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Systems Requirements
•Windows XP - Windows 11
•AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020 - 2025
Version (28.02.2025)
- New: Adapted Version/Revision/Compare function for Collaboration Projects PT-4434
As a first step we make the version/revision/compare function available for Collaboration Project using the same workflow as before and store the data in the \ACPlantTools\ACProject.db. |
- New: Including the Date/Time and User Name in the selection list when selecting the Version/Revision when comparing PT-4388
The selection lists for Previous and Newer Version/Revision show: •Version or Revision •VersionNumber •DateTime •UserName The list is also ordered by the DateTime value. Oldest at the bottom.
- New: Adapt PlantReporter UIs to DevExpress PT-4556
All PlantReporter user interfaces were updated to DevExpress controls.
- Bug fix: Texts for Proxy Settings aren't changed right away when switching the language setting PT-4103
When switching the language, the labels for the proxy settings are not updated, but all other labels.
- Bug fix: Error Opening Collaboration Project on First Download via PlantDataManager/PlantReporter with 2025 PT-4546
When attempting to open a Collaboration Project via PDM or PR that has not yet been locally downloaded, an error is displayed stating that the project file cannot be found. This issue is specific to setups using the 2025 and does not occur with earlier versions. |
- Bug fix: Versioning/Revisioning UI always opens in the top left hand corner of the screen in PlantReporter PT-4553
The user interface to create versions/revisions always opens in the top left hand corner of the screen.
- Bug fix: Previous Version/Revision value is always 0/A PT-4554
The value of the Previous Version is empty at the beginning (which is correct), but when it is 0 after that, it will stay 0 forever and not show the correct previous version.
Version (15.11.2024)
- New: Query now shows the Class and Property Display Names PT-4195
When starting PlantReporter with Command line parameter the parameters weren't passed through from the PlantReporter.exe to the PlantReporter.FrameWork.exe or PlantReporter.NetCore.exe.
- New: Redesign of Version/Revision dialog PT-4387
The button Create without versioning be be changed as another option.
- New: Order Versions/Revisions chronologically in Selection Lists when comparing PT-4394
The comboboxes when selecting the previous and newer version/revision show the versions and revisions in chronological order from newest at the top and oldest at the bottom. |
- New: Adding type of version/revision as variables for the report file name PT-2597
We added two new variables REVTYPE1 and REVTYPE2 which holds V or R. The variables can then be used in the Export file path.
- Bug fix: Command line parameters aren't passed through from PlantReporter.exe to PlantReporter.FrameWork.exe/PlantReporter.NetCore.exe PT-4335
When starting PlantReporter with Command line parameter the parameters weren't passed through from the PlantReporter.exe to the PlantReporter.FrameWork.exe or PlantReporter.NetCore.exe. |
- Bug fix: Report Layout files of version 22.2 aren't downloaded PT-4341
When opening a Collaboration project the PlantReporter layout files of version 22.2 weren't downloaded. Only the rcf files. |
- Bug fix: Error when ordering Plant 3D projects in Open Collaboration Project dialog PT-4271
When opening a Collaboration Project in PlantReporter or PlantDataManager an error appeared.
Version (28.08.2024)
- New: Update to Plant 3D 2025 and DevExpress 23.2.6 PT-3326
PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2025. PlantTools support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2020 - 2025 now. Updated DevExpress controls and tools to version 23.2.6 in all PlantTools. |
- New: Show AutoCAD Version in title of PlantDataManager/PlantReporter PT-4154
The title of PlantDataManager and PlantReporter shows the set AutoCAD version now.
- Change: Adapt Plant Report Layout Version Check PT-4132
Due to the upgrade to DevExpress 23.2.6 the layout files must be updated as well. If you have PlantReporter set to 2025, you first need to change the setting to 2024 again in order for PlantReporter to be able to migrate the layouts. Otherwise you will see this dialog: During the migration of the layout you will be shown a progress bar. After the layout have been migrated you can switch back to 2025. |
- Bug fix: Preview and Print/Export buttons will not be activated anymore, if a report but no project was selected PT-4118
To avoid an error message the Preview and Print/Export buttons will be deactivated now in case no project has been selected, but a report configuration. |
Version (26.04.2024)
- New: Implementing a File Watcher to monitor the CLI file content for support cases PT-3455
A file watcher is implemented to check which communication between PlantDataManager/PlantReporter and the acccoreconsole.exe is exchanged. This is especially useful when helping customers with support. Details can be found under File Watcher. |
- New: Add PlantTools configuration files to the MISC database for Non-Collaboration projects PT-3376
When using Collaboration projects PlantDataManager and PlantReporter adds configuration files (e.g. for links, calculation, reports and so on) to the MISC database to have them shown under the Related Files folder in Project Manager. This is also important when using Create Project Backup with Project Manager, that these PlantTools configuration files are also backed up. The following files are handled: •Report Configuration Files (rcf) & Layout Files (*.layout.xx.x) & ReportConfiguration.Collection.xml •Link Configuration Files (lcf) & Related Files (udl, SQLite, accdb, mdb, xlsx, xls) & LinkConfiguration.Collection.xml •SQL Scripts (sql) •Calculation Configuration Files (calc) & CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml •PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml •PDMDataCache_[USERNAME].dcf •NPO_[DWGGUID].xml |
- New: Copy Report Configuration Files when changing the location in the Settings PT-3313 & 3314
When changing the Report Files Location you can now also have the lcf and layout files be copied to the new location. In addition, you will see the same 4 button as we have in other PlantTools functions (Calculations (PET/PDM), Link Configurations (PL/PDM), Spec Driven Configurations (PSD), List Function (PET), Selection List Function (PET))
- New: Checking for Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) which haven't been imported before printing PT-3431
Similar to considering changes in PDMDataCache which haven't been imported yet, we also check of NPOs or Relationsships which haven't been imported yet. In the settings we adapted the text to indicate the change of both file types.
- New: Adapt PlantReporter to use split data cache files when checking for unimported changes PT-3540
Because PlantDataManager is now using PDMDataCahce files per user, PlantReporter needed to be adapted as well in order to check for changes which haven't been imported yet when Printing/Exporting reports.
- New: Improved performance when handling PlantTools configuration file with PlantReporter/PlantDataManager for Collaboration Projects PT-3413
When PlantDataManager/PlantReporter check or need to download the files referenced in the collection files it will be done now in a batch process to reduce the number of calls to the accoredconsole.exe. |
- New: Disregard unsupported AutoCAD Versions PT-3467
When retrieving information from the registry about the installed version we disregard ACAD versions which the installed PT don’t support. E.g. a customer has 2025 installed, but the installed PTs support only 2019-2024. |
- Bug fix: Error when using 'Browse For Folder' dialog to select Export Path for reports PT-3501
When creating a new report configuration clicking on the .. button to select a path for the location of the output an error appeared. |
Version (01.12.2023)
- New: Improved text information in Progress Panels when downloading, checking out/in, or removing PlantTool files PT-2486
if PlantTools download/check out, check in, or remove one of its configuration files we now show a progress panel with the file name and path to see which file is handled.
- New: Speed improvement when opening a Collaboration project in PlantDataManager and PlantReporter PT-2639
The number of commands to download the various PlantTools configuration files was reduced to greatly reduce the time when downloading the PlantTools files. |
- New: Do not Check In/Out/Download PlantTools files when using Vault projects PT-2749
With PlantTools version (first support for Plant 3D 2023) we linked the PlantTools files (located under [PROJECT]\ACPlantTools) into the MISC.dcf database so the PlantTools files appear under the Related Files folder in Project Manager. However, this cause a problem with Vault projects when we started to check in/out/download the PlantTools files for Collaboration projects in later versions. Now the PlantTools files are still linked into the MISC.dcf, but they are not checked in/out/downloaded anymore if current project is using Vault. You can now just copy PlantTools files from another project or template project into your Vault project and open the project in Plant 3D again. Alternatively, you can follow the Workflow with Vault and PlantTools. |
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager/PlantReporter cannot get accorconsole.exe instance in time PT-2598
When PlantDataManager/PlantReporter use Collaboration projects the accoreconsole.exe will be started in the background to execute the BIM functions (refresh, check out/in, , download). Sometimes the start of accoreconsole.exe took to long. Now they retry till the accoreconsole.exe is ready. |
- Bug fix: Error when comparing versions/revisions with different values if the property is used in the filter expression PT-1971
Comparing versions/revisions of reports where an expression is used in the layout results in an error message.
- Bug fix: Comparing reports for 3D parts doesn't show correct coloring and the quantities are missing PT-1054
When creating a comparison report only new parts are shown in green, but the deleted parts don't show with red background at all. Quantity changes are not shown in yellow. In addition, no quantities are shown at all. |
- Bug fix: Error when using 'Browse For Folder' dialog to select Export Path for reports PT-2600
When using the Browse button to select a folder where the reports are supposed to be created and clicking OK... ...this error appeared.
- Bug fix: Error message when selecting some older rcf file PT-2609
Sometime selecting an older RCF file resulted in an error. The error appeared, because PlantReporter wasn't able to change the RCF file into the new RCF+Layout file format.
Version (04.08.2023)
- Bug fix: Update needed because of old digital certificate was used Details
We forgot to update the new digital certificate in the Setup.exe and Update.exe. This is necessary to let Windows and AutoCAD know, that our files are trustworthy. |
Version (03.08.2023)
- Change: Because of compatibility reasons, PlantReporter must be updated as well Details
PlantTools use common code which sometimes make it necessary to update all PlantTools at once even if there are no changes to a specific PlantTool. |
Version (07.06.2023)
- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024 PT-2112
PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024. PlantTools support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019 - 2024 now. |
- New: Automatically reload project if PlantReporter wants to restart after choosing a different AutoCAD version PT-2282
If PlantReporter restarts because of a change of the AutoCAD version setting, a previously loaded project will be reloaded. |
- New: Added execution of SQL Scripts when loading a project PT-2059
Allow the execution of SQL Scripts when a project is loaded. This helps with the creation of views often used for PlantLink. And avoids the manual execution of SQL Scripts when a project has just been created. It is also important when using Collaboration projects, because the views used by PlantLink do not exit when the project is first downloaded to the local work folder. Details under: Execute SQL Scripts on Project Load |
- New: Separation of Report Layout from 'Report Configuration File (RCF)' PT-2299
Due to the fact, that the report layout of DevExpress 22.2.5 isn't backwards compatible with DevExpress 21.2.6 we start to split up the report layout information (stored in the RCF files) in a separate file with the DevExpress version number. This way we don't run into the incompatible issue again in the future, because we can fall back on the previous DevExpress version for the layout. Since Report Configuration files can be used in PlantDataManager too, PlantDataManager will also trigger the separation of the rcf file into 2 files. The new file with the layout info is stored in the [RCFNAME].layout.22.2 file where 22.2 is the current DevExpress version used with the 7.0.0.x PlantTools. |
- New: Filtering Spec Sheets from drawing reports PT-2377
When using the Drawings query option, the Spec Sheets of Plant 3D (stored in the PnPDrawings table in the Piping.dcf database) where also included in the list. Now they are filtered out.
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 22.2.5 for all PlantTools PT-2121
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 22.2.5 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: Deleting Report Configuration Files will move the the files to the Windows Recycle Bin PT-2323
Up until now the RCF file was just deleted when the user deleted a report configuration. Now all files related to the deleted report configuration are moved to the windows Recycle Bin.
- Change: Log file isn't written in the correct path PT-2141
The Log files are written into the %programdata%\ACPlant Consult\PlantTools\Log folder. Existing log files will be moved from the old folder to the new folder. For convenience there is a folder junction in the old location %appdata%\ACPlant Consult\PlantTools\Log
- Change: Remove Groups tab from PlantReporter Settings PT-2331
We removed the grouping function to group Plant 3D projects or other data sources. Therefore the tab in the Settings isn't needed anymore.
- Change: Remove Other Data Sources tab from PlantReporter Settings PT-2332
We removed the ability to use other data sources in PlantReporter. Therefore the tab in the Settings isn't needed anymore.
- Change: Remove Other Data Sources tab from the main form of PlantReporter PT-2333
We removed the ability to use other data sources in PlantReporter. Therefore the tab in the main dialog isn't needed anymore.
- Change: Remove Groups selection from the Project dropdown control PT-2334
We removed the grouping function to group Plant 3D projects or other data sources. Therefore the group selection in the project dropdown list isn't needed anymore.
- Bug fix: Opening projects < version 2018 ends in endless loop of restarts PT-1754
When opening a project with Plant 3D version 2018 or older, PlantReporter set the appropriate version (e.g. 2017 and restarts). After it then automatically opens the project again you get the same message again. This is an endless cycle. Now the user gets the info to first migrate the project.
- Bug fix: PlantReporter resets settings to default values PT-2271
When closing PlantReporter the PlantReporter.xml with the settings was written with default values, but the file wasn't supposed to be written when PlantReporter gets closed. Only when closing the PlantReporter Settings dialog. |
- Bug fix: PlantReporter doesn't restart when changing the AutoCAD version if a project is already loaded PT-2270
When changing the AutoCAD version in PlantReporter Settings with a project already being loaded, PlantReporter didn't start after clicking Yes on dialog #00765.
- Bug fix: PlantReporter writes errors in Log file if a Non-BIM project is loaded PT-2287
When opening a regular network project (not a Collaboration project), then the Log file showed error messages. |
- Bug fix: When downloading a BIM project using a UDL file for a Link Configuration, the referenced file in the UDL file isn't downloaded in PlantReporter PT-2222
PlantReporter and PlantDataManager downloaded the UDL file, but the referenced file in the UDL file (e.g. an MS Access DB) wasn't downloaded. Only when you opened the project again was the referenced file downloaded. |
Version (07.04.2023)
- New: PlantReporter adapted to handle PlantLink files for Collaboration Projects PT-2056
Due to the adaptation of PlantLink for Collaboration Projects, PlantReporter is also handling link configuration files for Collaboration Project. Details regarding the various workflows when using Collaboration Projects can be found under Collaboration Workflows. |
- New: Common PlantTools settings (Language, DevExpress Skin, Update Check, Proxy Setings) are moved to PlantProjectSetup PT-289
As part of the strategy to move all PlantTools settings into PlantProjectSetup, we started moving the common settings Language, DevExpress Skin, Update Check, and Proxy Settings into PlantProjectSetup and make it accessible through all Desktop PlantTools (PC, PDM, PR) and Plugins (PCD, PDM Plugin, PET, PL, PS, PSD). Details can be found under: PlantProjectSetup |
- New: New Update Installer PT-867
As part of the move of the common PlantTools settings (Language, DevExpress Skin, Proxy Settings) we also updated the Update Installer. Details can be found under: Update Installer |
- New: Use the last Collaboration Account and Project when using 'Open Collaboration Project...' in PlantDataManager/PlantReporter PT-2095
When using the dialog to open a Collaboration project, the previously used Collaboration Account and Project will be preset. This behaviour is consistent with AutoCAD Plant 3D.
- Change: Use Retry function when trying to load Collaboration Accounts, Projects and Plant 3D projects PT-2102
The Plant 3D Collaboration API used in PlantDataManager and PlantReporter isn't very reliable. Therefore PlantDataManager/PlantReporter sometime get empty values. This happens for example when PlantDataManager/PlantReporter try to get the available Projects for the user interface. Now we try multiple-times with a delay in between to make sure we get data. |
- Bug fix: Adapt PlantReporter to include the ACC location (US or EU server) PT-2079
The server location of Collaboration projects wasn't considered yet. |
- Bug fix: PlantDataManager/PlantReporter crash when using 'Open Project' in the 'Collaboration for Plant 3D' dialog, but no Plant 3D project was available PT-2100
When you opened the Collaboration for Plant 3D dialog, but no Plant 3D project was available, PlantDataManager and PlantReporter crashed when you clicked on Open Project. |
- Bug fix: PlantTools don't work with French Plant 3D because the AutoCAD language code wasn't supported PT-2156
The AutoCAD language code for French Plant 3D wasn't supported in PlantTools. This effected all PlantTools. |
- Bug fix: Collaboration Project was downloaded a second time if it was already downloaded with PlantDataManager/PlantReporter PT-2103
When a Collaboration project was downloaded with PlantDataManager or PlantReporter first, and the the project was opened with Plant 3D, the project was downloaded again as a copy. |
Version (03.02.2023)
- New: This release is necessary to stay compatible with other PlantTools due to shared files. This release doesn't contain any Bug fixes, Changes, or New functionality Details
PlantTools are using shared/common files which for some releases makes it necessary to release PlantTools, although there is no bug fixing, change or new functions had been implemented. This is especially important when PlantTools are installed or updated in the wrong order. |
Version (21.11.2022)
- New: Support for opening collaboration projects in PlantReporter which don't exist in the local work folder yet PT-1872
PlantDataManager and PlantReporter can now open Collaboration projects which haven't been opened with Plant 3D before and therefore aren't available in the local work folder yet. Before using PlantDataManager or PlantReporter make sure that you have read Using ACC/BIM projects with PlantDataManager and Using ACC/BIM projects with PlantReporter! |
- Change: Improved loading time when opening a project PT-1826
Improved the speed when pre-synching ACP tables when loading the project. |
- Bug fix: Check if AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 is installed when trying to open collaboration projects PT-1864
PlantDataManager didn't check if Plant 3D 2023 was installed which caused error when trying to open collaboration projects.
- Bug fix: Fixed path to DevX dlls in PlantToolsCommon project PT-1917
Some files had a wrong path to the Development Express DLLs in the PlantToolsCommon project, which potentially could could error for some controls. However, that apparently never became an issue. |
- Bug fix: PlantReporter disables the Version/Revision feature PT-1861
In some cases the Version/Revision tab and function was deactivated depending on the 'AutoCAD Version' setting, but the availability is only depending on the project type. For Vault and ACC projects the feature is currently not available. |
Version (26.08.2022)
- New: PlantDataManager and PlantReporter adapted for Collaboration Projects (BIM360/ACC) PT-1623
PlantDataManager and PlantReporter do support Collaboration projects. This is only available for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 and future versions, because if new technology Autodesk implemented in AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023, but not lower versions. Before using PlantDataManager or PlantReporter make sure that you have read Using ACC/BIM projects with PlantDataManager and Using ACC/BIM projects with PlantReporter! |
- New: New Update Installer PT-1714
To avoid issues with different build versions of PlantTools, we now force users to update all installed PlantTools to avoid any issues with shared files between PlantTools. After installing one PlantTool and not updating others you will see the following dialog which allows you to individually download PlantTools or to download all available updates at once (green arrow). The updates will be downloaded and stored in the download folder. After closing the desktop PlantTools (PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter) or closing Plant 3D the downloaded updates will be installed automatically. |
- Change: Disable the UI when loading/refreshing project to prevent unexpected results in case the user interacts while loading is being processed PT-1758
When opening a project in PlantDataManager or PlantReporter the user interface is disabled so the user cannot interact with the user interface while the project is being loaded. Interacting with the user interface caused issued with when loading collaboration projects.
- Bug fix: Duplicate project folder names in MRU (most recently used) list causes an error PT-1752
In cases were a project name appeared multiple times, there could be an issue when opening a project, because the correct path to the selected project couldn't be identified.
- Bug fix: Error (Dialog #00487) when opening a project with no MISC database PT-1675
When opening a project where the MISC database doesn't exist you get an error. This applies typically to old projects where the MISC database didn't exists from project creation on. Only when you added files or folders under 'Related Files' was the MISC database created. The Plugins like PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven and PlantSync will create the file on project load. PlantDataManager and PlantReporter show the following dialog as an info. The project will be loaded anyway. If you extend the dialog you get information on how to create the MISC database.
Version (19.04.2022)
- New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 PT-1571
PlantTools now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023. PlantTools support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2018 - 2023 now. |
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 21.2.6 for all PlantTools PT-1580
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 21.2.6 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: Remove ACPAssetOwnership table PT-1554
The ACPAssetOwnership table in the ProcessPower.dcf (P&ID Database) isn't needed anymore and therefore will be removed. The relationships stored in that table between Placed Objects and Not-Placed Objects used in PlantSpecDriven as already stored |
- Bug fix: Having an apostrophe in the User Name or PC Name causes problems when accessing PlantTools databases PT-737
If the Windows user name contains an apostrophe it cause error when PlantTools tried to access one of its databases (PDMDataCache.dcf, ACProject.db, ACPChangeLog.dcf, ACPProcessPower.dcf) |
Version (10.03.2022)
- Bug fix: Migration fails because of duplicate PnPIDs in ACPProcessPower and ProcessPower databases PT-1544
Because of duplicate PnPIDs in ACPProcessPower and ProcessPower databases the migration failed. |
- Bug fix: PlantReporter installation is missing the DarkSkin2020.dll PT-1542
The installation if PlantReporter was missing the DarkSkin2020.dll. Because of that, PlantReporter didn't even start. |
Version (25.02.2022)
- Bug fix: Wrong PnPID converted while migrating ACPProcessPower to ProcessPower PT-1525
While migrating ACPProcessPower into ProcessPower it could happen that both databases contain the same PnPID. If this PnPID is used inside relationships it happened that the wrong PnPId (the one from ProcessPower and not the one from ACPProcessPower) got converted. This resulted in a silent exception and therefore wasn't obvious to the user. |
- Bug fix: Obsolete relationships in ACPProcessPower where the owner doesn't exist anymore PT-1527
The ACPRelationships table can contain owner PnPIDs where the PnPID doesn’t exist (anymore). Those relationships will be ignored, but written into the log file if you see the following dialog:
- Bug fix: Migration of Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) ignores NPOs not related to a DWG PT-1528
Not-Place Objects that are not linked to a drawing were ignored while migration of the NPOs from the ACPProcessPower to the ProcessPower database, if this object does not have a relationship. |
Version (15.02.2022)
- New: Show info dialog if installed PlantTools doesn't have required minimum version PT-1441
With version 5.0 all PlantTools will be updated to that version. Because of shared resources and code is mandatory that all PlantTools on a machine are updated. If this is not the case the following dialog will appear and lists all the installed PlantTools on a machine and which ones require an update. The PlantTools with the red arrow require an update. The dialog will appear until all PlantTools are updated to the required version.
- New: Global Language Setting for all PlantTools PT-1417
The language of PlantTools can be set globally now. In the Plugins (PlantClashDetection, PlantDataManager Plugin, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantSpecDriven, PlantSync) you can select AutoCAD, English, or German. AutoCAD tells the PlantTools to use the AutoCAD language. If you change the setting, the PlantTools Plugins will change the language of the user interfaces and ribbons instantly. If you select English or German in the Plugins, the Desktop Apps (PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter, MigrationTools and PlantProjectCreate will use this language. If you select a language in one of the Desktop App Settings, all Desktop Apps will use this language and not the AutoCAD language.
- New: Using ProcessPower.dcf for Not-Placed Objects PT-1079
The ACPProcessPower.dcf database hosted the Not-Placed Objects (NPOs) which were created by PlantSpecDriven or PlantDataManager, and also used by PlantReporter. The NPOs will now be stored in the ProcessPower.dcf (P&ID database) directly. This applies to SQL Server projects as well. The advantage is, that when using Vault or ACC/BIM projects, those NPOs will also be check in/out. The first time you open a project PDM, PDM-Plugin, PET, PL, PR, or PSD will migrated an existing ACPProjectPower.dcf and its content into PID's ProcessPower.dcf. If you are updating any of the following PlantTools (PlantDataManager, PlantExpressTools, PlantLink, PlantReporter, PlantSpecDriven) you MUST make sure, that the other PlantTools you have installed are also updated to version 5.0.0.x. |
- New: Deactivation of Version/Revision feature in PR for Vault/ACC projects PT-1399
When using Vault or ACC (BIM) projects the version/revision feature is deactivated. The reason is, that the ACProject.db cannot be checked in/out. We may be able to find a solution with Plant 3D 2023.
Version (24.04.2021)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2022 PT-1027
We now support AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022. The new "Project Compare" is included in PlantProjectManager also. |
- New: auxaliaLicenseManager automatically runs "Check for Updates..." PT-160
PlantTools trigger the "Update License" check of the network license in auxaliaLicenseServer service on your server. auxaliaLicenseServer is checking the license every 15 min to ensure, that your license information (e.g. number of license, expiration dates) are updated automatically without your need for involvement. There is no need to keep the auxaliaLicenseManager open. If a PlantTools is started and it finds an older CADSTUDIOLicenseManager or auxaliaLicenseManager installed on the server, the following dialog shows up. You can decide when you want to be reminded again. The maximum is 2 weeks. After that, you will have a maximum of another week, then another 4 days and so on. That gives you a grace period of 4 weeks till auxaliaLicenseManager must be updated. If you don't do this, you will be reminded every time the PlantTools is asking for a license. |
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 20.2.6 PT-1043
We updated DevExpress controls and tools to the latest version 20.2.6 in all PlantTools. |
- Change: No support for AutoCAD P&ID 2016/2017 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016/2017 PT-1035
We discontinue the support for AutoCAD P&ID 2016/2017 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016/2017. Typically we only removed only one version when adding the newest AutoCAD Plant 3D version, but since hardly any customer is using AutoCAD P&ID 2017 or AutoCAD Plant 3D 2017 anymore we decided to cut off the two oldest versions. Another argument was, that there is no migration needed between 2018 and 2022 which makes it more convenient for customers t use those newer versions. |
- Change:Changed Trial Period from 30 to 14 days PT-975
PlantTools will run run 14 days in trial period before they stop working.
- Change: More informative licensing dialogs Details
Several dialogs informing about anything related to licensing (expiration dates, rental dates, issues with activation and more) have been improved to make it clearer what the dialog is all about. |
- Bug fix: Registry access error (Dialog #00084) after installing PC, PDM, PR and unsuccessful activation in PCD, PL, PS, PSD PT-1295
When installing PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter on a PC a a dialog informed the user about denied access when starting the PlantTools from the Desktop. PlantClashDetection, PlantLink, PlantSync, PlantSpecDriven had to be activated everytime Plant 3D was started, because the registration information couldn't be written either. This happened only when installing the PlantTool for the first time or after uninstalling previous installations. desktop shortcut.
Version (10.02.2021)
- Change: Changing TimeStamp Format and ProjectType Content in ACPChangeLog.dcf-->ChangeLog table and PDMDataCache.dcf-->DataCache table PT-729
PlantDataManager will now also use GMT time zone and UTC format (e.g. 2020-07-16T15:16:26Z) when writing changes into the data cache table. Since the data cache table is also used in PlantReporter to check if there are pending changes in the data cache PlantReporter must also be updated. |
- Change: Implemented F1 to open our own browser Details
When using F1 in PlantCenter, PlantDataManager, PlantReporter, MigrationTool, PlantCenter or any button in the PlantTools or PlantExpressTools ribbon we open our own browser window.
- Change: Replacing standard Windows Message boxes with our own dialogs PT-746
We started to put more information in our Message Boxes to give you more background details to reduce support questions or the need to look into the online documentation. Also, all dialog boxes have a number which helps with support.
Version (06.08.2020)
- Change: Changing TimeStamp Format and ProjectType Content in ACProject.db-->ReportRevision table PT-699
We changed the timestamp stored in the ACProject.db to GMT timezone and UTC format. The ProjectType now shows PnID instead of Pid and Piping instead of P3d. In the ACProject.db we store the version and revisions of reports as well as drawings. |
- Change: The BIM icons is shown when opening a project from the local BIM work folder PT-710
When selecting local BIM project (currently BIM projects cannot be opened directly from BIM 360), we show the BIM icon infront of the project name to indicate that it is a BIM project.
- Change: Updated auxalia logo in report files PT-703
Replaced the old CADSTUDIO logos with the new auxalia logos for all report configurations we deliver with the installation of PlantReporter.
Version (15.06.2020)
- Bug fix: Missing 2021 query files for C:\ProgramData\ACPlant Consult\PlantTools\PlantReporter PT-624
We forgot to include the 2021 query files in the installer. |
- Bug fix: Folders and drawings didn't show in alphabetical order PT-601
The order of folders and drawings in DWG trees in PlantCenter, PlantDataManager and PlantReporter is now consistent with the order in AutoCAD Plant 3D's Project Manager. |
- Bug fix: Error when accessing PDMDataCache when using a UNC path PT-613
When trying to use Print/Export with a project which uses a UNC Path, the following error message appeared. This was due to the fact that PlantReporter wants to access the PDMDataCache.dcf to check if there are changes which haven't been imported yet. |
Version 3.0 (23.04.2020)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2021
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.2.7
Version 2.4 (07.04.2020)
- New: Introducing DevExpress styles to change main UI for example to dark mode
- Change: Internal Cleanup - Reduction of dlls
Version 2.3 (30.10.2019)
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.6
- Bug fix: Missing DevExpress references
Version 2.2.1 (28.10.2019)
- Change: New program icons and ribbon images
Version 2.2 (19.07.2019)
- New: Check for not yet imported data of PlantDataManager data cache
Version 2.1 (18.07.2019)
- New: Support for XLSX and DOCX export formats
- Change: Suppressing prefix and suffix when creating a comparison report when showing only new or only old values
- Change: Replaced radio buttons for dataset comparison with check boxes to allow multiple-choice
- Change: Set "Text Export Mode" for Excel Export to "Text" by default
- Bug fix: The "Fields" option when comparing versions/revisions wasn't implemented correctly
- Bug fix: When comparing revisions, sometimes the following error was shown: "Index was out of range"
- Bug fix: Added dependency: "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" when installing the PlantTool
Version 2.0 (17.05.2019)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020
- New: Auto-Restart PR when project version doesn't match the version setting in PR
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.3
Version 1.46 (02.05.2019)
- Bug fix: When creating with PlantDataManager, PlantReporter or MigrationTool the PDMDataCache, ACProject or ACPChangeLog databases on SQL Server the GrantPublicRole wasn't set leading to permission issues
- Bug fix: Error when ReportRevision didn’t exist
- Bug fix: For SQL projects with SQL Server versions below 2016, some syntax errors were raised when using versions and revisions for reports
Version 1.45 (07.06.2018)
- Bug fix: When multiple classes were used in a query and Not-Placed Objects were included, the object type (PO, NPO) was not considered during class data merging
- Bug fix: Comparing reports didn't work anymore since version
Version 1.44 (16.05.2018)
- Change: MigrationTool - Keep the .bak file
- Bug fix: MigrationTool - Some newer SQL syntax was used and was not compatible with SQL older than 2016
- Bug fix: MigrationTool - Primary keys and columns with autoincrement were not migrated
- Bug fix: MigrationTool - The length of VARCHAR was not migrated
- Bug fix: MigrationTool - For ACPProcessPower I first check if already exists in SQL server and delete it first to assure no old tables
Version 1.43 (02.05.2018)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2019
- New: SQLite databases created by PlantTools will now use the same database type as the project (SQLite or SQL Server)
- New: A migration tool for PlantTools databases was added to move SQLite databases to SQL Server
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.7
Version 1.42 (21.11.2017)
- Change: Extended links are supported
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.3
Version 1.41 (19.10.2017)
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.1.5
Version 1.40 (23.05.2017)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2018
Version 1.39 (26.04.2017)
- New: PlantReport can migrate Autodesk AutoCAD Plant Report Creator files
Version 1.38 (30.03.2017)
- Bug fix: EngineeringItems.Size property for Plant 3D classes wasn’t calculated
Version 1.37 (02.09.2016)
- New: Handling of versions/revisions of reports and being able to compare versions/revisions for differences
- New: New report configuration files for versions/revisions
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 16.1.5
Version 1.36 (11.06.2016)
- New: Borrowing of network licenses
- Bug fix: Automatically install "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" package during setup/update in case is not installed. The package is needed in case no AutoCAD P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 is installed.
Version 1.35 (19.05.2016)
- New: Creating reports from other data sources
- New: Creating groups of AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D projects or other data sources
Version 1.34 (11.04.2016)
- Change: Autodesk changed API between Beta and Final release of AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 which caused errors
Version 1.33 (07.04.2016)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2017 64Bit
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 15.2.7
- Change: The drawings are shown with their DWG file name
Version 1.32 (02.07.2015)
- Bug fix: Update needed due to a new PnPDataObjects.dll in SP1 for AutoCAD® P&ID 2016 and AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2016
Version 1.31 (13.05.2015)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2016
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 14.2.7
Version 1.30 (09.02.2015)
-Change: PipeLineGroups and SignalLineGroups weren't shown when using drawing views (changes in the PnPDataLink table)
Version 1.29 (19.01.2015)
- Change: PlantTool is ready for Autodesk Exchange Apps.
Version 1.28 (04.07.2014)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2015
- Change: The directory for the NPO's database is now: [Project]\ACPlantTools\ACPProcessPower.dcf.
Version 1.27 (06.03.2014)
- New: PlantTools are available as rental versions
- Change: The directory for link configurations is now: [Project]\ACPlantTools\PlantLink\LinkConfigurations. PlantReporter will first check for link configurations at the new location before checking at the old location [Project]\LinkConfigurations.
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 13.2.7
Version 1.26 (15.08.2013)
- Bug Fix: Issue in Report Designer when editing groups
Version 1.25 (19.05.2013)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2014
- New: Support of SQL Server Authentication
- New: Updated to DevExpress 12.1
Version 1.24 (27.08.2012)
- New: Support for linking external databases. Only the link type "Extend" will be used. Links of the "Update" type have to be updated through PlantLink within AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D
Version 1.23 (30.05.2012)
- Change: Icons and Logo
Version 1.22 (25.05.2012)
- New: Support for Graphical Not Placed Objects (GNPOs) created by PlantDataManager
Version 1.21 (29.04.2012)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2013
- New: Update to NET 4.0
Version 1.20 (15.03.2012)
- New: Support for Not Placed Objects (NPOs) created by PlantDataManager
- Change: Filter examples in the query dialogbox adapted for 2012
- Bug Fix: Drawings are ordered by name
- Change: Updated to DevExpress 11.2
Version 1.19 (26.09.2011)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D 2012
- Change: Changing side menus to classic pulldown menus
- Bug Fix: Handvalve relationship xml for 2010 had invalid references
Version 1.18 (07.04.2011)
- Bug fix: used trial DevX (report designer) in version
Version 1.17 (06.04.2011)
- Change: The test phase was changed from 100 attempts to 30 days trial period
- New: The expiration date will be shown in the info box and a message box 14 days prior to the expiration date will be shown.
Version 1.16 (01.12.2010)
- Bug Fix: The controls in query definition windows were not displayed correctly in some cases
Version 1.15 (29.11.2010)
- New: Switch to online documentation
- New: Update to NET 3.5
- Bug Fix: PnPDrawings fields from reports created with previous versions of PlantReporter were not handled correctly
Version 1.14 (08.09.2010)
- New: Using relationships, e.g. a nozzle list delivers the related equipment
Version 1.13 (26.05.2010)
- Bug Fix: When creating a report by drawing, PlantReporter always created a project report
Version 1.12 (29.04.2010)
- Bug fix: Wrong AutoCAD® 2011 Plant 3D dlls for 64bit
Version 1.11 (29.04.2010)
- Bug fix: Error when trying to preview/print some reports
Version 1.10 (25.04.2010)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID 2011 and AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2011
- Bug fix: Pipe Line Groups didn't deliver any results
Version 1.9 (20.04.2010)
- Change: Outbound port for activation requests changed from 19800 to 80
Version 1.8 (02.03.2010)
- New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D. Report can be created from the 3D classes.
- New: Proxy server support
- New: Updated to DevExpress 9.3
Version 1.7 (01.02.2010)
- New: Enhancements of download process
Version 1.6 (09.11.2009)
- New: Updated to DevExpress 9.2
- New: Remember most recently used projects
- New: Now shows Plant 3D projects in the project selection too
- New: Separators and column width in the query user interface will be saved too
- Change: Documentation
Version 1.5 (06.09.2009)
- New: Network licensing
Version 1.4 (11.08.2009)
- New: Updated to DevExpress 9.1.5.
Version 1.3 (09.05.2009)
- New: Added support for AutoCAD® P&ID 2010.
Version 1.2 (27.02.2009)
- Bug fix: when preview or print reports with option one/obj or one/dwg only the first report was generated
- Bug fix: when switching between "Drawings" and "PID Classes" the previously selected classes were lost
- Bug fix: folder structure was not displayed correctly in some cases
- Bug fix: when using parameters in the report designer, the value of the parameter wasn't shown in preview or print.
Version 1.1 (21.02.2009)
- New: Updated to DevExpress 8.3.4
Version 1.0 (19.01.2009)
- First Version to sell.