagFormats.xml wasn't downloaded when opening a Collaboration project the first time PT-2219

- Bug fix: Collaboration Project was downloaded a second time if it was already downloaded with PlantDataManager/PlantReporter PT-2103

- Bug fix: Wrong properties are edited when data grid is filtered in PlantDataManager PT-2106

Version (02.01.2023)
- New: To avoid data loss, do not delete already saved PlantDataManager changes when saving additional changes PT-1969

- New: Add CTRL+S as a hotkey to save changes when editing data PT-1970

- New: Allow editing the Link Configuration name in the Wizard of PlantLink and PlantDataManager PT-1944

Version (21.11.2022)
- New: Support for opening collaboration projects in PlantDataManager which don't exist in the local work folder yet PT-1871

- New: Added execution of SQL Scripts when loading a project PT-1641

- Bug fix: Check if AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 is installed when trying to open collaboration projects PT-1864

- Bug fix: Export/Import functions use the wrong style for the progress bar PT-1902

- Bug fix: Extended Links aren't showing as Active in PlantLink's main dialog and PlantDataManager's Link Configuration dialog, and don't work PT-1936

- Bug fix: Fixed path to DevX dlls in PlantToolsCommon project PT-1917

Version (26.08.2022)
- New: PlantDataManager and PlantReporter adapted for Collaboration Projects (BIM360/ACC) PT-1623

- New: New Update Installer PT-1714

- Change: Redo of loading dialog to use current skin set in settings dialog PT-1726

- Change: Disable the UI when loading/refreshing project to prevent unexpected results in case the user interacts while loading is being processed PT-1757

- Bug fix: Acquisition Rules aren't considered anymore in PlantDataManager PT-1695

- Bug fix: Duplicate project folder names in MRU (most recently used) list causes an error PT-1751

- Bug fix: Skin 'DarkSkin 2020' is not available in PlantDataManager PT-1730

- Bug fix: Error (Dialog #00487) when opening a project with no MISC database PT-1675

- Bug fix: PropertiesPalette in PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager show double tabs and PnPIDs PT-1663

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager shows error when starting if no Plant 3D is installed PT-1672

Version (27.05.2022)
- Bug fix: Opening Viewer dialog in PlantDataManager shows an error PT-1655

- Bug fix: Exception while importing changes with PlantDataManager Plugin PT-1653

Version (29.04.2022)
- Bug fix: Error when opening a SQL Server project in PlantDataManager when trying to migrate the change log database PT-1616

- Bug fix: Importing CSV/XLS deleted values will not be deleted in PlantDataManager PT-1611

Version (21.04.2022)

- Bug fix: Opening Settings dialog and clicking on OK shows dialog #00316 PT-1613

Version (19.04.2022)

- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 PT-1571

- New: Switching from PnPID to PnPGuid for referencing changes to objects in PDMDataCache PT-1467

- New: Added Settings to enable/disable link configuration and calculation updates on project load PT-1532

- New: Add PnPGuid to the PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager Properties Palette PT-1566

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 21.2.6 for all PlantTools PT-1580

- Change: Remove ACPAssetOwnership table PT-1554

- Change: Hide Project Reports in PlantDataManager if its XML file doesn't exist PT-1597

- Change: Migrate Change Log database from PET_GUID to PnPGuid PT-1556

- Bug fix: Don't use the delimiter of the Windows culture, but the one set in Customize Format' PT-1557

- Bug fix: 'Ready for Import' dialog (#00162) appears in unchanged project when closing PlantDataManager PT-1598

- Bug fix: Double rows in Project Reports in PlantDataManager PT-1596

- Bug fix: Error when leaving PlantDataManager Settings with previously made changes PT-1592

- Bug fix: When using Open a second time the file selector doesn't open PT-1601

- Bug fix: Importing the PDMDataCache with 3D changes in PlantDataManager Plugin results in an error PT-1599

- Bug fix: Relative URIs in other applications caused an FATAL ERROR PT-1563

- Bug fix: Fixed memory leaks in PlantExpressTools & PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette PT-1559

- Bug fix: Editing a row in PlantDataManager (which is deleted from Plant 3D database) caused an exception PT-1509&PT-1510

- Bug fix: When closing a project in PlantDataManager or PlantDataManager Plugin, the PDMDataCache file still has a lock on it PT-1558

- Bug fix: Having an apostrophe in the User Name or PC Name causes problems when accessing PlantTools databases PT-737

Version (10.03.2022)

- Change: Increased performance for Update Calculations in Project command in PlantDataManager PT-1530

- Bug fix: Migration fails because of duplicate PnPIDs in ACPProcessPower and ProcessPower databases PT-1544

- Bug fix: Function to convert GNPOs to NGNPOs and vice versa is deactivated PT-1548

- Bug fix: Deleting a change made in PlantDataManager leaves the cell marked as changes PT-1529

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager wanted to save changes even if there are no changes PT-1552

- Bug fix: The delete button was always disabled for changes made to the 3D database PT-1553

Version (25.02.2022)

- Change: Performance improvements when opening a project in PlantDataManager PT-1520

- Bug fix: Wrong PnPID converted while migrating ACPProcessPower to ProcessPower PT-1525

- Bug fix: Obsolete relationships in ACPProcessPower where the owner doesn't exist anymore PT-1527

- Bug fix: Migration of Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) ignores NPOs not related to a DWG PT-1528

Version (15.02.2022)

- New: Show info dialog if installed PlantTools doesn't have required minimum version PT-1441

- New: Global Language Setting for all PlantTools PT-1417

- New: Using ProcessPower.dcf for Not-Placed Objects PT-1079

- New: Deactivation of NPO features in PlantDataManager for Vault/ACC projects PT-1398

- New: Limit entering string values exceeding field length of the property PT-556&PT-557

- New: Improved speed when exporting data to Excel PT-1449

- New: Cancel Excel Export in PlantDataManager PT-1407

- New: Re-Designed progress bar when importing from Excel PT-1480

- New: Importing string values exceeding field length of the property PT-1422&PT-1445

- New: Update Properties Palette when switching from one tab to another PT-1481

- Change: Re-Designed progress bar when exporting to Excel PT-1408

- Change: Improved performance of 'Show only changed objects' toggle button PT-1443

- Change: Change column ACP_ObjectType to PT_ObjectType when ex-/importing in PlantDataManager PT-1453

- Bug fix: Drag & Drop function in Relationship Panel didn't work anymore PT-804

- Bug fix: CSV Import in PlantDataManager shows 'ObjectType' error PT-1452

- Bug fix: Wrong text when Importing an Excel file where Cells contain reserved XML data PT-1478

- Bug fix: Fix a bug in the algorithm for natural string comparison in PropertiesPalette PT-1482

- Bug fix: Error when importing from Excel if the export was from a filtered data grid PT-1457

- Bug fix: Trying to import changes into drawing sometimes fails (Dialog #01050) PT-1442

- Bug fix: Opening RelationShip Types dialog creates an error (Dialog #00167) PT-1437

- Bug fix: FATAL CRASH when ribbon tooltips should be shown und PlantTools have different language settings PT-1393

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager shows error (Dialog #00172) when changes exceeding field length exist PT-1421

- Bug fix: URLs to Online Documentation are pointing to the wrong location PT-1460

Version (16.12.2021)

- New: Export only data from data grid which are 'visible' PT-227

- New: Acquisition mode isn't change to 'override' when importing data from Excel PT-1405

- New: Adding Project and Drawing properties to PlantExpressTools/PlantDataManager Calculation PT-719

- New: Removed export of PID Tag Formats on project close in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-1051

- Change: Enable Save/Close Dialog in PlantDataManager when loading changes which aren't ready for import PT-1414

- Change: Improved performance when importing Excel PT-976

- Change: Removed success dialogs when ex- or importing data to and from Excel PT-1406

- Bug fix: Old Icon in 'Accepting Changes' dialog PT-1413

- Bug fix: Using cancel in the dialog which shows changes by multiple-users deleted the changes PT-1412

- Bug fix: Changes by multiple users aren't shown in cyan in PlantDataManager Plugin anymore PT-1411

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin doesn't show the correct properties and values when selecting a class on the GNPO tab PT-1409

- Bug fix: Expression and Property Name are lost when selecting another class node in PlantExpressTools/PlantDataManager Calculation function PT-1394

- Bug fix: Error (Dialog #00128) when trying to edit PipeLineGroup data or when opening the project in general PT-1390

- Bug fix: When selecting PlantReporter Reports no context menu is needed PT-713

- Bug fix: Importing Excel files of Project Reports with properties from a parent class disregard changes from that column PT-1323

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin doesn't close drawings when using 'Drawing Data' view and 'Accept All' changes PT-1342

- Bug fix: Changed text color after Not-Placed Object are shown in data grid PT-1061

- Bug fix: Changing order in PlantDataManager Plugin leaves changed cells where they are PT-1169

- Bug fix: Freeze Panes doesn't work correctly when having changed the order of columns PT-714

- Bug fix: Pasting into Auto-Filter control copies value into previously selected cell and not in Auto-Filter control PT-1063

- Bug fix: Enabling PlantDataManager Plugin Auto-Filter created an error PT-1018

- Bug fix: 'Review Changes' when opening a drawing doesn't filter for the drawing in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-817

- Bug fix: Cannot override another users change with the current DB value PT-1125

- Bug fix: Error messages when opening a drawing PT-1375

Version (08.11.2021)

- New: Adding checkbox in wizard for link configurations to prevent using links in PlantDataManager PT-1333

- Bug fix: Enabling/Disabling of links isn't considered instantly in PlantDataManager PT-1351

Version (18.10.2021)

- New: Create and Fill PET_GUID for PlantDataManager Plugin on module initialization PT-1283

- Change: Improved loading speed in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-1315

- Change: Execute zoom extents before saving the drawing in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-1316

- Change: Enable scrollbar when GridControl is in Edit mode PT-1322

Version (03.09.2021)

- Bug fix: Registry access error (Dialog #00084) after installing PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter and unsuccessful activation in PlantClashDetection, PlantLink, PlantSync, PlantSpecDriven PT-1295

- Bug fix: UDL files for Oracle databases weren't supported in Link Configurations PT-1231

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager showed unneeded history icons in data grid PT-1193

- Bug fix: Popup History Grid showed records of imported changes of PlantDataManager Plugin PT-1194

- Bug fix: Error when loading ACPChangeLog.dcf during project opening (Dialog #00158) PT-1190

Version (13.07.2021)

- Change: New PlantDataManager Plugin import notification dialogs PT-1097

- Bug fix: Plant 3D multiplied PlantTools ribbon icons and got very very slow when switching between work spaces several times PT-1117

- Bug fix: Slow Plant 3D performance when PlantTools Plugin cannot acquire a network license PT-1113

- Bug fix: Linked Virtual Properties aren't shown in PlantDataManager PT-1108

- Bug fix: Excel file not imported completely if empty columns or rows existed PT-1106

Version (24.04.2021)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2022 PT-1024

- New: auxaliaLicenseManager automatically runs "Check for Updates..." PT-160

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 20.2.6 PT-1040

- Change: No support for AutoCAD P&ID 2016/2017 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016/2017 PT-1032

- Change:Changed Trial Period from 30 to 14 days PT-975

- Change: More informative licensing dialogs Details

- Bug fix: Data in drawing weren't always updated when accepting all changes PT-977

- Bug fix: Records in PDMDataCache database weren't deleted when accepting changes when using SQL Server PT-971

- Bug fix: Error when Switching to Project Reports in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-970


Version (10.02.2021)

- New: Show only records of suitable link property values PT-939

- New: Multi-Select in PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin when selecting drawings PT-821

- New: Adding setting into PlantProjectSetup to control the history icon in PlantDataManager data grid PT-790

- New: Adding a toggle button into the PlantDataManager toolbar to show only rows with history icons PT-791

- New: Added a new orange history icon to show unsaved values PT-787

- New: Adding Logging settings in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-789

- New: Showing icons for selection lists (Combo Box), acquisition modes, Tag Edit PT-799

- New: Additional view for PlantDataManager for Change Log data PT-794

- Change: PlantDataManager resets grouping, filtering and column settings when clicking on the refresh button PT-897

- Change: Trigger saving Change Log after changes are accepted in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-835

- Change: Replace WinForms controls with DevX in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-627

- Change: Increase performance when accepting/rejecting changes in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-722

- Change: Adding UNDO icon in content menu for restoring values from the Change Log PT-813

- Change: The state of the toggle buttons in PlantDataManager will be reset when a project is loaded PT-814

- Change: Remove Project Settings in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-788

- Change: Speed improvement in data grid PT-798

- Change: Increase performance when saving changes in PlantDataManager PT-721

- Change: Added ClassName, PCName and PET_GUID when accepting/rejecting changes in PlantDataManager Plugin PT-704

- Change: Changing TimeStamp Format and ProjectType Content in ACPChangeLog.dcf-->ChangeLog table and PDMDataCache.dcf-->DataCache table PT-729

- Bug fix: Value of overridden property is not stored in Data Cache Database PT-951

- Bug fix: Column Width in Properties Palette is reset to its Default Value every time an object is selected PT-902

- Bug fix: 'Ready for Import' state isn't stored when closing a project PT-935

- Bug fix: Combobox Controls in Explorer Panel get cut off if panel gets to narrow PT-938

- Bug fix: Error message when using Find and columns are hidden PT-795

- Bug fix: Data Grid doesn't use the color setting for NPOs PT-800

- Bug fix: Relationship Tree didn't show NPO coloring when node is active PT-801

- Bug fix: Loss of text color of NPOs when editing values PT-811

- Bug fix: Error when selecting a record in PlantDataManager and the project is using UNC paths with exclusive access to the project PT-785

- Bug fix: Error when selecting a record in PlantDataManager and the project is using UNC paths and one drawing of the project is open in P3D PT-784

- Bug fix: History symbols didn't appear in all tabs in the PropertiesPalette where the same property is used PT-786


Version (12.10.2020)

- Bug fix: Error when trying to open the Properties Palette, but there is no ChangeLoggingSettings.xml file present PT-772


Version (09.10.2020)

- New: Change Logging PT-364

- Change: Replacing standard Windows Message boxes with our own dialogs PT-743

- Change: Implemented F1 to open our own browser PT-754

- Bug fix: Properties with Selection Lists lost focus after the first character was typed in PT-724

- Bug fix: Cannot change acquisition mode in Properties Palette PT-725


Version (06.08.2020)

- Change: The BIM icons is shown when opening a project from the local BIM work folder PT-711

- Bug fix: Since release changes weren't shown in PropertiesPalette and RelationShips to other classes weren't considered PT-701

Version (06.07.2020)

- New: Calculation function allow creating GUIDs PT-656

- Change: Resizable Combobox controls in PlantExpressTools Properties Palette PT-650

- Bug fix: Properties Palette didn't show the DisplayNames for 3D Objects PT-652

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin buttons sometimes required clicking twice to execute the function PT-657

Version (19.06.2020)

- New: Remove changes of current user PT-385

- New: Change GNPOs into NGNPOs and vice versa PT-460

- Change: Showing warning dialog when using "Reject All" in Plugin PT-536

- Change: Uninterrupted import in case one or more drawings are used by other users PT-400

- Change: Changed tree in PlantDataManager Plugin to use DevExpress control for multi-selecting drawings PT-614

- Change: Uncheck selected drawings after 'Accept/Reject All' PT-611

- Change: PlantDataManager Plugin showed the DWG Title not the Filename PT-641

- Change: Enable Find Panel and Auto Filter Row by default PT-647

- Bug fix: Improvements for Display Names for the Properties Palette when selecting objects from different classes where the same Property has different Display Names PT-644

- Bug fix: Folders and drawings didn't show in alphabetical order PT-600

- Bug fix: DWG Tree wasn't filtered when using 'Show only changes' PT-626

- Bug fix: DWG Tree in PlantDataManager Plugin wasn't filtered when using 'Show only changes' PT-636

- Bug fix: Error when opening project from an UNC path PT-612

- Bug fix: Changes are still shown after they had been imported PT-610

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin doesn't refresh the current grid when using the show only changes toggle PT-642

- Bug fix: Freeze Panes doesn't work as in Excel anymore PT-646

Version 3.0.1 (25.04.2020)

- Bug fix: Mapped fields defined as read-only weren't colored

- Bug fix: Column settings weren't stored when "Hide empty columns" was used

- Bug fix: Tooltips for toolbar buttons in German setting showed English texts

Version 3.0 (23.04.2020)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2021

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.2.7

Version 2.5 (07.04.2020)

- New: Introducing DevExpress styles to change main UI for example to dark mode

- New: Checkbox in Properties Palette to toggle between showing only the common properties of multiple selected classes or all properties

- New: PlantDataManager can Show/Hide all unchanged objects as PlantDataManager Plugin can already do

- Change: Moved Buttons from Add-Ins to PlantTools ribbon

- Change: Internal Cleanup - Reduction of dlls

- Change: If selecting Drawing Data in PlantDataManager Plugin to import changes only of selected DWGs, "Accept/Reject All" accepted/rejected all project changes

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin showed overlapping nodes in drawing and class tree if Windows scaling is > 100%

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager's closing dialog trimmed the lower part of the dialog if Windows scaling is > 100%

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin was setting the data source multiple time during loading data

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin didn't trigger AttributeFlow properly when changes are accepted

Version 2.4.1 (28.10.2019)

- Change: New program icons and ribbon images

Version 2.4 (04.10.2019)

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.6

- Bug fix: Slow speed and crashes when scrolling horizontally introduced with version 2.3

- Bug fix: Type-O in view selection (Drawing Data (PlantExpressTools Project Palette) --> Drawing Data (PlantExpressTools Properties Palette))

- Bug fix: NPOs weren't saved when closing the project

- Bug fix: Excel export removed property value with just spaces

Version 2.3 (30.07.2019)

- New: Show in-use values when multi-selecting in PlantExpressTools's Properties palette

Version 2.2 (18.07.2019)

- Bug fix: Error message when importing NULL values in PlantDataManager Plugin

- Bug fix: Added dependency: "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" when installing the PlantTool

Version 2.1 (13.06.2019)

- Bug fix: Error message when filtering for multiple columns in the grid and then switch to another class

Version 2.0 (17.05.2019)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.3

Version 1.82 (06.03.2019)

- Change: String properties which contain only number, are now ordered as if they were numerical properties

- Bug fix: In some cases, when importing Excel sheets the following error appeared: "Error in implicit conversion. Cannot convert null objects."

Version 1.81 (15.02.2019)

- Bug fix: Values of numerical properties couldn't be deleted

- Bug fix: Cut & Paste of multiple cells cut only the first cell

Version 1.80 (31.01.2019)

- New: Allowing swapping Tags in PlantDataManager and solving the issue during import

- Change: Separated changes "Ready for Import" from those which aren't ready in the PlantDataManager Plugin User Interface

- Change: When selecting P3D Classes in PlantDataManager "Project Data" will be the default view

- Change: If there are only 3D changes, the Plugin will automatically switch to P3D Classes upon import

- Change: PlantDataManager Plugin doesn't refresh right away anymore when saving the drawing and links or calculations change data

Version 1.79 (22.01.2019)

- New: Added "Filter by Selection", "Filter Excluding Selection" and "Remove Filter" to the context menu of the data grid. It works also when multiple cells are selected

- New: Pasting cells into multiple rows is supported now

- New: Auto-Restart PlantDataManager when project version doesn't match the version setting in PlantDataManager

- Change: PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin delete records in data cache if the object doesn't exist anymore

- Change: No dialog for saving changes, when no changes have been made

- Change: No notifications from PlantDataManager Plugin if there are no changes marked as 'Ready for Import'

- Change: Not only does the PlantDataManager Plugin deletes obsolete records in the data cache, but now also obsolete properties

- Change: Added possibility to use text filter expressions

- Change: Navigation bar for data grid

- Change: PIDTagFormats.xml move from project folder to \ACPlantTools folder

- Change: When accepting/rejecting individual changes which are linked, mapped or calculated through PlantLink or PlantExpressTools Calculation, all properties used in the link or calculation will be accepted/rejected

- Bug fix: Pasting values did not work properly when the grid was filtered, grouped, sorted or columns were removed

- Bug fix: Numeric and Boolean values weren't handled properly between PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin depending on language settings

- Bug fix: Wrong text in info dialog when creating a NPO

- Bug fix: When opening a 3D drawing, the notification didn't work correct, because it checked only the PID changes instead of 3D

- Bug fix: Notification text had a type-o in it

- Bug fix: Checkbox for notification message "Show message when opening a project if changes are ready for import" wasn't always saved

- Bug fix: When deleting records from the data cache, the project part (PID/P3D) wasn't considered

- Bug fix: Creating a line segment as a GNPO and change the size cause an error

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin grid isn't refreshed after some changes are accepted/rejected

- Bug fix: When importing changes in Drawing View the PlantDataManager Plugin switched back to Project View

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin is refreshed if not all changes could be accepted/rejected, because some drawings are in-use by other users

Version 1.78 (10.09.2018)

- New: Single License report PC name to CAD STUDIO server to help our customer support with licensing issues

- Bug fix: Using certain expressions in the filter editor caused an error message

- Bug fix: The relationship palette always opened, because the open/close status wasn't stored

- Bug fix: In case multiple classes were used in a PlantReporter report query, some columns could not be edited in PlantDataManager, or some columns were editable although they shouldn't be

- Bug fix: When creating with PlantDataManager, PlantReporter or MigrationTool the PDMDataCache, ACProject or ACPChangeLog databases on SQL Server the GrantPublicRole wasn't set leading to permission issues

- Bug fix: The status (active/inactive) of the save symbol wasn't set properly

Version 1.77 (20.07.2018)

- New: Introduction of an additional color to see conflicting changes between other and current users

- New: Use of PlantExpressTools properties palette setup in data grid

- Change: Standard Data Grid Control replaced with DevExpress Data Grid Control

- Change: Properties and Relationship palettes are dockable

- Change: Speed improvements for Links

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager didn't store the ClassType in the lcf file

- Bug fix: The reports that were created or updated using DevExpress 17.2.7 ( starting with PlantReporter 1.43) could not be edited in PlantDataManager

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager was able to edit only the data of the first class of a PlantReporter report configuration

Version 1.76 (16.05.2018)

- New: Drawing properties links are shown, but are disabled

- Change: MigrationTool - Keep the .bak file

- Bug fix: MigrationTool - Some newer SQL syntax was used and was not compatible with SQL older than 2016

- Bug fix: MigrationTool - Primary keys and columns with autoincrement were not migrated

- Bug fix: MigrationTool - The length of VARCHAR was not migrated

- Bug fix: MigrationTool - For ACPProcessPower I first check if already exists in SQL server and delete it first to assure no old tables

Version 1.75 (02.05.2018)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2019

- New: SQLite databases created by PlantTools will now use the same database type as the project (SQLite or SQL Server)

- New: A migration tool for PlantTools databases was added to move SQLite databases to SQL Server

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.7

Version 1.74 (07.03.2018)

- New: Changes made by other users are shown in separate color and can be seen in tooltips

- New: Improved data import process for importing changes from multiple users at once

- New: Changes accepted or rejected by a user will be stored in the new change log database

- New: A new properties palette is introduced (also in PlantExpressTools) which allows creating tabs, groups and select and order properties

- Change: Improved notification when opening a project or drawing with pending changes

- Change: Changes by user are stored in [PP]\ACPlantTools\PlantDataManager\DataCache\PDMDataCache.dcf

- Bug fix: Workaround to deal with a bug in SQLite API which caused views using UNION to deliver incomplete result

Version 1.73 (16.12.2017)

- Change: Performance improvements in links handling

- Bug fix: Issues when comparing Non-String properties/fields

Version 1.72 (21.11.2017)

- New: Preview of using report configurations of PlantReporter within PlantDataManager

- Change: Extended links are supported

- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.3

Version 1.71 (03.07.2017)

- New: Optional setting of Override mode

- Change: Options OnProjectLoad and OnInterval removed

- Change: Calculations that contain ACAD properties are disabled

Version 1.70 (23.05.2017)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2018

- Bug fix: Added missing DevExpress dlls in the update package

Version 1.69 (30.03.2017)

- Bug fix: EngineeringItems.Size property for Plant 3D classes wasn’t calculated

Version 1.68 (05.02.2017)

- Change: '?' at the end of a Tag will be exported to Excel now

- Change: The Excel formula for the Tag has been changed so it shows a '?' when a property of the Tag is empty

Version 1.67 (10.12.2016)

- Change: Improved progress bar when exporting to Excel

- Change: Improved speed when exporting to Excel

- Bug fix: Invisible properties used in Tag Format, caused error when exporting to Excel

Version 1.66 (27.10.2016)

- New: Added Calculated Properties

- Change: Ex-/Import function has been revised

Version 1.65 (06.09.2016)

- New: Simple and complex conditions can be used

- New: Mapping of additional AutoCAD® properties ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ, HyperlinkUrl, HyperlinkText, Transparency, LineTypeScale

- Change: Additional texts for linked fields/properties which prevent filtering

- Change: "Assign Data" dialog shows selected datarow in different text color

- Change: Filter editor shows property's display names

- Change: Extended links aren't supported anymore

- Bug fix: Red info text didn't show proper line breaks

- Bug fix: Cascading links weren't always processed fully when using "Assign Tag" dialog

Version 1.64 (11.06.2016)

- New: Borrowing of network licenses

- Bug fix: Automatically install "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" package during setup/update in case is not installed. The package is needed in case no AutoCAD P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 is installed.

Version 1.63 (11.04.2016)

- Change: Autodesk changed API between Beta and Final release of AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 which caused errors

Version 1.62 (07.04.2016)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 64Bit

- Change: The drawings are shown with their DWG file name

Version 1.61 (21.03.2016)

- Bug fix: Error when selecting a heat exchanger dataset

Version 1.60 (03.02.2016)

- Bug fix: Project failed to load if the PID tag formats file was not exported from PlantDataManager Plugin

Version 1.59 (03.02.2016)

- Change: Link configuration wizard shows the available tables and views faster

- Change: Additional info in tooltip in PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin for cells with a change

- Change: Further speed improvements on Copy & Paste

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin didn't show the correct value when changing a property from override to acquire when reloading a project

Version 1.58 (29.01.2016)

- New: Messagebox when opening a project and data transfer files are available for import

- New: When grouping PipeLineGroups or SignalLineGroups the delimiter can be defined in Settings

- New: Acquisition symbol is show near the column name for properties which use acquisitions

- Change: When selecting the dropdown list for the data transfer files the list will be refreshed first to show the currently available files

- Change: Speed improvement when using copy & paste

- Change: Relationship tree shows the class' display name instead of the relationship type

- Change: Text in Settings UI didn't mention the grouping of SignalLineGroups

- Change: Text change in the Setting UI when save & close drawings

- Change: Long project names and project description won't be shown as multiple lines, but with a tooltip

- Bug fix: Spaces weren't imported in PlantDataManager Plugin

- Bug fix: Acquisition's Override/Manual status wasn't read correctly

- Bug fix: The pipeline group/signal line group nodes were displayed with changes(yellow) in drawing view, even if there was no change

Version 1.57 (13.01.2016)

- Change: Speed improvement when loading a project in PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin

Version 1.56 (26.10.2015)

- Change: Excel-Export/Import works even without Excel installed

- Bug fix: Message when exporting to Excel if DisplayName exceeds 31 characters

Version 1.55 (28.08.2015)

- Bug fix: PlantLink didn't work for SignalLineGroups

- Bug fix: Mix-up with radio option buttons in the wizard when modifying ACAD properties

Version 1.54 (14.08.2015)

- New: PipeLineGroups and SignalLineGroups connected by Off-Page-Connectors can be shown as a single entry in PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin. See Setting UI also

- New: When accepting all changes the PlantDataManager Plugin will open only one drawing at a time to avoid memory issues

- Bug fix: A messagebox appears when PlantDataManager tries to open a DataCache file which is already locked by PlantDataManager Plugin

Version 1.53 (01.07.2015)

- Bug fix: Update needed due to a new PnPDataObjects.dll in SP1 for AutoCAD® P&ID 2016 and AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2016

Version 1.52 (27.05.2015)

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin cause an error message for AutoCAD® P&ID 2014

Version 1.51 (13.05.2015)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2016

Version 1.50 (07.04.2015)

-Change: We went back to standard copy & paste functionality. Multicell copying introduced in version was discarded

-Bug fix: Wrong program icon in the title bar

Version 1.49 (19.03.2015)

-Change: Speed improvement when using export/import to/from XLS

Version 1.48 (05.02.2015)

-Change: Improvement when updating links. The mapped data will be checked as well to make sure the mapped data are still valid

-Change: Links show a dialog if multiple records can be found in the linked database

-Change: The local data cache will be deleted when opening a project which is using SQLite and is opened from a network drive (optional)

-Change: PipeLineGroups and SignalLineGroups weren't shown when using drawing views (changes in the PnPDataLink table)

Version 1.47 (17.12.2014)

- Bug fix: Issue with digital signing during Installation

Version 1.46 (04.07.2014)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2015

- Bug fix: Error message when exporting to Microsoft Excel when different Tag formats are used in sub classes

Version 1.45 (02.06.2014)

- New: XLS/CSV data ex-/import

- New: “Save and Close Project” button to unlock the transfer file.

- New: Cut/Copy/Paste multiple cells of one recordset

- New: Freezing pane similar to Microsoft Excel

- Change: The directory for transfer files is now: [Project]\ACPlantTools\PlantDataManager\DataCache. Existing transfer files will be moved automatically

- Change: The directory for the NPO's database is now: [Project]\ACPlantTools\ACPProcessPower.dcf. Existing database will be moved automatically

- Bug fix: Project report view error

Version 1.44 (02.05.2014)

- New: Link configurations can use variables for the path now

- Bug fix: Error message displayed while loading a higher version link configuration and remaining link configurations were not loaded

Version 1.43 (06.03.2014)

- New: PlantTools are available as rental versions

- New: Refresh button to reload link configurations

- New: Link configurations can be deactivated

- New: When mapping "On drawing save" can be used

- Change: The directory for link configurations is now: [Project]\ACPlantTools\PlantLink\LinkConfigurations. Existing link configurations will be moved automatically

- Bug fix: The content of selection lists is sorted now

Version 1.42 (13.02.2014)

- Change: PlantTool is ready for Autodesk's AppStore. The PlantTool icons will be found under "Plugins"

- Bug fix: When selecting multiple cells in the PipeLineGroup class the Copy entry in the context menu was greyed out

- Bug fix: When copying from multiple cells where the column order was changed, the values were inserted in the wrong columns

Version 1.41 (27.01.2014)

- Bug fix: PID Project Reports can be used for editing data again

Version 1.40 (14.01.2014)

- Bug fix: Folders and drawings weren't sorted correctly in the tree

- Bug fix: When editing properties which are used for the PipeLineGroup Tag, if the change wasn't accepted due to duplicate Tags, the property cell was keeping the new entered value, instead of reverting to previous one

- Bug fix: Acquired values can be set to "override" again

Version 1.39 (29.11.2013)

- Bug fix: Data of the Pipe Line Groups weren't imported in version 2014

- Bug fix: Headers of dialogboxes in the German version were fixed

Version 1.38 (12.11.2013)

- Bug fix: Proper detection of AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2014 failed

Version 1.37 (28.10.2013)

- Bug fix: Deleted objects were not handled correctly when importing changes

Version 1.36 (04.06.2013)

- New: Enhanced comunication with ACPlant server to prevent the "417-Expectation failed" error code

- Change: Support for new lcf files due to the new AutoCAD® properties mapping feature of PlantLink

Version 1.35 (20.05.2013)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2014

- New: Support of SQL Server Authentication

Version 1.34 (21.11.2012)

- New: When accepting/rejecting the data from the transfer file the opened drawings can be automatically zoomed to extents, saved and closed.

Version 1.33 (27.08.2012)

- New: When selecting a project a dialogbox shows the progress of loading the project

- New: Support for linking external databases

- New: Editing of drawing properties has been disabled

Version 1.32 (30.05.2012)

- New: Function to register the PlantTools in case AutoCAD® was installed after the PlantTool

- Bug fix: Changes in Plant 3D Nozzles were not imported correctly in PlantDataManager - plugin

Version 1.31 (30.05.2012)

- Change: Icons and Logo

Version 1.30 (23.05.2012)

- Bug fix: Failed to load project when the settings file that stored columns order and width was corrupt.

Version 1.29 (16.05.2012)

- New: Ability to create graphical not placed objects (GNPOs)

- Change: Changed the modeless user interface of the PlantDataManager Plugin to an AutoCAD® palette

Version 1.28 (29.04.2012)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2013

- New: Update to NET 4.0

Version 1.27 (26.03.2012)

- New: Ability to assign place objects to placed objects by drag & drop.

- New: Navigating between related objects (NPOs and POs) by double-clicking in the relationships UI

Version 1.26 (15.03.2012)

- Bug Fix: Error when opening the project after a drawing and placed objects where deleted.

Version 1.25 (06.03.2012)

- Bug Fix: Acquisition properties not handled correctly when overriden

- Bug Fix: Drawings are ordered by name

Version 1.24 (28.02.2012)

- New: Ability to create non-graphical not placed objects (NGNPOs)

- New: Ability to define relationships between objects

Version 1.23 (13.02.2012)

- New: Ability to edit Tags (auto-generated values are not supported)

- New: Ability to use acquisition rules

Version 1.22 (07.12.2011)

- Bug fix: Calculated properties were not handled correctly

Version 1.21 (26.09.2011)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2012

- Change: Changing side menus to classic pulldown menus

- Bug fix: When the same property name was used in different classes the changes weren't saved correctly in the transfer file

Version 1.20 (06.06.2011)

- Bug fix: Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V keyboard shortcuts were not working

- Bug fix: When using an invalid filter, a loop of error messages was displayed

- Bug fix: Copying multiple cells from Excel was not pasted correctly

Version 1.19 (06.04.2011)

- New: The expiration date will be shown in the info box and a message box 14 days prior to the expiration date will be shown.

- Change: The test phase was changed from 100 attemps to 30 days trial period

Version 1.18 (02.02.2011)

- New: Autocomplete and "Restrict values to selection list" can be defined in the setting

- Bug fix: When using selection lists in the properties dialogbox multiple cells were selected

Version 1.17 (02.11.2010)

- New: Plant 3D properties can be edited now

- New: Update to NET 3.5

- New: Addition command line switches /PID and /P3D for starting PlantDataManager

- Bug fix: Error when zooming in the PlantDataManager Plugin

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager Plugin remembers "Zoom", "Show Revision Clouds" and "Show all objects" flags

Version 1.16 (11.10.2010)

- New: Faster speed with big projects

- New: Switch to online documentation

Version 1.15 (29.08.2010)

- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID 2011

Version 1.14 (27.06.2010)

- New: Multiselection of object and editing the data in the properties box

Version 1.13 (07.06.2010)

- Bug fix: Error when trying to import data for P&ID objects that do not exist anymore

Version 1.12 (18.05.2010)

- New: Support for the P&ID objects within AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2010/2011

- Bug fix: Data in custom views incorrect for AutoCAD® P&ID 2010 and 2011

Version 1.11 (21.04.2010)

- Change: Outbound port for activation requests changed from 19800 to 80

Version 1.10 21.03.2010)

- New: Proxy server support

- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D - for P&ID objects only

- Bug fix: The properties box cell color wasn't updated when value changed

Version 1.9 (01.02.2010)

- New: Enhancements of download process

Version 1.8 (20.12.2009)

- New: Hide blank columns (PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin)

- New: Refresh data when selecting a node or using the Refresh button in the toolbar

- New: Cut/Copy/Paste

- New: Find&Replace (PlantDataManager) and Find (PlantDataManager Plugin)

- New: Filtering (PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin)

- New: Change log (PlantDataManager Plugin)

- New: Save Separators on the main user interface between left column and data grid and between views and drawings (PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin)

- New: Save/Import/Export column width and order (PlantDataManager)

- New: Localization of classes and properties (PlantDataManager and PlantDataManager Plugin)

- New: DWG TrueView integrated

- New: Extended sorting, multiple columns

Version 1.7 (17.09.2009)

- New: Central documentation for all PlantTools

- Bug fix: Error when using valve list report

Version 1.6 (06.09.2009)

- New: Network licensing

Version 1.5 (18.05.2009)

- Bug fix: PlantDataManager plugin was not loading automatically in AutoCAD® P&ID 2010.

Version 1.4 (10.05.2009)

- New: Added support for AutoCAD® P&ID 2010.

Version 1.3 (16.03.2009)

- New: Remember main window's last size and position.

- New: The changed fields are colored in the Properties form too.

- New: When the data transfer file cannot be saved to the default location, the user may choose another location.

- Bug fix: When selecting a custom view which contained levels with Size column it was crashing.

- Bug fix: error msg when selecting "Project Reports".



- New: Revision clouds

- New: Settings

- New: Help

- New: Show only the available data caches in the combo box.

Version 1.2 (23.02.2009)

- Bug fix: When closing PlantDataManager Plugin the locked project wasn't released. This cause error when trying to select another project and the PlantDataManager user couldn't work on the project

- New: PlantDataManager Plugin uses the same colors as PlantDataManager.

Version 1.1 (23.02.2009)

- New concept. The data will not be written directly to the database anymore. The data edited by PlantDataManager will be written to an XML file. The XML file will be read by the PlantDataManager Plugin. In the Plugin the CAD user can accept or reject the changes.

Version 1.0 (19.01.2009)

- First Version to sell.